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Probe Software, Inc.

885 Crest Dr.

Eugene, OR 97405


For JEOL 8900, 8200/8500, 8230/8530, iSP100/iHP200 and Cameca SX100/SXFive sales, please contact:

John Donovan Email
Barbara Donovan Email
(541) 343-3400

Live Internet demonstrations are available. Please contact John or Barbara for more information if you would like a guided live demonstration of the advanced features in the Probe For EPMA and Probe Image software systems for EPMA acquisition, automation, analysis, imaging and quantitative mapping.

End User License Agreement (EULA)

Probe Software offers an unlimited site license for reprocessing of analytical data from your Probe for EPMA equipped electron microprobe instrument. That is, once you purchase our Probe for EPMA software for your electron microprobe instrument for on-line automation, acquisition and analysis of that instrument, every Probe for EPMA user of that instrument may obtain the Probe for EPMA software for off-line data analysis and processing on any computer! Probe for EPMA provides this free off-line license for re-processing of data, including quantitative analysis, standard assignments, background modeling, data export, image export and many other sophisticated data analysis options. Each Probe for EPMA user can take a copy with them for off-line data re-processing on their own office, home or other computer.






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