Author Topic: PeakSight MAC tables  (Read 2495 times)


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PeakSight MAC tables
« on: May 05, 2017, 11:22:40 AM »
Is there any way to update the MAC tables in PeakSight (4.0)? I vaguely remember some discussion about this years ago but can't seem to find it. I know you can update them one by one on a per-analysis basis, but I was curious if there was a way to just update all the things.

If there is no way... well I have some small hope we'll be able to get PfE within the next few years, and in the meantime I can play around with CalcZAF to see if I get any different results (I suspect my main problem is just a matrix mismatch between our aluminum standards and the crazy stuff chemistry is pumping out, but I also occasionally have geological analyses for which cross-standard comparison returns odd values for aluminum, say in albite vs anorthite).