Author Topic: P&H REE oxide set  (Read 3106 times)


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P&H REE oxide set
« on: October 22, 2017, 08:55:40 PM »
Hi all
I was hoping someone could help me identify a REE oxide mount I found tucked away that I have somehow missed over the years. It is labelled "P&H REE2O" and has six glasses mounted on it. As far as I can determine from EDS, their element content is as follows:

1) Pure Si-Al-Ca glass - no REE
2) Si-Al-Ca glass +Nd-Tb-Lu
3) Si-Al-Ca glass +La-Sm-Ho-Yb
4) Si-Al-Ca glass +Ce-Eu-Ho-Tm
5) Si-Al-Ca glass +Pr-Dy-Er
6) Another Pure Si-Al-Ca glass - no REE? Not sure why there would be two blanks on this mount though, perhaps just low level and not detectable by EDS?

I have the other P&H single element Ca-Si-Al REE standards, but nowhere can I find any information on these multi-element P&H REE xtals. Is anyone able to shed any light on these, were they distributed or custom made, is there any certified numbers for them?


Karsten Goemann

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Re: P&H REE oxide set
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2017, 09:50:18 PM »
Hi Ben, they're definitely glasses not crystals, see here:

There are 4 with 3-4 REE each in supposedly interference free combinations at around 4wt% each, one is a blank, and one has all REEs at around 0.5wt% each.

We had this mount in Clausthal in Germany where I did my PhD. I could ask them to send copies of the P&H analysis certificates. Or have a look through my old files if I've got a copy myself.

Cheers, Karsten


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Re: P&H REE oxide set
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2017, 08:06:46 PM »
Holy crap Karsten, I must be losing it. I swear I searched the P&H website and could only find those single element glasses. I think I need to go the way of Old Yeller.

That would be awesome if you could find the data for it. I probably wont use it often but would be good to enter into the database. Thanks again.



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Re: P&H REE oxide set
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2018, 09:21:16 AM »
Hi Ben

I use those stds, I have the analyses (by AA I think) - I can send them to you.

All the best
