I wanted to share this online find. Wiley has a series of great, short guides called Essential Knowledge Briefings on the latest techniques, applications and equipment used in analytical science and research laboratories. They are free and available in different formats (pdf, mobi, epub).
They have one for WDS, EDS, EPMA, EBSD, Micro XRF, XPS etc.
The guides are great for use in teaching and to share with students or other interested users. You can also often find hard copies at the Wiley exhibition or their cooperating partners at big conferences (so if you are right now at AGU...). I have definitely seen them at the M&M conference. I got the EDS one at EDAX, the WDS one at Thermo, the EPMA at Cameca etc.
You can find them here:
http://www.essentialknowledgebriefings.com/downloads/category/science-research/It requires a registration but then it is free.