Thanks to our beta testers, now all Probe for EPMA JEOL users can utilize the filament standby and warmup menus for the 8200 and 8230 and 8900 instruments and also the save/load column conditions to PCC files for all JEOL instruments (see below for gun valve control for the 8530).
These menus are under the PFE Window menu. The filament standby feature is called if the FilamentStandbyPresent keyword is non zero in the Probewin.ini file (under the ProgramData\Probe Software folder). Here is an excerpt from the PFE help file:
This parameter is used to specify whether the microprobe hardware interface supports a filament standby mode for turning the filament off using the software automation. Enter 0 for false or any non-zero value for true. The default is 0 for no filament standby hardware interface.
The filament standby type for tungsten instruments (ThermalFieldEmissionPresent=0). The default is zero to just reduce the heat to the standby level. To reduce the heat AND turn off the HV, set FilamentStandbyType = 1. To only reduce the HV but leave the heat on (LaB6 filaments), set FilamentStandbyType = 2. To run an external script, set FilamentStandbyType = 3.
If the instrument is an JEOL 8530 the FilamentStandbyType has no effect, and this feature will simply close the gun valve (V1) in filament standby mode (ON) and open the gun valve in filament standby mode (OFF)- assuming the specimen vacuum is within the allowable range.
The name of the external script to be run if the FileamentStandbyType = 3. This can be any executable, e.g., .exe, .bat, etc. The full path to the external script must be specified, e.g., “C:\UserData\Shutdown.bat”.
Both the filament standby feature and column condition (PCC) files can be utilized from the PFE Automate! window and throughout the program under the Analytical Conditions dialogs.
Please respond here in our forum on this topic or contact Probe Software directly or your microprobe specialist if you have any questions: for your support.