Author Topic: Probe for EPMA Major Update (and preserving your original configuration files)  (Read 11470 times)

John Donovan

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It is important to note that Probe for EPMA can be easily updated using the Help | Update Probe for EPMA menu. This update will retain all your original instrument configuration files and standard compositions.

Typically, for almost any situation, the easiest method to update PFE is to simply download the CalcZAF.msi and ProbeForEPMA.msi installers and run them both by double-clicking each (in either order) and following the instructions.  Your existing configuration files, standard, setup and user databases will *not* be overwritten.

For a complete list of Probe for EPMA files that are *not* over written by the msi installations, please see below.

However, sometimes it is desirable when updating Probe for EPMA from a much older version, you may want to uninstall your existing Probe for EPMA (and CalcZAF) installation using the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Window Control panel, delete the old application folder (you did make a backup, right?) and then run both the CalcZAF.msi and ProbeForEPMA.msi installers to get a complete new installation.

To retain your customized instrument configuration files, you should follow the instructions here:

Instructions for re-installing Probe for EPMA (and to preserve your existing instrument configuration files)

1. Backup your Probe for EPMA application folder (e.g., copy the old Probe for EPMA app folder to the desktop, usually C:\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA)

2. Uninstall the Probe for EPMA and CalcZAF installations from the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Windows Control Panel.  You may delete the existing Probe for EPMA application folder to get a "clean" re-installation though it is not absolutely necessary (but only if you made a proper backup of your original Probe for EPMA folder!).

3. Then reinstall using our new CalcZAF and ProbeForEPMA msi installers.  You will need to run both installers.

4. You can download these installers from our secure ftp servers or from our web site:

   Contact Probe Software for the login and password for the ProbeForEPMA.msi file, the CalcZAF.msi does not require a password.

5. Then copy back your original config files from your backup folder to the new Probe for EPMA app data folder (usually C:\ProgramData\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA): probewin.ini, scalers.dat, motors.dat, standard.mdb, crystals.dat, elements.dat, detectors.dat and the emp*.dat data files for empirical calibrations.

6. Also copy back any files specific to your instrument: *.cal, *.wmf, window.ini, xline.dll, setup*.mdb, user.mdb, standard.mdb, position.mdb and the usermac.dat if present (probably actinide investigators only).

A complete list of files *not* overwritten are here:



7. Be sure to keep Probe for EPMA applications properly updated using the Help | Update Probe for EPMA menu regularly.

Please contact your microprobe specialist or Probe Software for more information.

However, it should noted (in bold red) that if all you want to do is update your Probe for EPMA software and you already have v. 11.x or higher, simply use the Help | Update Probe for EPMA menu in Probe for EPMA to quickly and easily update your software!
« Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 12:42:27 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"


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I've reinstalled PFE now, and on startup, I get the message that I don't have the right .wmf file for the stagebitmapfile.  I'm using the same one as before.  How do I get around this?


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Ok, nevermind, fixed it.  I set the stagebitmapcount from 2 to 1.  Good job, Team!

John Donovan

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Ok, nevermind, fixed it.  I set the stagebitmapcount from 2 to 1.  Good job, Team!

Hi Ben,
That worries me a little.  You should be using the same config files as before.  Why did it change?
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"


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Typically, for almost any situation, the easiest method to update PFE from 9.x to 10.x is to simply download the CalcZAF.msi and ProbeForEPMA.msi installers and run them both by double-clicking each (in either order) and following the instructions.  Your existing configuration files, standard, setup and user databases will *not* be overwritten. In addition the EMP*.DAT files will not be overwritten.

I followed the "easiest method" and I get the error:

C:\ProbeSoftware\Probe for EPMA\XLINE.dat was not found [click OK, and software crashes]
Other files specific to the instrument are there including: window.ini, xline.dll, user.mdb, position.mdb, usermac.dat and also the xedge.dat and xfluor.dat files.

Unfortunately, I did not

1. Backup your Probe for EPMA application folder (e.g., copy the Probe for EPMA app folder to the desktop, usually C:\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA)

John Donovan

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Typically, for almost any situation, the easiest method to update PFE from 9.x to 10.x is to simply download the CalcZAF.msi and ProbeForEPMA.msi installers and run them both by double-clicking each (in either order) and following the instructions.  Your existing configuration files, standard, setup and user databases will *not* be overwritten. In addition the EMP*.DAT files will not be overwritten.

I followed the "easiest method" and I get the error:

C:\ProbeSoftware\Probe for EPMA\XLINE.dat was not found [click OK, and software crashes]
Other files specific to the instrument are there including: window.ini, xline.dll, user.mdb, position.mdb, usermac.dat and also the xedge.dat and xfluor.dat files.

Unfortunately, I did not

1. Backup your Probe for EPMA application folder (e.g., copy the Probe for EPMA app folder to the desktop, usually C:\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA)

Software closes I think you mean! 

It bothers me that your xline.dat file is missing, but you can get it back by re-installing the CalcZAF.msi file- it is also required and can be done from the Help menu in CalcZAF, but... since you now can't run CalcZAF, you'll have to go here and grab it manually:
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 10:15:27 AM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"


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Thanks, John.

This time the CalcZAF.msi installation dialogue gives options to "repair" or "remove".  I chose repair, and now PFE opens without error.


Edit by John: I wonder how it got deleted?  I'm sticking with who-man error...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 12:13:07 PM by John Donovan »


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I spoke too soon:

The "SX-100 communication driver (1.70) is out of date and should be updated to enable MCA PHA..."

click OK,

Paraphrasing:  "WARNING SX-100 returned zero for sp1 position spectromotor is out of bounds..."

click OK

software closes.

There is some recent discussion of this driver,

Is this driver distributed by email only?

John Donovan

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The "SX-100 communication driver (1.70) is out of date and should be updated to enable MCA PHA..."
Is this driver distributed by email only?

I just sent it to you!
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"


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Here is a nice pdf outline of the steps for re-installing Probe for EPMA on a new computer that will be connected to your EPMA instrument for data acquisition.

See attached below (remember, you have to login to see attachments!).
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 09:44:09 PM by John Donovan »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

John Donovan

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The following is a useful method for both moving or copying your instrument configuration files from one computer to another. For example from your on-line computer connected to the instrument, to an off-line computer for data processing or perhaps to even to a new on-line computer.

1. First, on your on-line computer,  start PFE, connect to the instrument and create a new probe run (or simply grab a recent probe run if you haven't changed your instrument configuration file recently), and copy that probe database MDB file to the computer you want to receive the latest instrument configuration files.

2. Open the MDB file on the new computer and click "No", to not connect to the instrument!  Then from the File | Export Probe Configuration Files menu and use the Export All button to export the internally stored configuration files to the new PFE installation.

3. You are done, though if you desire to run PFE off-line in "demo" mode you can go ahead and edit the InterfaceType parameter in the [hardware] section and change it to zero.  Once this is done, re-start PFE and click "Yes" to connect to a "demo" instrument exactly like your actual EPMA instrument!

Good for teaching!

You may also want to bring over other on-line computer files such as:


« Last Edit: April 23, 2015, 09:13:17 AM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

John Donovan

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The following is a useful method for both moving or copying your instrument configuration files from one computer to another. For example from your on-line computer connected to the instrument, to an off-line computer for data processing or perhaps to even to a new on-line computer.

1. First, on your on-line computer,  start PFE, connect to the instrument and create a new probe run (or simply grab a recent probe run if you haven't changed your instrument configuration file recently), and copy that probe database MDB file to the computer you want to receive the latest instrument configuration files.

2. Open the MDB file on the new computer and click "No", to not connect to the instrument!  Then from the File | Export Probe Configuration Files menu and use the Export All button to export the internally stored configuration files to the new PFE installation.

3. You are done, though if you desire to run PFE off-line in "demo" mode you can go ahead and edit the InterfaceType parameter in the [hardware] section and change it to zero.  Once this is done, re-start PFE and click "Yes" to connect to a "demo" instrument exactly like your actual EPMA instrument!

Good for teaching!

You may also want to bring over other on-line computer files such as:



The main lab specific configuration files are :


Please note that all these lab specific configuration files should go into the ProgramData\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA folder.  The ProgramData folder is a hidden folder (as specified by Microsoft), so you'll need to make it visible using Explorer | Organize | Folder and Search Options menu.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2016, 09:16:34 AM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"