Author Topic: Modeling Inclusions/Particles Embedded in a Matrix  (Read 38901 times)


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    • John Donovan
Re: Modeling Inclusions/Particles Embedded in a Matrix
« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2017, 12:26:18 PM »
Thank you for the reply and the heads up to install the latest update.

After attempting some calculations, I want to clarify whether I'm doing this properly.

I have attached a file showing a representative setup for creating the input files. The beam incident material is set to glass (the inclusion) with the matrix set to olivine (material I am interesting in calculating SF for). The geometry file is 160mic_sphere.geo and in this example I have set X = 161 (want 1 micron into the olivine from the interface) Y = 0 Z = 1. Assuming these settings are appropriate, I created several of these .in files by incrementing the X-axis beam position to obtain a profile into the matrix and ran them sequentially in batch mode. In addition I have run the same calculation on a bulk geometry (X=Y=0 Z=1) on a synthetic anorthite standard for Ca. I then used the automated "extract k-ratios" tool in the batch mode dialog to calculate the Ca K-alpha k-ratios for the modeled olivine profile, over the anorthite standard. All calculations are for 3600s.

When I run this there is a lot of scatter in the modeled K-ratios. I want to make sure that I'm doing the procedure right before running the calculations for longer. Thanks for your patience and help!


I'd probably leave the Z at 1000 or 10,000 um but it should not matter.

Otherwise it seems reasonable, but yes you'll need to run at least 10-20 hours.

Just as an sanity check you should try the same thing in the secondary fluorescence dialog (next menu down in Standard).  You will only have a vertical boundary geometry but it's easy to specify which is the beam incident material.
The only stupid question is the one not asked!