Author Topic: Probe Software Forum Newsletters  (Read 37122 times)


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Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« on: July 14, 2015, 10:49:33 AM »
I thought I would start a small topic containing all the forum newsletters mailed out to all members.  If I missed any please let me know.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 04:04:28 PM by John Donovan »
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2015, 10:53:52 AM »
Newsletter sent Oct 2013

Dear members,
To further improve the web connectivity of our forum you might consider creating a Probe Software "lab membership" on your Probe for EPMA/Probe Image computer, for those users needing additional consultation when you yourself are not present for providing expert advice.

That is, assuming you are not the only user of your instrument, and/or your probe computer has network connectivity. Though you might even consider a "lab membership" for off-line data reprocessing computers (also assuming they have network access) due to the extensive re-processing options available in our software!

Oh, yes. One other thing- to create more web "linkage", please also consider listing your lab (or personal) web site on your PS user forum profile. It will probably help the Google visibility for both our sites!

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 09:32:19 AM by John Donovan »
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2015, 10:55:31 AM »
Newsletter sent Feb 2014

Hi Everyone!
In case you haven't dropped by the Probe Software user forum  lately, we've implemented a number of new EPMA discussion boards including:

EPMA Laboratory Management:

EPMA Instrument Vacuum and Power Issues:

EPMA Sample Preparation:

EPMA Standard Materials:

Please feel free to check these out!

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2015, 10:56:32 AM »
Newsletter sent April 2014

Hello Colleagues,
Next month will be one year since Probe Software started our user forum!  Over 1100 posts, 227 topics and 136 members in that time period and our page views continue to grow...This forum is open to anyone interested in all topics EPMA. You do not have to be a Probe Software customer to participate in this valuable resource.

Here are some examples of recent threads with significant interest:

John Spratt wondering about interference correction statistics in "Detection limits and error in the case of peak interference":

Probeman discussing matrix corrections and duplicate elements in "Non Physical EPMA Situations":

Jason Herrin, Jeremy Wykes, Jon Wade and others having fun in EDS vs. WDS in "Why Does EDS Suck (sometimes)?":

For Cameca members only Karsten Goemann, Philippe Poeml, Gareth Seward and I are having a discussion in "Testing new multi-channel analyser PHA capability for Cameca SX":

Finally, Probeman has started a topic on using CalcZAF to teach EPMA physics:

Please feel free to drop by and catch up on all the postings and add your own comments, questions and insights...

John Donovan and the Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 09:32:41 AM by John Donovan »
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2015, 10:58:22 AM »
Newsletter sent July 2014

EPMA Users,
Probe Software is pleased to announce the one year anniversary last month of our user forum!

Our site stats look excellent with much growth during this last year. Currently we have 1474 Posts in 272 Topics by 151 Members! Not bad for the first year! More details are seen here:

In the latest forum news is a recent post by "JohnF" on the famous (or infamous) Kakanui hornblende in which he posts a high resolution BSE image from Henny Cathy's JEOL 8530 lab showing the many inclusions and defects in the specimen:

Also see "Probeman" on a new method to automatically extract-ratios from Penepoma batch mode runs and output them to a tab delimited text file suitable for import into Excel or any plotting program such as Grapher. See details here:

In addition "John Donovan" reports that many new "interactive Help" buttons have been added to the software which allows the user to automatically connect from the software to the appropriate topic or post on the user forum as shown here:

Finally, if you are going to the IUMAS meeting in Hartford starting Saturday August 2nd, Probe Software is pleased to announce our support for the Advanced EPMA workshop chaired by Paul Carpenter and Sylvia Richter on Saturday morning.

Please come and check out the latest news and information in our forum and we are looking forward to seeing all of you at M&M!.

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 09:31:50 AM by John Donovan »
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2015, 10:59:54 AM »
Newsletter sent Oct 2014

Hi all,
A short update on our Probe Software user forum which includes:

Our free EPMA utility CalcZAF and Standard for matrix and particle corrections and easy Monte Carlo modeling of EPMA intensities using our cool Penepma GUI:

and of course our flagship Probe for EPMA:

and Probe Image software packages:

Note also these recent posts that you may find useful from several of our members:

A very nice short tutorial by Sheri Singerling on the Penepma GUI in Standard:

Support for East, West, North and South detector geometries (in addition to the default annular detector geometry) by Probeman:

An interesting discussion started by Julien Allaz on filament lifetime:

An excellent discussion on apatite quantification started by Eric Kelly:

And a new feature for automatic mosaic imaging in Stage.exe (part of Probe for EPMA):

There are also a number of new boards for members only including laboratory design for a performance environment:

And continuing conversations on buying a new EPMA instrument in JEOL vs. Cameca (again members only!):

As always be sure to login to obtain access to file attachments and member only boards! And please keep your CalcZAF and/or Probe for EPMA software up to date using the Help | Update menus (we update our software once a week!)

Currently our forum stats are:

1704 posts in 308 topics by 164 members.

And finally, if you are going to GSA 2015 in Vancouver please drop by to say "hi" at our Probe Software booth #738

Your forum administrator,
John Donovan (aka Probeman)

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 09:19:24 AM by John Donovan »
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2015, 11:00:54 AM »
Newsletter sent Nov 2014

Time for a quick update on the Probe Software user forum, as there has been a lot of activity recently (now 1970 posts in 349 topics by 180 members).

Julien Allaz, David Steele, Les Moore and Probeman have been discussing LDE/PC crystals and how the 2d and refractive indices can be calculated using a solver macro posted by Julien here:

This is in response to a new feature in CalcZAF that makes it easy to calculate the spectrometer position for any spectrometer, element, crystal, etc. here by John Donovan:

Gareth Seward, Probeman and Les Moore are discussing issues with magnetic specimens here:

Probeman reveals new options in the CalcZAF/Standard Penepma (Penfluor/Fanal) GUI to automatically lower the minimum electron/photon energies for Monte-Carlo calculations here:

This will facilitate the calculation of emitters below 11 (Na) in all materials.

Many new EPMA job postings are listed here:

WDS and EDS integration in Probe for EPMA is even better and now one can run PFE *without* WDS elements as seen here:

Why would one want to do this?  See the above link for dealing with magnetic specimens!

And finally, Jeremy Wykes asks what performance specifications are most important when purchasing a new EPMA instrument here:

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 09:14:29 AM by John Donovan »
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2015, 11:01:48 AM »
Newsletter sent Jan 2015

Probe Software Forum Users,
A number of you will be attending the AMAS 2015 meeting in Tasmania and I will see you there soon I hope. The meeting is described here by Sandrin Feig and Karsten Goemann (the organizers):

In the meantime, the user forum has been busy this last month and you might want to start with a little EPMA fun posted by Richard Walshaw:

Ben Buse asks about using a single intensity measurement for MAN background calibrations here:

Probeman discusses how to check for spectral interferences (as opposed to contamination) when using MAN backgrounds in Standard:

and also the sharing of sample holder "maps" for use on JEOL and Cameca instruments here:

I myself will point out a proposal for a new method to integrate WDS stage/beam mapping and EDS spectrum imaging described here:

Finally I am pleased to announce the release of Probe for EPMA v. 10.6.8 which contains all newly optimized code for JEOL and Cameca acquisitions.  The new code is lighter and faster and has even more flexibility for multiple condition acquisitions as described here:

Please visit the forum and check the latest news and posts.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 12:46:34 PM by John Donovan »
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2015, 11:02:26 AM »
Newsletter sent March 2015

Hello Probe Software Forum Users,
This Probe Software Forum newsletter marks our 200th membership in our user forum!  That includes 2414 posts in 408 topics, all EPMA information for JEOL and Cameca instruments and Thermo and Bruker EDS and WDS integration!

There has been a lot of recent activity in the user forum, so if you haven't logged in lately please take a moment and check out the latest posts for all kinds of useful discussion:

Remember, if you don't actually log in as a member, you not only can't see any attachments to posts, but the "member only" boards will not be visible at all. So be sure to log in to get the maximum benefit of our user forum.

For example, see a discussion of glass standards by Ben Hanson and Jeremy Wykes here:

See the new absorbed current measurement feature for beam sensitive samples (TDI) discussed by John Fournelle here:

The new RBG composite imaging processing feature is discussed here by Ben Buse and Gareth Hatton:

Modification of color palettes is discussed here by Malcolm Roberts here:

Improvements to the wavescan sample plotting is discussed by John Donovan here:

And Jared Singer discusses clay sample prep here:

Improvements to beam scan calibration for any imaging system are discussed here:

Still "in the works" but a soon to be released feature is synchronized integration of WDS stage and beam mapping with EDS spectrum imaging in one pass as discussed here:

Finally, please consider coming this summer to M&M in Portland, Oregon and drop by our Probe Software booth in the exhibit hall.  We look forward to meeting you all!

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 12:45:18 PM by John Donovan »
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2015, 04:04:06 PM »
Newsletter sent July 2015

Hello forum members,
This is our July newsletter with the latest Probe Software user forum activities summarized in link format.

But first we are pleased to announce our 10 year company anniversary at Probe Software, Inc.  These last 10 years have seen rapid growth in our installed customer base and we hope to continue to provide new and innovative software for modern networked EPMA instruments for the long term.

Next we'd like to remind all current and prospective users of our Portland 2015 M&M tutorials being offered August 3rd, 4th and 5th (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) at 17:45 on the exhibit floor at our booth by Dr. Julien Allaz, Dr. Karsten Goemann and Mr. John Donovan. These tutorial topics can be be found here on our main web page:

Please be sure to sign up beginning Monday August 3rd beginning at noon in our booth #1383.

Now for recent forum activity highlights:

Hendrix Demers, Raynald Gauvin, Silvia Richter and Philippe Pinard announced the new "openMicroanalysis" google web page for open source microanalysis software.  Probe Software is pleased to confirm that we will be open sourcing our CalcZAF physics code later this summer on this web site in the interests of scientific transparency.  As John often says, "one cannot do science on a black box"!

Sandrin Feig, Owen Neill and Marc Schrier discuss "Standards Which Should Developed For EPMA" which is an effort begun by Anette von der Handt and Owen Neill to "crowd source" production of synthetic crystal standards of general interest to the microanalysis community.  We have already procured a large quantity of RbTiOPO4 for general distribution at $100 per *gram* from Marc Schrier at "The Alchemist". A previously unheard of low cost and large quantity for a microanalysis standard! Income from the sale of this material will be utilized towards the development of the next material, possibly a CsZrOPO4 material:

The more people that purchase this RbTiOPO4 material, the more resources we will have to produce additional large quantities of low cost standard materials for the microanalysis community. What synthetic standard does your lab need?  Please post your laboratory standard material needs in the topic linked to above.

Rico and John Donovan discuss implementing a CL spectrum acquisition capability for point analyses in PFE, similar to the current EDS spectrum acquisition feature:

This new CL capability is already being implemented for Ocean Optics spectrometers and other hardware interfaces will be added as requested. Please post to the forum your CL hardware interface requirements.

Brian Joy and Paul Carpenter discuss the intricacies of JEOL flow detector and deadtime response here:

A long discussion on the "philosophy" of formula normalization when unanalyzed elements are present, i.e., carbonates with Andrew Locock, Gareth Seward, Julien Allaz and John Donovan is here:

Probeman posted a short tutorial on using Area Peak Factors (APFs) in Probe for EPMA. Area Peak Factors are a powerful method for correcting for peak shape effects, especially for light elements. Probe for EPMA implements both the Bastin style (specified) APFs for specific compositions and also John Donovan's newer (binary compound) APF method:

The binary compound APF method is based on empirical binary compositional calibrations, where each binary APF is weighted and summed for application to arbitrary compositions. Both of these APF methods are much more time efficient than acquisition of integrated intensity peak scanning methods. Which by the way, is also implemented in PFE using a variable step scan algorithm based on x-ray intensity (automatically smaller step sizes on the peak) which is more efficient than traditional fixed step methods.

Of course many other topics and discussions too numerous to all list here!  We're hoping to see you all at Portland M&M in August!

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 12:42:13 PM by John Donovan »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

John Donovan

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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2015, 06:38:17 PM »
Newsletter sent September 2015

Hi all,
Just a quick report on the latest activity on the Probe Software User Forum, but first I'd like to thank Julien Allaz and Karsten Goemann for each giving excellent vendor tutorials at Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2015 in Portland last month.

Julien's tutorial title given on Monday at the Probe Software booth was "Easy Acquisition and High Accuracy Quantitative Analysis in Probe for EPMA" which gave a nice overview of Probe for EPMA and Probe Image capabilities. 

Karsten's tutorial on Tuesday was "Multi-Point and Shared Backgrounds- Ultimate EPMA Accuracy for Traces in Complex Matrices" which went into some details the new background modeling methods available in Probe for EPMA.

Meanwhile back on the forum we are pleased to announce the release of Probe for EPMA v. 11 which not only improves compatibility with Windows 8 and 10 (Microsoft skipped 9), but also provides acquisition and analysis of 6 additional x-ray lines (Ln, Lg, Lv, Ll, Mg and Mz).

In addition v. 11 provides improved menu and window designs by Anette von der Handt for even greater ease of use. If you still have v. 10 of PFE you will need to download and install the latest CalcZAF.msi and ProbeForEPMA.msi installers and run both of them on your computer.  After running both installers simply start one of the new v. 11 PFE applications and your lab specific configuration and instrument parameter files will be automatically transferred to the new installation locations. See here for more details:

We are also pleased to announce v. 1.2.2 of Probe Image which now automatically saves all acquired maps and which can be launched automatically at the end of your Probe for EPMA standard and/or unknown automation for complete overnight or weekend automation! See here for more details:

Here is a digest of new and/or interesting posts on the Probe Software user forum which now has 3354 Posts in 548 Topics by 247 Members!

Probeman and Mike Jercinovic discuss crystal alignment and intensity issues for the Sx100 here:

Ben Buse asks about using the MAN background method for carbon analyses here:

John Donovan created a new board for EPMA (and SEM) education and training here with a link to his UofO microanalysis lecture notes and PPT files:

Everyone should feel free to share their own education and training resources or advice or questions there also.

The University of Iowa has a probe operator position open here:

CalcZAF (and Probe for EPMA) now work better under Japanese and Chinese Windows (and other Unicode OS) as described here:

Benjamin Wade discusses using Multi-point backgrounds (MPBs) for curved backgrounds here:

We look forward to seeing you on the forum.  And please remember, you cannot see attachments and member only boards unless you login as a member!

Thank-you for your support.

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 12:40:35 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2016, 11:38:23 AM »
Newsletter sent February, 2016

Hi all,
This is the winter edition of the Probe Software newsletter. Lots of news and topics to follow.

But first, I hope you are all able to make the MAS topical conference this May. Probe Software is pleased to be a Silver Sponsor of the MAS 2016 Topical Conference on Electron Probe Microanalysis at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI on May 16-19, 2016.  This is the first MAS topical conference (TC) on EDS-WDS and EPMA. Details can be found here:

Second, a quick look at our user forum statistics as seen here from about a week ago:

As one can see, our yearly total page views is steadily increasing and based on the year to date stats, we are well on our way to over a million page views this year!

Third, a major project just completed this winter is the conversion of all the old graphics library calls to the new Pro Essentials graphics library by Gareth Seward and I.  It only took us three months to complete!  If you haven't updated your Probe Software apps lately (as of a few days ago!), you should update CalcZAF and/or Probe for EPMA (just use the Help menus in each), to get these sexy new graphics. Personally I think they look much cleaner and more professional and several powerful new features have been added at the same time! Please check the user forum for screen shots, but a few examples can be found in the following links:

Fourth, we have implemented a new user forum image gallery open to all members as seen here:

No more dealing with TinyPic!  Please login and check it out!

In more user forum news, there is a new topic on tungsten filament life with a poll for all members on the filament life they observe in their labs, and some actual data provided (so far) by Andrew Lock, Brian Joy and John Donovan:

Deon, Owen Neill, Malcolm Roberts and Nick Bulloss are discussing marking samples versus scanning/importing them here:

Brian Joy and Probeman are discussing typos and ambiguities in the CalcZAF Bastin Proza matrix correction papers and code:

Ben Buse and John Donovan are discussing quantitative x-ray maps, image binning and calculating mapping detection limits here:

Previously announced, but still exciting, Probe for EPMA can now simultaneously acquire not only a full EDS spectrum (fully quantifiable with the WDS intensities), but also a full CL spectrum for Ocean Optics spectrometers with every WDS acquisition:

Finally, besides the cleaner and more professional look, the previously mentioned graphics conversion also means that CalcZAF and PFE are now completely compatible with Window 8 and 10 (even for IT "locked down" distributions of Windows OS!).

So if you've been waiting to update CalcZAF/Probe for EPMA, this is the time to do it. Just click the Help menu in CalcZAF/Probe for EPMA for a quick update if you are using v. 11.x of CalcZAF or Probe for EPMA.  If you have a version of CalcZAF or Probe for EPMA prior to version 11.x you will need to manually download the latest version here from our Software Updates page:

Please contact us if you need assistance with any updates or upgrades.  We're here to help!
The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 12:36:07 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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John Donovan

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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2016, 07:09:21 AM »
Newsletter sent April, 2016

Dear EPMA colleagues,
It's springtime and once again, time for the Probe Software user forum update newsletter!

Brian Joy and John Donovan have been discussing trace elements in the RbTiOPO4 standard, which is available for $100/gram from the Calchemist site

John decided to make a more careful study of the material as an excuse to discuss trace element acquisition and interpretation here:

Trace element characterization is not always straightforward, especially in complex and/or high Z matrices.  The topic is open to all for discussion of any trace element problems in general. Meanwhile Jared Singer reports ICP-MS laser ablation results for a number of trace elements in the RbTiOPO4 material and the results match the EPMA results very nicely as described here:

On a related note, Marc Schrier reports that he's trying to find time to work on synthesizing a Cs zirconyl phosphate standard for us:

The more people that purchase the RbTiOPO4 material from the Calchemist site, the sooner Marc can start on the Cs standard. Meanwhile, Probeman is asking for help to better understand sources of noise in CL spectrometers here:

Probeman (the poor guy) is also asking CalcZAF users to please cite the paper by Llovet, et al. on secondary boundary fluorescence calculations so that Xavier will feel obliged to update the Penfluor/Fanal code to utilize the new Penepma 2014 code.  Right now, Penfluor/Fanal utilizes the Penepma 2012 code which works fine, but doesn't support x-ray emission lines of lower energies than carbon:

Some users were asking about the ability to digitize and acquire points described by irregular polygons on images in Probe for EPMA for acquisition and the feature is there, though not as obviously as it probably should be, as shown here:

Jeremy Wykes asks about tungsten filament welding and peoples' experiences with different geometries here:

One of our specialists wrote up this nice little tutorial on using TDI (time dependent intensity) corrections for beam sensitive samples in Probe for EPMA here:

Kathleen Shugart is new to EPMA and asking for help understanding how primary and secondary standards should be reconciled with regard to matrix matching and peak shift/shape issues:

Please welcome her to our community and chime in with any advice you might have for helping her out.

Probeman is also starting a topic on quantitative interference corrections for x-ray mapping in CalcImage here:

He got off to a bad start because he first tried a beam scan at 2900x and found significant Bragg defocusing, though some other interesting lessons were learned in the process... now see the latest results from the stage scan quant which was run last weekend!

The forum is attracting many page hits, and with 4261 posts in 650 topics and 290 members, there's lots of posts on other topics, so feel free to login and see for yourself!

Finally we hope to see you all at the EPMA 2016 topical conference next month in Madison. It should be lots of fun.  On Monday the 16th, Probe Software will host a user meeting in the afternoon and all JEOL and Cameca users are welcome to attend, but please send an email to Barbara,, if you plan to attend so she has an idea of how many snacks to get for everyone!

Happy springtime to all.

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 11:29:58 AM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2016, 06:27:24 PM »
Newsletter sent July 2016

Hi all,
This is the Probe Software user forum newsletter- Summer Edition!

We had a very nice EPMA Topical Conference meeting in Madison, WI in May.  John Fournelle, Paul Carpenter, Julien Allaz and Anette von der Handt and many others organized a very full(!), but fantastic schedule of meetings and presentations.

The Probe Software user meeting on Monday was oversubscribed (over 70 people!), so they had to get us a larger room!   At the user meeting John Donovan made some introductory remarks and revealed a few new features we are currently working on. For example, performing time dependent intensity (TDI) corrections on x-ray maps for extremely beam sensitive samples and integrating synchronized WDS and EDS spectrum image quantitative x-ray mapping. Both coming soon to Probe for EPMA!

Next several of our customers and specialists gave presentations of some of the many new features recently implemented in Probe for EPMA and CalcImage over the last year. Here is a list of the presentations given at the Probe Software user meeting on Monday:

Mike Jercinovic: Using PictureSnap to obtain representative analyses
Dan Ruscitto: Microanalytical Challenges for Hydrous Glasses
Phil Gopon: Using non-traditional x-ray lines for nano-quantification
Anette von der Handt: Quantification and Output of X-ray Maps
Karsten Goemann: Using shared backgrounds for complex mineral analysis

This was followed by lots of interesting questions and discussion. You can see pdfs of the presentations here:

In other EPMA news, we are still trying to get momentum going for the development of "community based" standard materials. As part of this process a letter was sent to Tom Kelly to get this topic on the MAS council agenda. The letter to Tom is visible here:

Please feel free to contact Tom or the other MAS officials and express your interest and/or concerns. An official MAS sponsored poll will probably be done later, but in the meantime a "straw" poll is available here, for what standard(s) people might like to see developed for the community:

Remember you have to be logged in to vote or see the poll results.

Benjamin Wade started an interesting discussion on performing sulfur analysis on sulfides/sulfates here:

John Donovan released a new version of the Remote Automation server for users to create their own custom EPMA applications, which contains a number of new and useful functions:

Doug Meier started an interesting discussion on P-10 gas and cylinder contamination issues here with Probeman and Anette von der Handt chiming in:

There are several new EPMA positions open and listed here:

Finally Probeman posted a question on FEG source stability for both JEOL and Cameca users:

With the release of Probe for EPMA 11.5.3 and Probe Image 1.2.3 we've had a busy year. Now please have a great summer!

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

John Donovan

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Re: Probe Software Forum Newsletters, Fall 2016
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2016, 10:57:07 AM »
A couple of typos fixed!

Hi all,
The Probe Software user forum has been very busy this fall, with over 43 new topics and over 300 new posts just since Sept 1. The forum totals currently stand at 5095 Posts in 760 Topics by 337 Members... here are some recent highlights.

Owen Neill and Anette von der Handt discuss sample preparation for cement and concrete materials:

Brian Joy asks if anyone knows how to synthesize pure ilmenite:

John Donovan describes a new analog signal output feature in CalcImage for automatic presentation quality output:

Probeman notes many new EPMA job positions have been opened recently:

Ben Buse has been calibrating his JEOL spectrometers using the multiple peak calibration feature in Startwin and posting his results here:

John Donovan describes a new feature that now automatically aggregates alternating on/off-peak intensities for time dependent intensity (TDI) correction of single and duplicate elements:

Probeman posts some nice examples of trace elements in zircon comparing MAN to traditional off-peaks and finds that MAN methods produce the same accuracy, better precision and in about half the time:

He has this method detailed in a recently published paper in the August issue of American Mineralogist:

Sandrin Feig describes a new wavescan file import format for his EPMA Method Development Tool here:

Dan MacDonald asks about security regarding remote users here:

The Probe Software Users Forum Team.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 10:31:38 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"