Author Topic: Denton vs Ladd Vacuum Evaporator  (Read 4485 times)

Dan R

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    • GE Research Materials Characterization
Denton vs Ladd Vacuum Evaporator
« on: January 29, 2015, 06:41:22 PM »
Hello all -
We are in the process of replacing our very old DV-502 diffusion pump carbon coater with a newer model. I have been looking at two vendors: Denton and Ladd.

I've used a Denton Benchtop Turbo IV previously and this worked fine -- however the new benchtop models no longer have an isolation valve between the turbopump and chamber. This means that the turbopump has to start and stop spinning every time you put in or take out a sample and results in waiting 30+ min before operation.

Denton offers a 502B model that keeps the isolation valve allowing for faster pump down -- but this option is very expensive. For comparison, I got some quotes from Ladd for their comparable vacuum evaporators -- these do not have an autolift mechanism or computerized screen but appear to be similar and for much lower price (~25K lower).

Does anyone have experience with a Ladd evaporator? I've never used one, I'm familiar with Denton. Thanks for any input.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 10:20:47 AM by Dan Ruscitto »