Author Topic: Garnet standards  (Read 5727 times)


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    • John's EPMA
Garnet standards
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:35:48 PM »
 I would be curious to know if there are any garnet standards out there in the epma  community in addition to the ones I am familiar with: So, if you have or know of a garnet epma standard NOT in the list below, please respond:
--all 3 USNM NMNH Smithsonian tiny grains (Kak pyrope and 2 Robert Victors)
--Rota (Hungary) andradite
--Harvard Almandine
--Quebec Grossular
--Engi V-grossular
--Gore Mountain (~zoned, secondary std) Garnet

Sandrin Feig

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Re: Garnet standards
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2015, 09:45:02 PM »
G'day John

we also have garnets from Astimex in our lab. They offer Almandine, Pyrope and YAG.
You can find details here:

Laboratory Analyst
Electron Microscopy & X-Ray Microanalysis
Central Science Laboratory
University of Tasmania

EPMA - Method Development Tool


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Re: Garnet standards
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2015, 09:10:55 PM »
Hi all
Perhaps some more to consider are the garnet standards used for oxygen isotope analyses via laser fluorination and SIMS work. There are many of these with a pretty comprehensive list in Page et al. 2010, Chemical Geology, 270, 9-19. The two that I have are UWG-2 (in that Page et al list) and Mon-GT (Monastery garnet which is not in that list). They are both very nice in their homogeneity of major elements from the probe analyses I have done on them.  UWG-2 is distributed by John Valley and quite hard to come by, however Mon-GT is owned by Chris Harris at Cape Town Uni and should be relatively easy to get some.



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    • John's EPMA
Re: Garnet standards .... still working on it!
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2022, 08:40:59 AM »
I am searching for information about 2 garnets that have been in our probe standard collection for many decades:
If you recognize either of these and know anything about their provenances, please let me know:

1. A very nice, homogeneous spessartine (Spessartine 78%, 17% Andradite, 4% Grossular) which is listed only as Spessartine—Afghan?

2.  “Andradite (99%) - Rota Hungary  [curious as the only  Rota I know of is in Spain) -- but I found a vial labelled: Andradite (~98) Spess (~2) Retzbanya, Hungary.

