Author Topic: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 13.8.6  (Read 115204 times)


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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.0.7
« Reply #60 on: October 19, 2015, 02:17:53 PM »
Yeh, I'm afraid I'd downgraded before I saw your message.

That's strange - We have MS office

I don't think i'll be able to try it till end of week/beginning of next.

Just to note you don't see the message unless you tell it to connect to the instrument, I tried it on another computer - running offline no message


Hi Ben,
We will fix the installer ASAP, but if anyone wants to manually install the missing file, simply copy the MSCOMCT2.OCX file attached below to your Windows\SysWOW64 folder.

If using Win7 or later, next open a command prompt window in "elevated" mode by typing cmd in the Start button "Search programs and files" field, then when the Cmd.exe file is displayed, right click it and select the Run As Administrator menu. If using WinXP just open a normal command prompt while logged in with an administrative account.

This will usually open a command prompt in the Windows\system32 folder, so then just type cd.. <enter> to change to the Windows folder, and then type cd syswow64 <enter> to change to the SysWOW64 folder and then type:

regsvr32 mscomct2.ocx <enter>

and all should be fine.

Or just wait for Brian and I to add it to the next installer version!
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 09:36:53 AM by John Donovan »
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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.0.7
« Reply #61 on: October 19, 2015, 05:55:15 PM »
I encountered the same issue. W8.1

I manually registered the service. PFE now works.

John Donovan

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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.0.7
« Reply #62 on: October 22, 2015, 03:10:56 PM »
I encountered the same issue. W8.1

I manually registered the service. PFE now works.

The new components have been added to the latest v. 11.0.8 CalcZAF and PFE installers so now they are registered automatically.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.2
« Reply #63 on: November 08, 2015, 11:14:08 AM »
Gareth Seward had a good idea, and that is that I should also include moving the JEOL EIKS files when updating from v. 10.x to 11.x of PFE.

This is now in the latest version of PFE- 11.1.2

Thank-you Gareth.

Edit by John: I changed my tiny little mind!  It makes more sense to simply install the JEOL EIKS files using the PFE and PI  (and Thermo NSS and Bruker Esprit) installers, since each app needs their own copy of these JEOL EIKS files in their own application folder anyway (because the JEOL EIKS driver is *not* multi-threaded).  And besides only a "trusted" installer can copy files to the Program Files (x86) folder.

The latest version of the ProbeforEPMA.msi installer already has these JEOL EIKS files added and the other installers will follow soon.  This change will make JEOL 8230/8530 installations and updates even easier.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 10:34:20 AM by John Donovan »
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Mike Spilde

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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA v. 11.1.2 AND NOTHING WORKS!
« Reply #64 on: November 11, 2015, 01:55:19 PM »
My C: drive crashed so installed a new drive and restored with a disk image. Figuring it would be a good time to upgrade, I downloaded v 11.1.2 (both PfEPMA and CalcZaf) and installed them but nothing would run. When I started probewin, the "Extreme version" splash screen came up both nothing else. I had installed it in the old location C:Probe Software/Probe for EPMA. Since that didn't work, I uninstalled and tried it again, allowing the installer to use the default location of C:Program Files (X86)/Probe Software/Probe for EPMA. Still nothing!! Probewin, CalcZAF, nothing will run past the splash screen. Now I have program files in Program Files(X86) but all the other files, like my std files and dat files, are in C:Program Data/Probe Software/Probe for EPMA. Where should the program be installed?

Following this thread, it looks like there were some problems with registration in Win7 but that is now fixed. Or do I still need to do the command line:
regsvr32 msi.dll ??


John Donovan

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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA v. 11.1.2 AND NOTHING WORKS!
« Reply #65 on: November 11, 2015, 04:55:53 PM »
My C: drive crashed so installed a new drive and restored with a disk image. Figuring it would be a good time to upgrade, I downloaded v 11.1.2 (both PfEPMA and CalcZaf) and installed them but nothing would run. When I started probewin, the "Extreme version" splash screen came up both nothing else. I had installed it in the old location C:Probe Software/Probe for EPMA. Since that didn't work, I uninstalled and tried it again, allowing the installer to use the default location of C:Program Files (X86)/Probe Software/Probe for EPMA. Still nothing!! Probewin, CalcZAF, nothing will run past the splash screen. Now I have program files in Program Files(X86) but all the other files, like my std files and dat files, are in C:Program Data/Probe Software/Probe for EPMA. Where should the program be installed?

Following this thread, it looks like there were some problems with registration in Win7 but that is now fixed. Or do I still need to do the command line:
regsvr32 msi.dll ??


Hi Mike,
First don't panic, we'll get you back up!    :)

It's hard to say what exactly is wrong since you've done so many things to the hard drive.  You should not have installed v. 11.x to the old folder, but it should not have caused a problem.

I suspect that your basic problem is that you need a new registration because the new hard drive will not be keyed to the existing registration number.

But maybe you should start from scratch, uninstall everything and re-install and follow the directions here for a complete new installation:

But be sure to make copies of your lab specific config files and databases that are listed in the topic.

Attached is an outline of the steps to completely install the software.  Can the microprobe specialist that did your installation log in remotely and help you?  Who did your installation?
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 10:04:56 AM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.2 (EIKS)
« Reply #66 on: November 11, 2015, 06:12:44 PM »
For those of you with JEOL 8230/8530 instruments, please note that although I've added the JEOL EIKS interface files to the ProbeForEPMA.msi installer (and soon the PI, NSS and Esprit installers), this is really only intended for new installations.

When you update PFE from 10.x to 11.x you will have to manually copy the existing JEOL EIKS files from the old PFE folder

C:\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA

to the new PFE application folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA

Why?  Because I cannot copy these files from within the PFE app to the Program Files (x86) folder, as I currently do for the config files which are automatically copied to the ProgramData folder. Moving files to the Program Files (x86) requires a "trusted installer" such as ProbeForEPMA.msi or ProbeImage.msi.

So, when you update PFE from 10.x to 11.x you will need to manually move the following files to the new PFE application folder:


It's the law according to JEOL and Microsoft!     ::)

Technically you actually only need to move the JeolEIKS.ini file over to the new application folder because the other files will already be installed there, and these other files are not editable.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 08:38:31 AM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.2
« Reply #67 on: November 12, 2015, 05:19:00 PM »
This has been mentioned before, but before you install v11 of PFE (when manually updating from v10), it is very helpful to delete all the old PFE icons and Start button PFE menus.

Then once you run the new v11 ProbeForEPMA and CalcZAF msi installers, these new menus will be created automatically.

If you also want desktop icons, just browse to the new PFE application folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA) and right click on the exe files you want shortcuts to, select the Create Shortcut menu and the OS will make new icons on the desktop for you.
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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.4
« Reply #68 on: November 20, 2015, 04:25:38 PM »
The latest version of PFE now saves and restores a number of EDS, CL and imaging parameters when loading a file setup from an old MDB file.

This is important if you switch to a new EDS or CL interface or modify your imaging parameters (for example, the beam scan calibration parameters), and want to use an old MDB file setup but still want to use the new EDS, CL or imaging parameters currently configured on your instrument.

Thanks to Gareth Seward for pointing this out.    :-*

Here is the list of parameters I am currently saving and sorry it took so long for me to get around to implementing it! More could be added:

' Load values
tnominalbeam! = NominalBeam!
tNumberOfTunableSpecs% = NumberOfTunableSpecs%

tAutomateNewSampleBasisFlag% = AutomateNewSampleBasisFlag%
tImageDisplaySizeInCentimeters! = ImageDisplaySizeInCentimeters!
tImageInterfaceBeamXPolarity% = ImageInterfaceBeamXPolarity%
tImageInterfaceBeamYPolarity% = ImageInterfaceBeamYPolarity%
tImageInterfaceStageXPolarity% = ImageInterfaceStageXPolarity%
tImageInterfaceStageYPolarity% = ImageInterfaceStageYPolarity%
tImageInterfaceDisplayXPolarity% = ImageInterfaceDisplayXPolarity%
tImageInterfaceDisplayYPolarity% = ImageInterfaceDisplayYPolarity%
tImageInterfaceImageIxIy! = ImageInterfaceImageIxIy!

tEDSSpectraInterfacePresent% = EDSSpectraInterfacePresent%
tEDSSpectraInterfaceType% = EDSSpectraInterfaceType%
tEDSSpectraNetIntensityInterfaceType% = EDSSpectraNetIntensityInterfaceType%        ' not stored in MDB file
tEDS_IPAddress$ = EDS_IPAddress$
tEDS_ServicePort$ = EDS_ServicePort$

tNumberOfStageMotors% = NumberOfStageMotors%
tDefaultImageAnalogUnits$ = DefaultImageAnalogUnits$

tImageInterfaceCalNumberOfBeamCalibrations% = ImageInterfaceCalNumberOfBeamCalibrations%
tImageInterfaceCalKeVArray!(i%) = ImageInterfaceCalKeVArray!(i%)
tImageInterfaceCalMagArray!(i%) = ImageInterfaceCalMagArray!(i%)
tImageInterfaceCalXMicronsArray!(i%) = ImageInterfaceCalXMicronsArray!(i%)
tImageInterfaceCalYMicronsArray!(i%) = ImageInterfaceCalYMicronsArray!(i%)
tImageInterfaceCalScanRotationArray!(i%) = ImageInterfaceCalScanRotationArray!(i%)
Next i%

tCLSpectraInterfacePresent = CLSpectraInterfacePresent          ' not stored in MDB
tCLSpectraInterfaceType% = CLSpectraInterfaceType%
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 05:14:51 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.4
« Reply #69 on: November 20, 2015, 09:15:51 PM »
Thanks John!
I think this has the potential to help people out when doing installs or mods to installations. It also makes it easier to move between EDS+PFE on the same PC and on different PCs and also makes it feasible to easily switch between imaging interfaces e.g. 8x30 people can use the eds imaging hardware to collect faster images for mosaic.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 09:21:41 PM by Gseward »

Malcolm Roberts

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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.5
« Reply #70 on: November 29, 2015, 04:53:09 PM »
Hi John
Successful upgrade to vers 11. Would it be possible to set up the installer to copy over the required machine specific .dat files during upgrade (scalers, motors and etc)?


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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.5
« Reply #71 on: November 29, 2015, 05:03:05 PM »
Hi John
Successful upgrade to vers 11. Would it be possible to set up the installer to copy over the required machine specific .dat files during upgrade (scalers, motors and etc)?


Copying these files from the installer is possible, but it was easier to do it automatically from the app the first time it runs.
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

Malcolm Roberts

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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.5
« Reply #72 on: November 29, 2015, 07:12:55 PM »
For some reason. That didn't happen.


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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.5
« Reply #73 on: November 29, 2015, 07:18:02 PM »
For some reason. That didn't happen.

The PFE app moves all config files (scalers.dat, probewin.ini, etc), except for the JEOL EIKS files, which have to be moved manually to the Program Files (x86) folder because Microsoft will not allow that from the app level.

In other words, when updating from PFE v. 10.x to v. 11.x, the JEOL 8x30 EIKS files have to be moved manually as stated here:

One time only.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 10:05:18 AM by John Donovan »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

Malcolm Roberts

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Re: Latest version changes for Probe for EPMA (and CalcImage) v. 11.1.5
« Reply #74 on: November 29, 2015, 07:48:57 PM »
Interestingly enough John.... It happened the other way around. All the EIKS files WERE copied across and none of the others were........... I had to move the .dat ones manually.
Odd...very odd.......