Author Topic: Quant Analysis of Graphite/char  (Read 6060 times)

Les Moore

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Quant Analysis of Graphite/char
« on: November 09, 2014, 05:15:53 PM »
Hi guys,
I would like to do some Quant analysis of Carbon chars.  Optical analysis shows they are a mixture of initial chars (fusinite, semi-fusinite) but EPMA has shown some sulphur, chlorine and even oxygen enrichment.  I wondered what I might use for a standard for S, Cl & O in a C matrix - using the elemental standards I have would presumamby have a huge MAC difference. But I don't know this for sure.

I have thought of Montecarlo modelling using PENEPMA too. 

Any help welcome.

Les Moore

John Donovan

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Re: Quant Analysis of Graphite/char
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2014, 10:27:11 PM »
I would like to do some Quant analysis of Carbon chars.  Optical analysis shows they are a mixture of initial chars (fusinite, semi-fusinite) but EPMA has shown some sulphur, chlorine and even oxygen enrichment.  I wondered what I might use for a standard for S, Cl & O in a C matrix - using the elemental standards I have would presumably have a huge MAC difference. But I don't know this for sure.
Hi Les,
Here's my take on trace standards in general, and of course that would apply to trace S, CL and O standards as well.

The take away message is simply: it doesn't matter, really.

Here's an example: measuring trace S in something. You're right, there is a difference in the mass absorption coefficients (MACs) between the pure element and any compound of that element. But how large is that difference? With regard to our example of trace sulfur in something, here are some matrix corrections (ZCOR) in a number of compounds:

St  730 Pyrite UC # 21334
TakeOff = 40.0  KiloVolt = 15.0

ELEM:       Fe       S      Ni      Co      Cu      As      Zn      Pb      Cr      Ti
XRAY:      ka      ka      ka      ka      ka      la      ka      ma      ka      ka
ELWT:   46.550  53.450    .000    .000    .010    .009    .009    .010    .000    .058
KFAC:    .4278   .5061   .0000   .0000   .0001   .0001   .0001   .0001   .0000   .0005
ZCOR:   1.0881  1.0560  1.1017  1.1090  1.1513  1.6740  1.1478  1.1278  1.0993  1.0829

St  707 Chalcopyrite U.C. #1232
TakeOff = 40.0  KiloVolt = 15.0

ELEM:       Cu      Fe       S
XRAY:      ka      ka      ka
ELWT:   34.620  30.430  34.950
KFAC:    .3152   .3027   .3151
ZCOR:   1.0984  1.0052  1.1093

St  710 Sphalerite, Bingham
TakeOff = 40.0  KiloVolt = 15.0

ELEM:       Zn       S      Fe      Pb      Cd
XRAY:      ka      ka      ka      ma      la
ELWT:   67.000  32.920    .110    .170    .500
KFAC:    .6285   .2805   .0011   .0014   .0039
ZCOR:   1.0661  1.1737   .9575  1.2455  1.2714

So let's assume that the matrix correction magnitude of S Ka in common materials is around 20% and that the accuracy of this matrix correction is around 10% relative accuracy (at worst). So 10% of 20% is 2%. That means our analytical accuracy for S Ka in any number of materials will be around 2%- for major elements!  So yes, "matrix matching" of standards might sometimes be worthwhile for high precision measurements of these elements if they are present in high concentrations.

What about trace elements? Well in our example above, whatever the analytical accuracy of our system (S ka in something), that will remain roughly the same (2%), as the concentration decreases. But the counting statistics will reciprocally worsen at a rate of Sqr(2) per halving of the intensity/concentration, that is until the precision of the signal is no worse than the precision of our background characterization.

At some point, the accuracy of our example system matrix correction (2%) is small compared to the precision of a typical trace element acquisition (10-30%). Instead, the accuracy of the background correction now becomes the dominant source of error (interfering secondary emission lines, absorption edges, and other continuum artifacts which become more significant as the signal decreases in intensity).

Moral of this story? If you are measuring trace elements of moderate energy emission lines, in most common matrices, the accuracy of the background correction becomes the dominant source of error as opposed to the matrix corrections.

Caveat: low element emission lines (e.g., oxygen Ka), can have such extreme matrix correction effects (100% or more), that even trace element intensities can be affected significantly. Of course for these low Z emission lines, the background intensities are also much higher and hence the backgrounds have correspondingly worse precisions!

Bottom line: I would just do a quick check in CalcZAF for the matrix corrections (ZCOR) of the standards you have, with a significant concentration of the element of interest (the higher the intensity per concentration the better for your statistics anyway), relative to the pure element and select something with a reasonable matrix correction such as any of the three standards I discussed above.

The point is: being able to quantify these sources of error allows the analyst to make choices that improve the quality of our analyses. Here is an example of using CalcZAF to make related judgements:

And the full Penepma Monte-Carlo modeling GUI is nicely implemented in Standard.exe for answers to all sorts of "what if" questions... but be forewarned, just as it takes time to make sensitive measurements- it takes even longer using Monte-Carlo methods!  ;D

I will end with this: for ultimate trace elements accuracy, we can hope for specimens where "blank" standards (with a similar matrix and known zero or non-zero levels) are available:

In your case of S, Cl and O in carbon, you are in luck! Get thee a polished diamond "facet" and mount it (and carbon coat it). It will have close to zero oxygen, chlorine and sulfur and can therefore be used as a quantitative "blank" standard as just described.

or we can utilize one of the advanced off-peak characterization methods pioneered by Mike Jercinovic, Julien Allaz and Kartsen Goemann such "multi-point" backgrounds:

and, alternatively, "shared" background measurements:
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 10:11:56 AM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

Mike Jercinovic

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Re: Quant Analysis of Graphite/char
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2014, 01:08:29 PM »
Makes sense!  But be careful of using diamond as a blank for oxygen.  There can be quite a lot of oxygen in diamond, apparently both as a lattice defect as well as inclusions.  This has obvious implications for details of the growth histories and associated environments.

John Donovan

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Re: Quant Analysis of Graphite/char
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2014, 01:36:37 PM »
Makes sense!  But be careful of using diamond as a blank for oxygen.  There can be quite a lot of oxygen in diamond, apparently both as a lattice defect as well as inclusions.  This has obvious implications for details of the growth histories and associated environments.
Hi Mike,
I'm sure you are correct, but John Armstrong told me at IUMAS that gem quality clear diamond is a good "blank" for oxygen (hence my mention of a polished "facet")... so do you have a reference for oxygen in diamond structure?

On wiki I can only find mention of nitrogen and boron in the diamond structure, oxygen being limited to "Naturally occurring diamonds have a surface with less than a half monolayer coverage of oxygen, the balance being hydrogen..."

This paper only mention inclusions in diamond containing oxygen:

John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

Mike Jercinovic

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Re: Quant Analysis of Graphite/char
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2014, 02:17:26 PM »
Oxygen distribution and speciation in bulk of monocrystalline diamonds and its correlations with other impurities
Shiryaev, Andrei; Wiedenbeck, Michael; Hainschwang, Thomas

Bibby, D.M., and Sellschop, J.P.F. (1974) The determination of oxygen and silicon in diamond by 14 MeV neutron activation analysis.  J. Radioanalytical Chem. 22, 103-111.

A Gali et al 2001 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13 11607 doi:10.1088/0953-8984/13/50/319
Defect states of substitutional oxygen in diamond

Les Moore

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Re: Quant Analysis of Graphite/char
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2014, 02:31:06 PM »
Thanks John & Mike,

Seems I was overthinking the issue.

I ultimately would like to map (Macro distribution as well as Micro) for the S as the char particles are very different in O'so many ways. So not only is it trace but I would like to map the trace.

The Char particles which are macro assemblages of small graphite particles are variable in chemistry wrt S, Na and Cl is an issue too.  This gets me to another analytical nasty, trace analysis of Cl in a resin impregnated sample.

Any ideas? 
I could use the Pb-Bi approach but this would just about maximise any Z issues.
Just what are good resins for low Cl?


John Donovan

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Re: Quant Analysis of Graphite/char
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2014, 02:38:12 PM »
Oxygen distribution and speciation in bulk of monocrystalline diamonds and its correlations with other impurities
Shiryaev, Andrei; Wiedenbeck, Michael; Hainschwang, Thomas
Good one.

The first three sentences in the first paper sums it up pretty well:

"Oxygen in diamond lattice remains elusive impurity. Mass-spectrometry and nuclear probes show presence of oxygen in all diamonds in concentrations ranging from <100 to 1000 at.ppm. Detailed studies [1] have shown that in virtually every diamond there exists "inclusion-independent" oxygen which is believed to be present as a structural impurity."

So, if oxygen is uncorrelated with inclusions, I guess it would be worthwhile finding some of those <100 PPM ones!
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

John Donovan

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Re: Quant Analysis of Graphite/char
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2014, 02:40:37 PM »
Just what are good resins for low Cl?
Let us know when you find out!  Please!  Preferably one that is electrically conductive too while you're at it!   ;D

Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"