I received another question on citing PFE. My latest response is as follows:
Some people just cite the web site, but if you use the Report button in PFE Analyze! window, it will automatically cite for you the relevant papers that have been published as shown here highlighted in red:
Compositional analyses were acquired on an electron microprobe equipped with 5 tunable wavelength dispersive spectrometers. Operating conditions were 40 degrees takeoff angle, and a beam energy of 15 keV. The beam current was 20 nA, and the beam diameter was 10 microns.
Elements were acquired using analyzing crystals LIF for Ca ka, Fe ka, LLIF for Ti ka, Mn ka, Cr ka, LIF for Ca ka, Fe ka, LLIF for Ti ka, Mn ka, Cr ka, LPET for K ka, Si ka, and TAP for Mg ka, Na ka, P ka, Al ka.
The standards were TiO2 synthetic for Ti ka, MnO synthetic for Mn ka, NBS K-411 mineral glass for Ca ka, Si ka, Mg ka, Fe ka, Ca10(PO4)6Cl2 (halogen corrected) for P ka, Nepheline (partial anal.) for Na ka, Al ka, Orthoclase MAD-10 for K ka, and Chromite (UC # 523-9) for Cr ka.
The counting time was 20 seconds for Ti ka, Mn ka, 30 seconds for Si ka, Cr ka, 40 seconds for Al ka, K ka, 60 seconds for Fe ka, P ka, Mg ka, and 80 seconds for Ca ka, Na ka.
The intensity data was corrected for Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) loss (or gain) using a self calibrated correction for Na ka, Si ka, Al ka, Ca ka, Ti ka.
The off peak counting time was 20 seconds for Ti ka, Mn ka, K ka, Cr ka, and 30 seconds for P ka. Off Peak correction method was Linear for Ti ka, Mn ka, K ka, Cr ka, and Exponential for P ka.
The MAN background intensity data was calibrated and continuum absorption corrected for Na ka, Si ka, Al ka, Mg ka, Ca ka, Fe ka.
See J.J. Donovan and T.N. Tingle, An Improved Mean Atomic Number Correction for Quantitative Microanalysis in Journal of Microscopy, v. 2, 1, p. 1-7, 1996
Unknown and standard intensities were corrected for deadtime. Standard intensities were corrected for standard drift over time.
Interference corrections were applied to Mg for interference by Ca, and to Fe for interference by Mn.
See J.J. Donovan, D.A. Snyder and M.L. Rivers, An Improved Interference Correction for Trace Element Analysis in Microbeam Analyis, 2: 23-28, 1993
Results are the average of 6 points and detection limits ranged from .006 weight percent for Si ka to .007 weight percent for Al ka to .010 weight percent for P ka to .020 weight percent for Cr ka to .025 weight percent for Fe ka.
Analytical sensitivity (at the 99% confidence level) ranged from .226 percent relative for Si ka to .423 percent relative for Mg ka to .920 percent relative for Na ka to 2.444 percent relative for Ti ka to 28.171 percent relative for Cr ka.
Oxygen was calculated by cation stoichiometry and included in the matrix correction.
The exponential or polynomial background fit was utilized.
See John J. Donovan, Heather A. Lowers and Brian G. Rusk, Improved electron probe microanalysis of trace elements in quartz, American Mineralogist, 96, 274282, 2011
The matrix correction method was ZAF or Phi-Rho-Z Calculations and the mass absorption coefficients dataset was LINEMU Henke (LBL, 1985) < 10KeV / CITZMU > 10KeV.
The ZAF or Phi-Rho-Z algorithm utilized was Armstrong/Love Scott (default).
See J. T. Armstrong, Quantitative analysis of silicates and oxide minerals: Comparison of Monte-Carlo, ZAF and Phi-Rho-Z procedures, Microbeam Analysis--1988, p 239-246
This instrument was generously funded by NSF EAR-0345908 and the Murdoch Foundation.