Hello all,
We recently purchased a standard to perform quantitative EDS with specifically for SiC and we went with a vendor who had previously made SiC standards.
We received it and while going through the spec sheet we noticed that their analysis was also only done by EDS and all the weight %'s were normalized. In my mind this throws up some red flags? I already know my quant EDS on SiC is going to raise eyebrows and now my standard I'm backing it up to was also EDS and I cant even tell if they did the analysis right because it was normalized? I would have expected something like LECO or wet chemistry or even microprobe...am I way off on this before I reach out to them and ask questions?
The measured weight fractions are correct-ish - they weren't supposed to coat with carbon (The standards are set in woods metal and we were going to do our own thin coating of something other than C) but they apparently did before running this sample and as such their reported C weight percent is high...I'm presuming due to the carbon coat but I cant be sure how much of it was the coating.