NIST is looking to surplus its JEOL JXA-8500F (circa 2004). There is a lot to like about this instrument - the hardware is great. The JEOL software based on a mishmash of Solaris Unix and Windows, a bit less so. However, with Probe for EPMA, great results can be had.
It was operational until shut down for the pandemic. We always kept it under a service contract. It has been sitting idle since. I expect it can be brought back up with a small investment of time and money. 4 wavelength spectrometers, Si(Li) (JEOL) and SDD detector (Bruker).
As per normal, you'll have to pay to have the instrument removed from our lab and installed in yours.
As a US Goverment entity, we will prioritize giving the instrument to a 1) US Federal lab; 2) a state/city lab; or 2) a US university. I don't think we can give it to a non-US entity.
Contact me at if you have an interest.