I'd like to point out that the (simple) expression for deadtime commonly in use, N’/I = k(1-N’τ), and lending itself to illustration on plots of cps/nA versus cps, is not the only means of calculating deadtime (simply). Heinrich et al. (1966; attached) applied the so-called “ratio method,” in which the ratios of the observed count rates (N1’ and N2’) of two X-ray lines (they used Cu Ka and Cu Kb on Cu metal) measured simultaneously on two spectrometers at varying beam current (to produce two datasets in which N1’ alternately represents Cu Ka or Cu Kb) are used to determine the deadtimes for both spectrometers. Although the expressions are linear and only applicable at relatively low count rates, since evaluation of the deadtime by this means only involves consideration of slopes and intercepts on plots of N1’/N2’ versus N1’ (Figs. 7 and 8 ), inaccuracy in the beam current measurement is irrelevant.
Hi Brian,
I saw your post last night and was planning on responding this morning and when I got up to do so, your post has been removed and replaced with the above post. I was so looking forward to responding to your previous comments. Your feedback is always appreciated even when we're not in complete agreement!
Just working from memory I would just explain that with regards to your comment on simultaneous k-ratio measurements, you are correct, one should measure k-ratios on all 5 spectrometers and we did so, but just not using the same lines. The reason being because this topic started out looking at a new method to calibrate dead times using soft x-rays (Al Ka and Mg Ka) and because of issues with beam damage and subsequent curiosity in evaluating the effects from different emission energies, we had quickly moved to looking at Zn Ka, Se La and Te La on more electrically conducting materials
However, now that the software has been improved to completely automate the acquisition of these "constant k-ratio" datasets (with a y-axis stage increment for each beam current sample setup), yesterday we acquired some additional data sets, specifically Ti Ka on all 5 spectrometers. Here is using Ti metal as the primary standard and TiO2 as the secondary standard over a range of beam currents.
These k-ratios were calculated using the *same* dead time constants from the Zn, Se and Te calibration runs which is pretty good confirmation that emission energy doesn't seem to be a big factor in dead time. At least for Cameca instruments. Unfortunately we still have no data from any instruments other than the Oregon instrument, but I am very much looking forward to seeing data from other instruments, especially JEOL instruments.
The reason I think that different emission energies *might* affect JEOL instruments more (mainly based on reports years ago from Paul Carpenter on his 8200 instrument), is that Cameca uses an "enforced" dead time circuit that forces all pulses to some integer value duration, say 3 usec. This circuit does not force the pulse width exactly to that value, hence the reason why the Cameca software includes a non-integer tweak to the software dead time correction. In any case this electronic feature might help keep the pulse widths more consistent as a function of emission line energy.
Please note that one can see several artifacts in the above constant k-ratio plot. The first is the anomaly at 60 nA. It's interesting as we avoided performing any measurements around 40 nA because we had been seeing a similar anomaly. However it seems to also appear at 60 nA, perhaps when time the picoammeter range switches from the 5 to 50 nA to the 50 to 500 nA range? We should perhaps try some measurements going from high beam currents to low beam currents.
Note also that spectrometer 3 using a LLIF Bragg crystal seems to yield significantly different k-ratios (by a couple of percent) than the other spectrometers, including a normal LiF Bragg crystal on spectrometer 5. I suspect that spectrometer 3 has some alignment issues which is interesting since we have just had a maintenance performed by Cameca, but perhaps the problem is asymmetrical Bragg diffraction. The large area crystals do seem to be more susceptible to these sorts of artifacts.
On the Heinrich paper, I had not seen this method before, thanks for sharing that. I will definitely give that a try. With these recent Probe for EPMA software features (running multiple setup automatically one at a time and implementing a y stage axis bump for each sample setup) this is now a very easy thing to do. I hope you also will "fire up" PFE with this new "super high precision" dead time expression and see what you obtain on your instrument for these constant k-ratio measurements.
In your previous comment you also mentioned your concerns with making one adjustment for separate calibration issues and I agree completely. Maybe you missed my earlier discussion of that very point where I said that I have concerns with making one adjustment for dead time calibration and picoammeter linearity. But it soon became clear after some experimentation, that adjusting the dead time constant (to improve the consistency of k-ratios over a large range of beam current), did not actually remove the picoammeter miscalibrations, it just made them much more clearly visible. See this post for that data:
https://probesoftware.com/smf/index.php?topic=1466.msg10912#msg10912So in the above post, the first plot (in the quotation area) is the constant k-ratio plot showing some small anomalies after the dead time has been adjusted to yield the most consistent k-ratios over the range of beam current for each spectrometer.
What is interesting are the following *on-peak* intensity plots (also DT corrected) of the different spectrometers all showing the same variation which seems to be related to the different picoammeter ranges (the cps/nA intensity offset occurring on all spectrometers at around 40 nA). I find that very interesting and suggests to me that our picoammeter ranges require some adjustment. The only time one might be compensating for picoammeter miscalibration using this dead time adjustment is if the picoammeter was non-linear in a very linear manner! But that would also occur for the traditional dead time calibration method using a single material (and single emission line).
As for the more recent simultaneous k-ratio observations those are simply a nice side benefit of these constant k-ratio measurements. And unsurprisingly these simultaneous k-ratio offsets seem to be very consistent over the range of beam currents just as one would expect from a spectrometer/crystal alignment/effective takeoff angle issue(s).
I am really stoked at how useful these constant k-ratio measurements seem to be and I really love how by using k-ratio units we obtain very intuitive plots of the thing we actually care about in our instrument performance, that is: k-ratios! I look forward to measurements from your JEOL instrument.