Recently Phil Orlandini reported a minor bug in CalcImage (which we immediately fixed) and in the data example he sent us we noticed that he ran the quant map using quite "mild" conditions, i.e., 20 msec per pixel and 20 nA beam current.
He said this was just a "quick and dirty" map as he wasn't "pushing" sensitivity, but he and I thought it would be instructive to share his results to show what one gets with such "mild" conditions. Here is the Surfer output where one can see the quite "grainy" appearance of the data:
With a pixel size of 679 x 372 pixels (times 20 msec) that's around 1.4 hours for this quant map.
In this 10 x 10 pixel extraction average we can see however, that the accuracy is still quite good, though the std err is still quite large given these "mild" conditions:
We just wanted to emphasize that while one can obtain good accuracy with these conditions, generally we should generally utilize higher beam currents to obtain better precision/sensitivity. This results in the same acquisition time, but improved statistics. Personally I often utilize 100 to 400 msec per pixel and at least 50 nA of beam current for some really nice quant x-ray maps.