RESEARCH quantities of many materials were grown by national labs, after funding defined the possible or expected military or aerospace applications. Research quantities were +/- 100 grams per batch. Batch to batch variations from flux are common. Single crystals would never be possible from fusion of a gel or other simple prep.
This means NOT ALL materials and NOWHERE NEAR the kilogram goal of the new collection. It also means BATCH TO BATCH VARIATIONS as opposed to the "unlimited" commercial prep of POWDERS. A stated goal of the new collection was to avoid "flyspeck" mounts--that means that this becomes a series of custom syntheses of multiple batches.
The number of experienced crystal growers in both public posts and the pdf attachments runs about 1% of the responders. We have all posted far higher costs and minimum equipment requirements for one reason--we actually know how difficult it is to grow a 1mm sized single crystal of a material that does not undergo a phase change during growth.
My own years of work have been summarized by a user as "secret sauce" This is actually more polite than many offensive in-house emails that accused me of "just making work" while crystal production was being optimized.
My final point is this: that perfect record keeping is also more important than anybody thinks. I am the only person who is willing to admit that I kept a legal copy of some Astimex records. Astimex Standards stopped answering calls and emails sometime in 2018. HOW do future collections plan to prevent this dead airspace?