Our SX-100 has the following configuration. Tungsten filament. Five spectrometers, all flow counters.
Crystals. SP1: LTAP, LPC2; SP2: PC3, TAP, PET, LiF; SP3: LPET, LLiF; SP4: LTAP, LPC1; SP5: LPET, LLiF
BSE detector: broken. EDX (Rontec XFlash series 1000): broken.
Roughing pumps not included.
Liquid nitrogen anticontamination device.
Software version PeakSight 4.2. Old PC, running windows XP (not Unix).
VME electronics - i don't know what you mean by that.
It is true that the decommissioning is early. I would have given it another ten years of service life. However, demand for EPMA work is thin in our sector and operational / maintenance costs are relatively high.