Thanks everyone for the comments. This is turning into a great thread.
Doug, I agree AFM or even stylus type depth profilers should work well. I used these in the past, the latter for SIMS depth profiling studies. But like Dave I'm wondering how to produce a sharp enough edge for an accurate measurement, as we're talking nanometres. I'll have to purchase that ISO TR you've mentioned. From the public summary it sounds like they're basically using a 75 mesh TEM grid for masking? Another issue is that we have none of these techniques here and mailing the samples around is probably not a good idea.
The geometrical method sounds good as well, at least to "calibrate" another method like our resistance method. Due to the design of our carbon source I can't really measure a length (more below). It may be possible to weigh the carbon rod before and after, but I'm a little bit conscious about mechanical material loss from the rods where they are clamped.
John, yes we're obviously using the conductivity/resistance as a thickness proxy. It seems to give reproducible coating thicknesses, at least when we put the coated monitoring glass slides of different coatings next to each other on a white sheet of paper. Quite subtle changes in thickness seem to be visible to the eye as a slightly different shade of grey. I wonder if it is even possible to measure this as a transmission/absorption and deduce thickness from that. I agree that chamber vacuum, residual gas composition, rod surface contamination... might very well have a significant effect on conductivity. We use the liquid nitrogen trap in our Ladd coater and wait for the pressure to go below 1E-5 torr. Our Auto306 now has a turbo/scroll pumping system and glow discharge unit in addition to the liquid nitrogen trap, so hopefully this will improve the cleanliness.
We also have a different carbon rod source design. We're not using sharpened rods, we're using a single 1.5 mm diameter rod which is clamped at both ends (exposed rod length in between around 25 mm). We crank it up very quickly to almost maximum current (off the chart of the built-in ampere meter that maxes out at 50A) until we start the conductivity starting to climb. The rods mainly seem to evaporate in the center between the electrodes, as they get thinner and rougher there and eventually break in that spot. There is absolutely no sparking. The first coating for a new carbon rod is different - for a similar shade of grey it has higher resistance/lower conductivity. Maybe that's because the new rods are fairly smooth and need to "roughen up" first (it also takes longer to get evaporation started), or there is some surface contamination etc. So we don't use the first coating for critical things. But the following coatings seem very reproducible. It usually lasts for 4-5 coatings and then breaks.
This design was already in place when I got here. I think it is used in at least a couple of other facilities in Australia. I've used sharpened rods systems in the past and also tried it again now with various tip shapes on the Auto306 as it came with it. It seems a lot like a dark art to me to get the tip shapes consistently right for reproducible coatings. I didn't realise you're actually looking for sparks. I always thought these were a sign of uncontrolled conditions, bigger chunks of carbon flying off.
Generally the quartz resonators seem to work fine, but there seems to be the accuracy/precision issue for thin coatings of a low mass element like carbon. Which is why I think I'll need to move the quartz much closer to the source than the samples to get more deposition on the quartz (and have a tooling factor account for the difference in distance). Another problem that is mentioned in the Leica info on the web (the link in the previous post where we've found the C on Au interference colours) is that the heat and light during evaporation seem to affect (increase) the quartz resonance frequency. Essentially the quartz will only give a reliable reading once stabilised after evaporation. With their carbon thread coater where they seem to achieve +/-0.5nm accuracy they're doing pulse/flash evaporation, so they can let the quartz stabilise after each pulse/flash and monitor the carbon build-up that way. That's obviously difficult for a continuous carbon rod evaporation.
So I might continue use the resistance method to monitor thickness buildup during coating, but have the quartz resonator in the Auto306 as a "second opinion" to cross check after evaporation (hopefully track conductivity issues that way) and maybe as least initially also have a gold coated or brass disk as another opinion...
There is an extract from an old MSA list discussion here as well on how the gold/brass interference colours were established: states that the read-blue change at 24+/-0.5 nm was originally determined by Balzers (now Leica) using a "multibeam interference technique for calibration".