Hardware > Thermo

Thermo on SXFive


Hi all
Just a quick question to see how many people running SXFive's have Bruker vs Thermo. We are experiencing ongoing issues with our Bruker XFlash 5010, and more to the point turn around times for repair, so are considering other options.
I assume both are much of a muchness with integration into PfE, but with regards to the OEM software has anyone used both and prefer one over the other?


Dear Benjamin,
Had You moved to Thermo? We also had experienced unpredictable failures of Bruker EDS. I like Bruker detectors: mostly its control, API, and the file formats, but sudden out-of-nowhere breakdowns makes me to start looking for alternatives.


--- Quote from: sem-geologist on October 05, 2022, 05:51:27 AM ---Dear Benjamin,
Had You moved to Thermo? We also had experienced unpredictable failures of Bruker EDS. I like Bruker detectors: mostly its control, API, and the file formats, but sudden out-of-nowhere breakdowns makes me to start looking for alternatives.

--- End quote ---

We have a Thermo Pathfinder system on our SX100 at UofO:


Probe Software seems to have a number of Thermo systems on both JEOL and Cameca instruments:


One of the selling points of the newest Bruker detectors is the detector modules themselves should now be field replaceable.

I agree that shipping the detectors all the way home to Berlin is a terrible way to run repairs.


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