We are very pleased to announce the latest Probe Image application v. 1.4.1. See the first post in this topic (above) for details. Or open the Readme.txt file after updating.
But we will show in this post a couple of the latest improvements. For example, the Setup | Acquisition dialog window now has a field for the number of replicate maps to acquire, as seen here:
If the number of replicates is 1, then the maps are acquired as usual. However, if the number of replicates is greater than one, then Probe Image will automatically acquire replicates maps with the _TDI_n suffix, where n is the replicate number.
This means that one will
no longer have to manually convert the replicate maps into TDI maps using the CalcImage Convert menu as described here:
https://probesoftware.com/smf/index.php?topic=933.msg10185#msg10185So, with this Probe Image upgrade, you can skip this step and import your PrbImg x-ray map files from Probe Image directly into CalcImage for quantification.
Of course we will keep the Convert to TDI menu for backwards compatibility. Also, if you utilize the JEOL or Cameca software for x-ray map TDI acquisitions and convert them to PrbImg files (using the ConvertToPrbImg application in Probe Image), you will still need to use the CalcImage Convert to TDI menu manually.
And by the way, if you do acquire off-peak maps for your TDI map background corrections (as opposed to using the MAN background corrections), Probe Image will now automatically only acquire the off-peak map(s), only after the last replicate maps (as one should). This used to be something easy to forget, as described here:
https://probesoftware.com/smf/index.php?topic=609.msg10167#msg10167So, another thing to no longer worry about. In addition, the new Probe Image release also display the total predicted acquisition time as shown in the screen shot above.
Finally Probe Image also provides an improved status update as shown here:
Download this latest Probe Image v. 1.4.1 ZIP file as usual from the various download sites, e.g.,