Author Topic: Differences between PictureSnapApp and the PictureSnapApp feature in PFE  (Read 1915 times)

John Donovan

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Somebody asked recently what are the differences between PictureSnapApp and the PictureSnap feature in Probe for EPMA.  It's a good question!

Basically PictureSnapApp is intended for documentation (annotation) of sample areas of interest, and also for easy transfer to *other* instruments with different stage orientations and/or stage units.

First of all it's a standalone app so it can be run on any instrument with a stage, for free in "text input mode", and for the hardware enabled version on FEI/JEOL/Cameca instruments, for US $499.

Second, it has nice symbol/text annotation capabilities for both points and fields of view (FOVs).

Third it also supports embedded images acquired from the instrument (even in the free text input version). This is the Image Locator feature described here:

Fourth it supports image rotation and automatic transformation from different stage orientations (cartesian vs. anti-cartesian and half cartesian) and also different stage units (mm vs. um vs. nm) for moving one's work from one instrument to another.

The best bet is to download it and play with it in demo mode and see what you think. The students really like it!

In my lab, I have it running on both the FEI Quanta SEM Thermo computer, and the Cameca PeakSight computer, so since students generally run first on the FEI Quanta SEM using CL imaging and annotating, or whatever, they simply copy the image folder to the Cameca PC, load the base image, calibrate it, and then they have all their areas of interest (say for a scanned thin section) already documented for their probe work.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2018, 08:28:18 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"