Author Topic: Jeol setting PHA for every element  (Read 3510 times)

Ben Buse

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Jeol setting PHA for every element
« on: January 27, 2015, 09:07:48 AM »

I couldn't find a post about this so here goes. I've always found it a pain setting the PHA for each element - this is despite when using integratal mode it remains constant for months until you change the bottle.

So I finally decided to do Paul Carpenter's suggestion of emprical curves (e.g. to determine the bias for any elements. As such I just plotted up PHA data collected in the last month or so

Figure attached

Giving me the empirical equations to calculate bias for any element and enter into PFE. The trick is energy is plotted as natural log to give striaght line.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 02:20:53 AM by Ben Buse »

Ben Buse

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Re: Jeol setting PHA for every element
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2015, 06:05:59 AM »
An update,

As covered in probewin manual you can then set up an empircal correction. Entering the intercept and slope for each spectrometer/bias/crystal into emppha.dat

Then when adding elments you can click calculate empirical pha - it will calculate it where intercepts and slopes have been added for that spectrometer, crystal & bias - check using desired bias before clicking

In probewin.ini can set UseEmpiricalPHADefaults=1
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 02:24:31 AM by Ben Buse »