Author Topic: Heterogeneous Materials - Sampling, and Detection Limits  (Read 3455 times)

Ashley Norris

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Heterogeneous Materials - Sampling, and Detection Limits
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:18:16 PM »
A basic tenant of EPMA is that the sample material must be homogeneous for the matrix correction to work in a meaningful way. But to be strictly correct here, the sample needs to only be locally homogeneous, on the scale of the interaction volume. With that caveat aside, my current research project features some challenging materials I wish to analyse for bulk composition, and I was hoping someone could point me in a helpful direction. It's more like a sampling problem than an EPMA, but we'll see...

The material of interest is mostly iron, with trace metals on the order of 100-5000 ppm (w/w). All of the trace metals behave differently depending on their siderophile nature, and some disperse very nicely throughout the iron, while others congregate in small blebs 1-10um across, while others still show a tendency to do both. The most interesting (for my work) trace elements present are heavy volatile metals, such as Ag, In, Cd, Bi, Pb, and Tl. Running some monte carlo simulations in Casino show small (<1um deep) interaction volumes at 20, and even 25 KV, so while there will be some mixing for some analysis points, on the whole, I think moving forwards we can assume that the probe is sampling the two populations separately and relatively well.

However, my question is whether anyone has any thoughts on the best way to recover the bulk composition of this material, especially when working close to the detection limit.

For clarity, let's just consider an arbitrary trace element of interest:

Essentially, the material contains some kind of bi-modal distribution, with relative proportions in the two phases and some kind of distribution between them.

If the abundance in both phases is above detection then the whole distribution is above detection, and taking an average of all analytical points matches the bulk average of the material. This works as expected, provided the material is sampled enough times. There may be a tail extending below the detection limit, but it's probably insignificant.

If the abundances in both phases are all below detection, then everything can be trivially discarded.

When the abundance in the bulk matrix is below detection, but in the higher abundance blebs it is above detection, then we have truncated the distribution at an arbitrary point. As a consequence averaging the remaining distribution over estimates (by about 2x, but 1.5x is more typical) the bulk composition for this trace element if the below-detection results are thrown away, which most people would do without thinking about it.

By this point most people would tell me to increase the counting times, crank the beam current, triple-check everything, lower the detection limits and do it all again!


Is anyone aware of any strategy that would enable me to salvage the analyses done so far and model the below-detection numbers in some kind of half-meaningful way.

I made a simple stats sampling model today (just stats, no PENEPMA) that shows in general that the following strategy kind of works:

 - Considering one trace element in a set of analyses (say 100 points) on the same material.
 - Replace all below-detection values with half the detection limit for that element.
 - Take the average.
 - If the average is below detection, discard the dataset for this element, it's probably no good.
 - If a certain proportion of the measurements are below detection, then discard the dataset, it's probably no good. I don't have a strategy for determining this percentage: it feels like 1-10% would be OK, and anything over 50% would definitely not be OK. My simple stats model for two Gaussian distributions shows that as expected it mostly depends on the relative proportions of the concentrations in the two phases, but also importantly on the width of each distribution: broad distributions are truncated more by the detection limit and the over estimation in the average value is the worst.

Is this just a complete waste of time? It feels like it, and seems much too arbitrary for my liking.

Any thoughts, recommended reading, or advice will be very much appreciated, thank you,



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Re: Heterogeneous Materials - Sampling, and Detection Limits
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2016, 09:38:12 PM »
Hi Ashley,
There are many aspects to your problem that should be discussed.

For example, I don't think you mentioned the composition of the inclusions, but if you are, for example, looking for Pb and some of the inclusion grains are a PbS phase, then secondary fluorescence effects should be considered (see attachment below).

But I'm going to start with this: Why are you doing anything to the values that are ostensibly below detection limits?  In my humble opinion you should average all values reported, not only those below the detection limits, but even those that are less than zero!  That is to say, negative concentrations.

Why?  Because when you are measuring zero, the measurements will distribute themselves around zero, with some positive, but also some negative.  If one "zeros out" or even "halves out" some values, that will introduce a bias in the average value, pushing it higher than it should be.

I know I'm probably missing the gist of your question, but if it's of any value I have a post related to this here:
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 09:40:16 PM by Probeman »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

Ashley Norris

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Re: Heterogeneous Materials - Sampling, and Detection Limits
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2016, 01:00:56 AM »
That's great, thanks John.

I think what I need to do is change my mindset regarding the statistics and consider all of the points as an entire population.

So you are right, the detection limit for each individual point should be ignored.  Instead, I should compute a bulk detection limit for all of the points on a sample in a session. Then I can assess the average concentration against the detection limit for the whole population. Provided I collect enough points on each sample in each session then this may work.

I'll have to compute my MDL by hand.  John Fournelle has a nice presentation, and he references (Goldstein et al., p. 500, equation 9.84) for a student t-test based MDL.

Jeremy links to the Cameca detection limit calculation, which isn't a bad read actually, but I worry about straying too far towards the dark side...

How about you John? Does PFW compute a population MDL, and if so, is there a reference for the calculation?

PS: Just to answer your question, the blebs are mostly the heavy metals (Cd, Tl, Pb, Bi). They are nominally free of sulfur and oxygen, and I can't find any silicate or sulfide phases in the system, though I'm sure there's a little bit around as contamination. So my "feeling" is that an e-beam hitting one of these inclusions will generate a range of lines that won't penetrate far in this material and the fluorescence of iron will be limited. In the long term, I would expect any excess iron reported in the analysis of the blebs to result in an underestimate of the trace element component. Maybe by 1-5%? Having written that, and double-checking, I should note that some of the lines are quite energetic: Ag Ka at 22keV for example, but even at 25KV this will have a very low yield. I think more concerning are the Pb, Bi, & Tl L-lines around 10-11keV. These will try to penetrate and fluoresce the iron, with the only limiting factor being the stopping factor of the high-Z bleb. Hmmm...maybe I should run a PENEPMA simulation just to know for sure.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 03:46:42 AM by Ashley Norris »

John Donovan

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Re: Heterogeneous Materials - Sampling, and Detection Limits
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2016, 08:52:07 AM »
I'll have to compute my MDL by hand.  John Fournelle has a nice presentation, and he references (Goldstein et al., p. 500, equation 9.84) for a student t-test based MDL.

This is the same method I use in Probe for EPMA. Note that most of the equations in his slides are from my help document!  See here for an example of the output from my software for t-tests:

How about you John? Does PFW compute a population MDL, and if so, is there a reference for the calculation?

Not sure what you mean by "population" MDL.  Probe for EPMA always uses all the data in a data set for all sensitivity calculations, unless the data has been "disabled" by the user.  The equations I use are the ones in the PFE/CalcZAF help document.

PS: Just to answer your question, the blebs are mostly the heavy metals (Cd, Tl, Pb, Bi). They are nominally free of sulfur and oxygen, and I can't find any silicate or sulfide phases in the system, though I'm sure there's a little bit around as contamination. So my "feeling" is that an e-beam hitting one of these inclusions will generate a range of lines that won't penetrate far in this material and the fluorescence of iron will be limited. In the long term, I would expect any excess iron reported in the analysis of the blebs to result in an underestimate of the trace element component. Maybe by 1-5%? Having written that, and double-checking, I should note that some of the lines are quite energetic: Ag Ka at 22keV for example, but even at 25KV this will have a very low yield. I think more concerning are the Pb, Bi, & Tl L-lines around 10-11keV. These will try to penetrate and fluoresce the iron, with the only limiting factor being the stopping factor of the high-Z bleb. Hmmm...maybe I should run a PENEPMA simulation just to know for sure.

Well since the blebs contain significant concentrations of the trace elements you are looking for, I would be very concerned about secondary fluorescence effects!  You might want to try the Penepma GUI in Standard. There are two GUIs.  The first assumes a vertical boundary and can provide results in seconds using previously calculated PAR files. It is described here: 

The 2nd GUI calculates everything from scratch using any geometry but takes many hours, and is described here:

Since I forgot to attach the SF calculation image in the above post, here it is now:

This was calculated in the Standard app which comes with CalcZAF in just a few seconds.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 06:32:25 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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Re: Heterogeneous Materials - Sampling, and Detection Limits
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2016, 12:52:31 PM »
Probe for EPMA and CalcImage provide single point/pixel detection limits and analytical sensitivity calculations. For the average of a sample (3 or more points), it provides t-test detection limits and analytical sensitivity from 60 to 99 CI.  See here:

and here:
« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 01:10:47 PM by Probeman »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!