Author Topic: Updating PFE without an internet connection  (Read 2488 times)

John Donovan

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Updating PFE without an internet connection
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:11:05 AM »
How to Update Probe for EPMA without Internet Access

Probe for EPMA is constantly being improved and updated, so it is worthwhile to download application updates regularly to take advantage of new software features and capabilities.

From locations that have access to the Internet this is easily accomplished by simply going to the Help | Update Probe for EPMA menu and using either the FTP or HTTP download mode. Probe for EPMA will automatically check if a new version is available and if so, download the ProbeForEPMA.msi file and offer to install it for you. Re-starting the software will give you the latest updated version of Probe for EPMA. Note that all changes to the software are documented in the VERSION.TXT file which can be easily accessed from the Help | Display Program Version Information menu.

For locations that do not have direct access to the Internet an alternative method can be used to update Probe for EPMA that requires just a few more steps.

1.   Find a computer in another location that does have direct access to the Internet, for example your office or even a home computer, and install Probe for EPMA on this off-line computer. This step only needs to be performed once. Contact Probe Software if you need any help on this step.

2.   Note that you may also use this off-line computer for subsequent data processing of Probe for EPMA data by copying your probe run database files from the secure computer’s UserData folder to the off-line computer’s UserData folder (be sure to copy not only your probe run MDB file and the BIM file if it is present, but also copy your STANDARD.MDB file in the Probe for EPMA application folder whenever it is modified to the off-line computer’s Probe for EPMA application folder).

3.   From this off-line computer use the Help | Update Probe for EPMA menu as described above to update this Probe for EPMA installation. Note that the ProbeForEPMA.msi file will be automatically saved to the Probe for EPMA application folder.

4.   Copy this ProbeForEPMA.msi file from the off-line computer to your on-line computer (the computer that actually operates your microprobe instrument using a USB drive or CDROM if necessary). Make sure no Probe for EPMA applications are running and double click the ProbeForEPMA.msi and install Probe for EPMA to the application folder (usually C:\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA).

5.   No site specific configuration files are modified when you update so be sure to overwrite all files to get a proper update. You are updated.

Contact Probe Software if you have any questions or concerns regarding this procedure.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"