Author Topic: Amphibole output  (Read 3619 times)

Heather Lowers

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Amphibole output
« on: September 24, 2015, 08:29:28 AM »
I'm missing the option in the User Specified Custom Output for the calculated amphibole formula based on the Jay Ague renormalization.  The cations that are output are those that the user selected.  Might be the same for the biotite calculation scheme but haven't tried that yet.

John Donovan

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Re: Amphibole output
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2015, 04:09:52 PM »
Hi Heather,
Have you tried importing the file into Excel?   If that doesn't work maybe I could try re-formatting the output with tabs. How's that sound?

Or here's another idea: take the current amphibole/biotite text output, and save it to a Word document and then highlight the variables you want to get into Excel (you do know I'm not a geologist?), and I can create a separate spreadsheet output just for those variables.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 10:03:35 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

Heather Lowers

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Re: Amphibole output
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2015, 08:42:05 AM »
I searched for the text file called AMPHI.OUT and did not locate it anywhere.  I do not want all the data that is generated in the calculation. Only interested in the final cation allocation after the Fe2/Fe3 normalization.  That should be pretty easy for a clever guy like yourself to add to the User Specified output.  Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top  :)

John Donovan

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Re: Amphibole output
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2015, 09:12:19 AM »
I searched for the text file called AMPHI.OUT and did not locate it anywhere.  I do not want all the data that is generated in the calculation. Only interested in the final cation allocation after the Fe2/Fe3 normalization.  That should be pretty easy for a clever guy like yourself to add to the User Specified output.  Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top  :)

Hi Heather,
I see now that the calculation output is simply sent to the log window.  So please just paste that log window text output for the amphibole and biotite recalculations, from the log window into a Word document, and highlight the output that you want to get into Excel and send me the Word document.

Remember, I ain't no geologist!

« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 10:03:52 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

Malcolm Roberts

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Re: Amphibole output
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2015, 11:44:05 PM »
That's a double negative John..........

John Donovan

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Re: Amphibole output
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2015, 09:15:02 AM »
That's a double negative John..........

Yeah, right.   :P
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

John Donovan

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Re: Amphibole output
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2015, 08:53:58 AM »
Hi Heather,
In addition to the AMPHI.OUT text file, Probe for EPMA now creates an AMPHI.DAT tab delimited output file with the oxide wt percents and structural formulas for amphiboles. The program will ask you once per PFE session if you want to create a new AMPHI.DAT, and will subsequently append additional samples to the file in the current user data directory. When you are finished, simply right click the AMPHI.DAT file and select the open with Excel menu.

Please check the AMPHI.DAT output and let me know if this is what you had in mind...
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"


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Re: Amphibole output
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2015, 12:23:58 PM »
In case anyone is interested here is the amphibole mineral recalculation code. It was written a long time ago in FORTRAN by Jay Ague and I only translated it into VB.

Code: [Select]
Sub ConvertAmphibole(INORM As Integer, percents() As Single, sample() As TypeSample)
'  Originally written in FORTRAN by JAY AGUE, translated to Visual Basic by John Donovan
'  Calls ConvertAmphiboleNORM, ConvertAmphiboleAVER, ConvertAmphiboleSUM, ConvertAmphiboleGETFE and ConvertAmphiboleAUTOAV routines

ierror = False
On Error GoTo ConvertAmphiboleError

Const SSTRING1$ = "-----------------------------------------------------------"
Const SSTRING2$ = " ------ "

Dim j As Integer, ip As Integer
Dim IFE As Integer  ' 1 = Fe2O3 analyzed, 2 = Fe2O3 not analyzed
Dim IDEBUG As Integer, IBIG As Integer, NCODE As Integer

Dim PRESS2 As Single, PRESS23 As Single, ATOPT As Single
Dim MNX As Single, MGMFT As Single, MGB As Single, MGTOFE As Single, MGFET As Single
Dim WTPCT As Single, WTT As Single, RAMGFE  As Single
Dim TETAL As Single, OCTA As Single, OCTAL As Single, ANAM4 As Single, ANA12 As Single
Dim FE2X As Single, FE3X As Single, XALVI As Single, tix As Single, CAX As Single, ANAM4X As Single
Dim FERAT As Single, HALMO As Single, HALMF As Single, HALCL As Single, ASITE As Single
Dim WTPCF As Single, WTPCCL As Single, XFOXOH As Single, HALOG As Single
Dim FELOG  As Single, OC1 As Single, OC2 As Single

Dim d As Double

Dim astring As String, bstring As String

Dim WTPC(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single, ATOP(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single, PMOL(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single
Dim ANIO(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single, CAT1(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single, ANSFO(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single
Dim CAT2(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single, CAT3(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single, CATF(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single
Dim CAT4(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single, CAT5(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As Single

Dim esym(1 To MAXAMPHI%) As String
' Pre-load small values
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    WTPC!(j%) = NotAnalyzedValue!
Next j%

IBIG% = 0
' Print calculation
Call IOWriteLog(vbCrLf & "Amphibole Formula Calculations (from Jay Ague AMPHI.F code)...")
' Assume Fe2O3 not analyzed
IFE% = 2        ' 1 = Fe2O3 analyzed, 2 = Fe2O3 not analyzed
WTPCT! = 0#
WTT! = 0#

' Load oxide percents
For j% = 1 To sample(1).LastChan%
    ip% = IPOS1%(MAXELM%, sample(1).Elsyms$(j%), Symlo$())
    If ip% <> 0 Then
        If ip% = 14 Then WTPC!(1) = percents!(j%)   ' SiO2
        If ip% = 22 Then WTPC!(2) = percents!(j%)   ' TiO2
        If ip% = 13 Then WTPC!(3) = percents!(j%)   ' Al2O3
        If ip% = 26 Then
            If IFE% = 1 Then
            WTPC!(4) = 0#              ' Fe2O3 (just zero out for now)
            WTPC!(5) = percents!(j%)   ' FeO
            WTPC!(4) = 0#              ' Fe2O3
            WTPC!(5) = percents!(j%)   ' FeO
            End If
        End If
        If ip% = 12 Then WTPC!(6) = percents!(j%)   ' MgO
        If ip% = 25 Then WTPC!(7) = percents!(j%)   ' MnO
        If ip% = 20 Then WTPC!(8) = percents!(j%)   ' CaO
        If ip% = 11 Then WTPC!(9) = percents!(j%)   ' Na2O
        If ip% = 19 Then WTPC!(10) = percents!(j%)  ' K2O
        If ip% = 9 Then WTPC!(11) = percents!(j%)  ' F
        If ip% = 17 Then WTPC!(12) = percents!(j%)   ' Cl
    End If
Next j%

' Sum total
WTT! = 0#
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    WTT! = WTT! + WTPC!(j%)
Next j%

' Begin calculations
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    PMOL!(1) = WTPC!(1) / 60.09: esym$(1) = "Si"
    PMOL!(2) = WTPC!(2) / 79.9: esym$(2) = "Ti"
    PMOL!(3) = WTPC!(3) / 101.94: esym$(3) = "Al"
    PMOL!(4) = WTPC!(4) / 159.7: esym$(4) = "Fe+3"
    PMOL!(5) = WTPC!(5) / 71.85: esym$(5) = "Fe+2"
    PMOL!(6) = WTPC!(6) / 40.32: esym$(6) = "Mg"
    PMOL!(7) = WTPC!(7) / 70.94: esym$(7) = "Mn"
    PMOL!(8) = WTPC!(8) / 56.08: esym$(8) = "Ca"
    PMOL!(9) = WTPC!(9) / 61.982: esym$(9) = "Na"
    PMOL!(10) = WTPC!(10) / 94.2: esym$(10) = "K"
    PMOL!(11) = WTPC!(11) / 19#: esym$(11) = "F"
    PMOL!(12) = WTPC!(12) / 35.457: esym$(12) = "Cl"
    If j% <= 2 Then GoTo 102
    If j% = 3 Or j% = 4 Then GoTo 103
    If j% > 4 Then GoTo 104

' 2 OXYGENS (equivalence)
    ATOP!(j%) = PMOL!(j%) * 2#
    GoTo 105

    ATOP!(j%) = PMOL!(j%) * 3#
    GoTo 105

    ATOP!(j%) = PMOL!(j%) * 1#

' Next element
    WTPCT = WTPCT + WTPC!(j%)
Next j%
WTPCF = WTPC(11) * 0.4211
WTPCCL = WTPC(12) * 0.2256
ATOPT = 0#
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI% - 2
    ATOPT = ATOPT + ATOP!(j%)
Next j%

d# = 23# / ATOPT!
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    ANIO!(j%) = d * ATOP!(j%)
Next j%

For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
      If j% <= 2 Then ANSFO!(j%) = ANIO!(j%) / 2#
      If j% = 3 Or j% = 4 Then ANSFO!(j%) = ANIO!(j%) * 0.6666
      If j% > 4 And j% <= 8 Then ANSFO!(j%) = ANIO!(j%)
      If j% = 9 Or j% = 10 Then ANSFO!(j%) = ANIO!(j%) * 2#
      If j% > 10 Then ANSFO!(j%) = ANIO!(j%)
Next j%

' Call routine NORM to perform the structural formula calculations
If IFE% <> 1 Then
Call ConvertAmphiboleNorm(ANSFO!(), CAT1!(), CAT2!(), CAT3!(), CAT4!(), CAT5!())
If ierror Then Exit Sub
End If

If DebugMode Then
Call IOWriteLog(vbCrLf & "Entered Amphibole Analysis:")
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    If j% = 1 Then astring$ = Format$("SiO2", a80$)
    If j% = 2 Then astring$ = Format$("TiO2", a80$)
    If j% = 3 Then astring$ = Format$("Al2O3", a80$)
    If j% = 4 Then astring$ = Format$("Fe2O3", a80$)
    If j% = 5 Then astring$ = Format$("FeO", a80$)
    If j% = 6 Then astring$ = Format$("MgO", a80$)
    If j% = 7 Then astring$ = Format$("MnO", a80$)
    If j% = 8 Then astring$ = Format$("CaO", a80$)
    If j% = 9 Then astring$ = Format$("Na2O", a80$)
    If j% = 10 Then astring$ = Format$("K2O", a80$)
    If j% = 11 Then astring$ = Format$("F", a80$)
    If j% = 12 Then astring$ = Format$("Cl", a80$)
    If j% <> 4 Then bstring$ = Format$(Format$(WTPC!(j%), f83$), a80)
    If j% = 4 And IFE% = 1 Then bstring$ = Format$(Format$(WTPC!(j%), f83$), a80)
    If j% = 4 And IFE% = 2 Then bstring$ = Format$(Format$(" ---- "), a80)
Call IOWriteLog(bstring$ & a4x$ & astring$)
Next j%
Call IOWriteLog(SSTRING2$)
astring$ = Format$("TOTAL", a80$)
bstring$ = Format$(Format$(WTT!, f83$), a80)
Call IOWriteLog(bstring$ & a4x$ & astring$)
astring$ = Format$("TOTAL-OXYGEN EQUIV. OF F,CL")
bstring$ = Format$(Format$(WTPCT!, f83$), a80)
Call IOWriteLog(bstring$ & a4x$ & astring$)
Call IOWriteLog(SSTRING1$)
End If
' Do Fe2O3/FeO calculations (Fe2O3 analyzed)
If IFE% = 1 Then
    NCODE = 0
    For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
        CATF!(j%) = ANSFO!(j%)
    Next j%
End If
' Do Fe2O3/FeO calculations (Fe2O3 not analyzed), print out candidate normalizations
If IFE% <> 1 Then
astring$ = a6x$ & Format$("ALL FE2", a80$) & Format$("NORM 1", a80$) & Format$("NORM 2", a80$) & Format$("NORM 3", a80$) & Format$("NORM 4", a80$) & Format$("NORM 5", a80$)
bstring$ = a6x$ & Format$(SSTRING2$, a80$) & Format$(SSTRING2$, a80$) & Format$(SSTRING2$, a80$) & Format$(SSTRING2$, a80$) & Format$(SSTRING2$, a80$) & Format$(SSTRING2$, a80$)
Call IOWriteLog(astring$)
Call IOWriteLog(bstring$)

For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    If j% = 1 Then astring$ = Format$("Si", a60$)
    If j% = 2 Then astring$ = Format$("Ti", a60$)
    If j% = 3 Then astring$ = Format$("Al", a60$)
    If j% = 4 Then astring$ = Format$("Fe3+", a60$)
    If j% = 5 Then astring$ = Format$("Fe2+", a60$)
    If j% = 6 Then astring$ = Format$("Mg", a60$)
    If j% = 7 Then astring$ = Format$("Mn", a60$)
    If j% = 8 Then astring$ = Format$("Ca", a60$)
    If j% = 9 Then astring$ = Format$("Na", a60$)
    If j% = 10 Then astring$ = Format$("K", a60$)
    If j% = 11 Then astring$ = Format$("F", a60$)
    If j% = 12 Then astring$ = Format$("Cl", a60$)
    bstring$ = Format$(Format$(ANSFO!(j%), f84$), a80$) & Format$(Format$(CAT1!(j%), f84$), a80$)
    bstring$ = bstring$ & Format$(Format$(CAT2!(j%), f84$), a80$) & Format$(Format$(CAT3!(j%), f84$), a80$)
    bstring$ = bstring$ & Format$(Format$(CAT4!(j%), f84$), a80$) & Format$(Format$(CAT5!(j%), f84$), a80$)
Call IOWriteLog$(astring$ & bstring$)
Next j%
Call IOWriteLog(vbNullString)
astring$ = a6x$ & "NORM 1: TOTAL-(NA+K)=15   " & "NORM 2: TOTAL-(NA+CA+K)=13"
Call IOWriteLog$(astring$)
astring$ = a6x$ & "NORM 3: TOTAL-K=15        " & "NORM 4: SI+AL=8.0"
Call IOWriteLog$(astring$)
astring$ = a6x$ & "NORM 5: TOTAL=15.8"
Call IOWriteLog$(astring$)
Call IOWriteLog$(SSTRING1$)

' Call averaging routine to determine final structure
Call ConvertAmphiboleAver(ANSFO!(), CAT1!(), CAT2!(), CAT3!(), CAT4!(), CAT5!(), CATF!(), INORM%)
If ierror Then Exit Sub
End If

' Round values in structural formula (array CATF) to 4 decimal places. If Mg = 0, set to 0.0001 to prevent errors.
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    CATF!(j%) = MiscSetRounding2!(CATF!(j%), Int(4))
Next j%
If CATF!(6) = 0# Then CATF!(6) = 0.0001

' Compute mole fractions, molar ratios and pressure of crystallazation using
'  Schmidt (1992) calibration of the Hammarstrom and Zen (1986) barometer

      If CATF!(1) < 8 Then
        TETAL = 8# - CATF!(1)
        TETAL = 0#
      End If

      OCTAL = CATF(3) - TETAL
      If (OCTAL < 0#) Then TETAL = CATF(3)
      If (OCTAL < 0#) Then OCTAL = 0#

      ANAM4 = 7# - (CATF(8) + CATF(4) + CATF(5) + CATF(6) + CATF(7) + OCTAL + CATF(2))
      If (ANAM4 < 0#) Then Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "***OCTAHEDRAL NA IS NEGATIVE***")

' 12-FOLD NA
      If (ANAM4 < 0#) Then ANA12 = CATF(9)
      If (ANAM4 >= 0#) Then ANA12 = CATF(9) - 1# * ANAM4
      If ((ANAM4 >= 0#) And (ANAM4 > CATF(9))) Then ANA12 = 0#
      If (ANAM4 < 0#) Then Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "***ALL NA ASSIGNED TO 12-FOLD SITE***")
      If (ANAM4 < 0#) Then ANAM4 = 0#
      If (ANAM4 > CATF(9)) Then ANAM4 = CATF(9)

      OCTA = ANAM4 + OCTAL + CATF(8) + CATF(4) + CATF(5) + CATF(6) + CATF(2) + CATF(7)

' X - ALVI

' X-FE2+
      FE2X = CATF(5) / OCTA

' X-FE3+
      FE3X = CATF(4) / OCTA

' X - MG
      MGMFT = CATF(6) / OCTA

' X - TI
      tix = CATF(2) / OCTA

' X - MN
      MNX = CATF(7) / OCTA

' X - CA
      CAX = CATF(8) / OCTA

'X - NAM4
      ANAM4X = ANAM4 / OCTA

      ASITE = ANA12 + CATF(10)

' X - F
      HALMF = CATF(11) / 2#
      If (HALMF = 0#) Then HALMF = 0.00001

' X - CL
      HALCL = CATF(12) / 2#
      If (HALCL = 0#) Then HALCL = 0.00001

' X - OH
      HALMO = 1# - HALMF - HALCL
      If (HALMO <= 0#) Then HALMO = 0.00001

      If HALMF / HALMO > 0# Then XFOXOH = MiscConvertLog10#(CDbl(HALMF / HALMO))

      If HALMF / HALCL > 0# Then HALOG = MiscConvertLog10#(CDbl(HALMF / HALCL))

      If MGMFT / FE2X > 0# Then RAMGFE = MiscConvertLog10#(CDbl(MGMFT / FE2X))

' COMPUTE LOG (MG/(FE2+ + FE3+))
      If MGMFT / (FE2X + FE3X) > 0# Then MGFET = MiscConvertLog10#(CDbl(MGMFT / (FE2X + FE3X)))

      If (FE3X = 0#) Then FE3X = 0.0001
      If FE2X / FE3X > 0# Then FELOG = MiscConvertLog10#(CDbl(FE2X / FE3X))

      MGB = CATF(6) / (CATF(6) + CATF(5))

      OC1 = OCTAL + CATF(4) + 2# * CATF(2) + ASITE

      OC2 = OCTAL + CATF(4) + 2# * CATF(2)

' COMPUTE FE2+/(FE2+ + FE3+)
      FERAT = CATF(5) / (CATF(5) + CATF(4))

      MGTOFE = CATF(6) / (CATF(6) + CATF(4) + CATF(5))

' Compute pressure, both with total Al (all Fe2+) and total Al (Fe2+ - Fe3+)
PRESS2! = 5.03 * ANSFO!(3) - 3.92
PRESS23! = 5.03 * CATF!(3) - 3.92
If PRESS2! < 0# Or IFE = 1 Then PRESS2! = 0#
If PRESS23! < 0# Then PRESS23! = 0#

Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "STRUCTURAL FORMULA:")
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "SI   " & Format$(Format$(CATF(1), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "TI   " & Format$(Format$(CATF(2), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "AL IV" & Format$(Format$(TETAL!, f84$), a80$) & a8x$ & "AL VI" & Format$(Format$(OCTAL!, f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "FE3+ " & Format$(Format$(CATF(4), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "FE2+ " & Format$(Format$(CATF(5), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "MG   " & Format$(Format$(CATF(6), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "MN   " & Format$(Format$(CATF(7), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "CA   " & Format$(Format$(CATF(8), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "NA A " & Format$(Format$(ANAM4!, f84$), a80$) & a8x$ & "NA B " & Format$(Format$(ANA12!, f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "K    " & Format$(Format$(CATF(10), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "F    " & Format$(Format$(CATF(11), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "CL   " & Format$(Format$(CATF(12), f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a8x$ & "OH   " & Format$(Format$(2# - (CATF(11) + CATF(12)), f84$), a80$))

Call IOWriteLog(SSTRING1$)

Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "X-FE2+= " & Format$(Format$(FE2X!, f83$), a80$) & a6x$ & "X-MG=   " & Format$(Format$(MGMFT!, f83$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "X-FE3+= " & Format$(Format$(FE3X!, f83$), a80$) & a6x$ & "X-ALVI= " & Format$(Format$(XALVI, f83$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "X-MN=   " & Format$(Format$(MNX!, f84$), a80$) & a6x$ & "X-TI=   " & Format$(Format$(tix!, f84$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "X-CA=   " & Format$(Format$(CAX!, f83$), a80$) & a6x$ & "X-NAM4= " & Format$(Format$(ANAM4X!, f84$), a80$) & vbCrLf)

Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "MG / (MG + FE2+) =  " & Format$(Format$(MGB!, f83$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "FE2+/(FE2+ + FE3+)= " & Format$(Format$(FERAT!, f83$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "MG/(MG+FE2+ + FE3+)=" & Format$(Format$(MGTOFE!, f83$), a80$) & vbCrLf)

Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "X-OH=                     " & Format$(Format$(HALMO!, f83$), a80$) & a4x$ & "X-F=               " & Format$(Format$(HALMF!, f83$), a80$) & a4x & "X-CL=         " & Format$(Format$(HALCL!, f83$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "LOG(X-MG/X-FE2+)=         " & Format$(Format$(RAMGFE!, f83$), a80$) & a4x$ & "LOG(X-F/X-CL)=     " & Format$(Format$(HALOG!, f83$), a80$) & a4x$ & "LOG(X-F/X-OH)=" & Format$(Format$(XFOXOH!, f83$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "LOG(X-MG/(X-FE2+ + FE3+))=" & Format$(Format$(MGFET!, f83$), a80$) & a4x$ & "LOG(X-FE2+/X-FE3+)=" & Format$(Format$(FELOG!, f83$), a80$) & vbCrLf)
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "A-SITE=                   " & Format$(Format$(ASITE!, f83$), a80$) & a4x$ & "TOTAL VI=          " & Format$(Format$(OCTA!, f83$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "ALVI+2TI+A-SITE+FE3+=     " & Format$(Format$(OC1!, f83$), a80$) & a4x$ & "ALVI+2TI+FE3+=     " & Format$(Format$(OC2!, f83$), a80$))
Call IOWriteLog(vbNullString)
Call IOWriteLog(a6x$ & "Schmidt (1992) Pressure (All FE2+): " & Format$(Format$(PRESS2!, f42$), a80$) & " KBar, " & a4x$ & "(FE2+ -FE3+): " & Format$(Format$(PRESS23!, f42$), a80$) & " KBar")
' Output to file (AMPHI.OUT)
astring$ = vbCrLf & "Sample " & VbDquote$ & sample(1).number% & VbDquote$ & vbTab & VbDquote$ & sample(1).Name$ & VbDquote$
Print #tfilenumber%, astring$

astring$ = vbNullString
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    If j% = 3 Then
    astring$ = astring$ + MiscAutoFormat$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(ANSFO!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(CATF!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(TETAL!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(OCTAL!) & vbTab & esym$(j%) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(PRESS2!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(PRESS23!) & vbCrLf
    ElseIf j = 9 Then
    astring$ = astring$ + MiscAutoFormat$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(ANSFO!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(CATF!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(ANAM4!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(ANA12!) & vbTab & esym$(j%) & vbCrLf
    ElseIf j = 12 Then
    astring$ = astring$ + MiscAutoFormat$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(ANSFO!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(CATF!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(2# - (CATF!(11) + CATF!(12))) & vbTab & esym$(j%) & vbCrLf
    astring$ = astring$ + MiscAutoFormat$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(ANSFO!(j%)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(CATF!(j%)) & vbTab & esym$(j%) & vbCrLf
    End If
Next j%
Print #tfilenumber%, astring$
astring$ = vbNullString
astring$ = astring$ & MiscAutoFormat$(HALOG!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(RAMGFE!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(MGB!) & vbTab$
astring$ = astring$ & MiscAutoFormat$(FE2X!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(tix!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(XALVI!) & vbTab$
astring$ = astring$ & MiscAutoFormat$(MNX!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(XFOXOH!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(OC1!) & vbTab$
astring$ = astring$ & MiscAutoFormat$(OC2!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(CATF(3)) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(ASITE!) & vbTab$
astring$ = astring$ & MiscAutoFormat$(FERAT!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(CATF(1)) & vbCrLf
astring$ = astring$ & MiscAutoFormat$(ANAM4!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(ANA12!) & vbTab$ & MiscAutoFormat$(OCTA!) & vbTab$
astring$ = astring$ & MiscAutoFormat$(CATF!(8)) & vbTab & MiscAutoFormatI$(NCODE%)
Print #tfilenumber%, astring$

' Output to file (AMPHI.DAT)
astring$ = vbCrLf & "Sample " & vbTab & VbDquote$ & sample(1).number% & VbDquote$ & vbTab & VbDquote$ & sample(1).Name$ & VbDquote$
Print #tfilenumber2%, astring$

' Output oxide labels
astring$ = vbNullString
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    If j% = 1 Then astring$ = astring$ & "SiO2" & vbTab
    If j% = 2 Then astring$ = astring$ & "TiO2" & vbTab
    If j% = 3 Then
        astring$ = astring$ & "Al2O3" & vbTab
        astring$ = astring$ & "-----" & vbTab
    End If
    If j% = 4 Then astring$ = astring$ & "Fe2O3" & vbTab
    If j% = 5 Then astring$ = astring$ & "FeO" & vbTab
    If j% = 6 Then astring$ = astring$ & "MgO" & vbTab
    If j% = 7 Then astring$ = astring$ & "MnO" & vbTab
    If j% = 8 Then astring$ = astring$ & "CaO" & vbTab
    If j% = 9 Then
        astring$ = astring$ & "Na2O" & vbTab
        astring$ = astring$ & "----" & vbTab
    End If
    If j% = 10 Then astring$ = astring$ & "K2O" & vbTab
    If j% = 11 Then astring$ = astring$ & "F" & vbTab
    If j% = 12 Then astring$ = astring$ & "Cl" & vbTab
Next j%
astring$ = astring$ & "OH" & vbTab
Print #tfilenumber2%, astring$

' Output oxide wt%
astring$ = vbNullString
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    If j% = 1 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
    If j% = 2 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
    If j% = 3 Then
        astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
        astring$ = astring$ & Format$(0#) & vbTab
    End If
    If j% = 4 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
    If j% = 5 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
    If j% = 6 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
    If j% = 7 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
    If j% = 8 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
    If j% = 9 Then
        astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
        astring$ = astring$ & Format$(0#) & vbTab
    End If
    If j% = 10 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
    If j% = 11 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
    If j% = 12 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(WTPC!(j%)) & vbTab
Next j%
astring$ = astring$ & Format$(2# - (CATF(11) + CATF(12))) & vbTab
Print #tfilenumber2%, astring$

' Output structural formula labels
astring$ = vbNullString
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    If j% = 1 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "SI" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    If j% = 2 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "TI" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    If j% = 3 Then
        astring$ = astring$ & "AL IV" & vbTab
        astring$ = astring$ & "AL VI" & vbTab
    End If
    If j% = 4 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "FE 3+" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    If j% = 5 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "FE 2+" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    If j% = 6 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "MG" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    If j% = 7 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "Mn" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    If j% = 8 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "CA" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    If j% = 9 Then
        astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "NA A" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
        astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "NA B" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    End If
    If j% = 10 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "K" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    If j% = 11 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "F" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
    If j% = 12 Then astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "CL" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
Next j%
astring$ = astring$ & VbDquote$ & "OH" & VbDquote$ & vbTab
Print #tfilenumber2%, astring$
' Output structural formulas
astring$ = vbNullString
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
    If j% = 1 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(1)) & vbTab
    If j% = 2 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(2)) & vbTab
    If j% = 3 Then
        astring$ = astring$ & Format$(TETAL!) & vbTab
        astring$ = astring$ & Format$(OCTAL!) & vbTab
    End If
    If j% = 4 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(4)) & vbTab
    If j% = 5 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(5)) & vbTab
    If j% = 6 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(6)) & vbTab
    If j% = 7 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(7)) & vbTab
    If j% = 8 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(8)) & vbTab
    If j% = 9 Then
        astring$ = astring$ & Format$(ANAM4!) & vbTab
        astring$ = astring$ & Format$(ANA12!) & vbTab
    End If
    If j% = 10 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(10)) & vbTab
    If j% = 11 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(11)) & vbTab
    If j% = 12 Then astring$ = astring$ & Format$(CATF(12)) & vbTab
Next j%
astring$ = astring$ & Format$(2# - (CATF(11) + CATF(12))) & vbTab
Print #tfilenumber2%, astring$
Exit Sub

' Errors
MsgBox Error$, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "ConvertAmphibole"
Close #tfilenumber%
Close #tfilenumber2%
ierror = True
Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub ConvertAmphiboleNorm(ANSFO() As Single, CAT1() As Single, CAT2() As Single, CAT3() As Single, CAT4() As Single, CAT5() As Single)
'  Normalize amphibole structural formulas (written by Jay Ague, converted to VB by John Donovan)
'  The specific normalizations performed are:
'      NORM 1: TOTAL CATIONS - (Na+K) = 15
'      NORM 2: TOTAL CATIONS - (Na+Ca+K) = 13
'      NORM 3: TOTAL CATIONS - (K) = 15
'      NORM 4: Si + Al = 8
'      NORM 5: TOTAL CATIONS = 15.8 (Best value for arvfredsonite compositions in DHZ.)
'  The calculations begin with a normalization of cation sums according
'  to each of the above schemes. All Fe is here taken to be divalent.
'  For each normalization, the total charge of all cations, exclusive
'  of Fe, is summed. The excess charge is 46 - this sum. The distribution
'  of Fe2+ and Fe3+ is then described by two equations in two unknowns:
'      2Fe2+ + 3Fe3+ = excess charge
'       Fe2+ +  Fe3+ = total Fe from normalization

ierror = False
On Error GoTo ConvertAmphiboleNormError

Dim j As Integer
Dim AFRAC As Single, FET As Single
Dim ATOM1 As Single, ATOM2 As Single, ATOM3 As Single, ATOM4 As Single, ATOM5 As Single
Dim TOTAL1 As Single, TOTAL2 As Single, TOTAL3 As Single, TOTAL4 As Single, TOTAL5 As Single

ATOM1! = 0#
ATOM2! = 0#
ATOM3! = 0#
ATOM4! = 0#
ATOM5! = 0#

TOTAL1! = 0#
TOTAL2! = 0#
TOTAL3! = 0#
TOTAL4! = 0#
TOTAL5! = 0#

For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI% - 4
      ATOM1 = ATOM1 + ANSFO!(j%)
Next j%
    AFRAC = 15# / ATOM1

Call ConvertAmphiboleSum(CAT1!(), TOTAL1!, ANSFO!(), AFRAC!)
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    FET! = CAT1!(5)
Call ConvertAmphiboleGetFe(TOTAL1!, FET!, CAT1(4), CAT1(5))
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    CAT1(11) = ANSFO(11) * AFRAC
    CAT1(12) = ANSFO(12) * AFRAC

For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI% - 5
      ATOM2 = ATOM2 + ANSFO!(j%)
Next j%
      AFRAC = 13# / ATOM2

Call ConvertAmphiboleSum(CAT2!(), TOTAL2!, ANSFO!(), AFRAC!)
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    FET! = CAT2!(5)
Call ConvertAmphiboleGetFe(TOTAL2!, FET!, CAT2(4), CAT2(5))
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    CAT2(11) = ANSFO(11) * AFRAC
    CAT2(12) = ANSFO(12) * AFRAC

For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI% - 3
      ATOM3 = ATOM3 + ANSFO!(j%)
Next j%
    AFRAC = 15# / ATOM3

Call ConvertAmphiboleSum(CAT3!(), TOTAL3!, ANSFO!(), AFRAC!)
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    FET! = CAT3!(5)
Call ConvertAmphiboleGetFe(TOTAL3!, FET!, CAT3(4), CAT3(5))
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    CAT3(11) = ANSFO(11) * AFRAC
    CAT3(12) = ANSFO(12) * AFRAC

      ATOM4 = ANSFO(1) + ANSFO(3)
      AFRAC = 8# / ATOM4

Call ConvertAmphiboleSum(CAT4!(), TOTAL4!, ANSFO!(), AFRAC!)
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    FET! = CAT4!(5)
Call ConvertAmphiboleGetFe(TOTAL4!, FET!, CAT4(4), CAT4(5))
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    CAT4(11) = ANSFO(11) * AFRAC
    CAT4(12) = ANSFO(12) * AFRAC

For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI% - 2
      ATOM5 = ATOM5 + ANSFO!(j%)
Next j%
    AFRAC = 15.8 / ATOM5

Call ConvertAmphiboleSum(CAT5!(), TOTAL5!, ANSFO!(), AFRAC!)
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    FET! = CAT5!(5)
Call ConvertAmphiboleGetFe(TOTAL5!, FET!, CAT5(4), CAT5(5))
If ierror Then Exit Sub

    CAT5(11) = ANSFO(11) * AFRAC
    CAT5(12) = ANSFO(12) * AFRAC

Exit Sub

' Errors
MsgBox Error$, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "ConvertAmphiboleNorm"
Close #tfilenumber%
Close #tfilenumber2%
ierror = True
Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub ConvertAmphiboleGetFe(total As Single, FET As Single, FE3 As Single, FE2 As Single)
'  Calculate the amphibole Fe2+ and Fe3+ for a given normalization.

ierror = False
On Error GoTo ConvertAmphiboleGetFeError

Dim excess As Single

excess = 46# - total
FE3 = excess - 2# * FET
If FE3 < 0# Then
    FE2 = -1#
    FE2 = FET - FE3
End If

'    If CAT2(4) < 0# Then CAT2(5) = -1#
'    If CAT2(4) > ANSFO(5) Then CAT2(5) = -1#
    If FE3 < 0# Then FE2 = -1#
    If FE3 > FET Then FE2 = -1#

Exit Sub

' Errors
MsgBox Error$, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "ConvertAmphiboleGetFe"
Close #tfilenumber%
Close #tfilenumber2%
ierror = True
Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub ConvertAmphiboleSum(cat() As Single, total As Single, ANSFO() As Single, AFRAC As Single)
'  Sum up the charges on cations, exclusive of Fe, for a given normalization

ierror = False
On Error GoTo ConvertAmphiboleSumError

Dim j As Integer

ReDim TOT(1 To MAXAMPHI% - 2) As Single

For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI% - 2
      cat!(j%) = AFRAC * ANSFO!(j%)
      If j% <= 2 Then TOT!(j%) = cat!(j%) * 4#
      If j% = 3 Then TOT!(j%) = cat!(j%) * 3#
      If j% = 4 Or j% = 5 Then TOT!(j%) = 0#
      If j% > 5 And j% <= 8 Then TOT!(j%) = cat!(j%) * 2#
      If j% > 8 Then TOT!(j%) = cat!(j%)
      total = total + TOT!(j%)
Next j%

Exit Sub

' Errors
MsgBox Error$, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "ConvertAmphiboleSum"
Close #tfilenumber%
Close #tfilenumber2%
ierror = True
Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub ConvertAmphiboleAver(ANSFO() As Single, CAT1() As Single, CAT2() As Single, CAT3() As Single, CAT4() As Single, CAT5() As Single, CATF() As Single, INORM As Integer)
'  Provide "best estimate" of amphibole structural formula. INORM selects the desired normalization or
'  average of normalizations
'   1) Norm 1
'   2) Norm 2
'   3) Norm 3
'   4) Norm 4
'   5) All Fe2+
'   6) Norms 1, 2
'   7) All Fe2+ - Norm 1
'   8) All Fe2+ - Norm 2
'   9) Norms 3, 4
'  10) Norms 2, 3
'  11) Norms 2,3,4
'  12) Norm 5
'  13) Auto

ierror = False
On Error GoTo ConvertAmphiboleAverError

Dim i As Integer

' Default is all as Fe2+
If INORM% = 0 Then INORM = 5

' Load selected norm
For i% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
If INORM = 1 Then CATF(i) = CAT1(i)
If INORM = 2 Then CATF(i) = CAT2(i)
If INORM = 3 Then CATF(i) = CAT3(i)
If INORM = 4 Then CATF(i) = CAT4(i)
If INORM = 5 Then CATF(i) = ANSFO(i)
If INORM = 6 Then CATF(i) = (CAT1(i) + CAT2(i)) / 2#
If INORM = 7 Then CATF(i) = (ANSFO(i) + CAT1(i)) / 2#
If INORM = 8 Then CATF(i) = (ANSFO(i) + CAT2(i)) / 2#
If INORM = 9 Then CATF(i) = (CAT3(i) + CAT4(i)) / 2#
If INORM = 10 Then CATF(i) = (CAT2(i) + CAT3(i)) / 2#
If INORM = 11 Then CATF(i) = (CAT2(i) + CAT3(i) + CAT4(i)) / 3#
If INORM = 12 Then CATF(i) = CAT5(i)
If INORM = 13 Then Call ConvertAmphiboleAutoAv(ANSFO!(), CAT1!(), CAT2!(), CAT3!(), CAT4!(), CATF!())
Next i%
Exit Sub

' Errors
MsgBox Error$, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "ConvertAmphiboleAver"
Close #tfilenumber%
Close #tfilenumber2%
ierror = True
Exit Sub

End Sub
Sub ConvertAmphiboleAutoAv(ANSFO() As Single, CAT1() As Single, CAT2() As Single, CAT3() As Single, CAT4() As Single, CATF() As Single)
'  Automatic Fe3+ averaging routine. Performs averaging of normalizations such that structural
'  formulas with greatest lower bound and least upper bound on Fe3+ are averaged. Results are
'  consistent with the Papike algorithm, as used, for example, by Czamanske et al. (1981).

ierror = False
On Error GoTo ConvertAmphiboleAutoAvError

Dim j As Integer

' Start averaging
        If CAT4(5) < 0# Then GoTo 904:
        If CAT2(5) < 0# Or CAT3(5) < 0# Then GoTo 905:
        If CAT2(4) < CAT3(4) And CAT2(4) < CAT4(4) Then GoTo 906:
        If CAT3(4) < CAT2(4) And CAT3(4) < CAT4(4) Then GoTo 907
        If CAT4(4) < CAT2(4) And CAT4(4) < CAT3(4) Then GoTo 908

' Iterate
906:    For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
          If CAT1(5) < 0# Then CATF(j) = (CAT2(j) + ANSFO(j)) / 2#
          If CAT1(5) >= 0# Then CATF(j) = (CAT2(j) + CAT1(j)) / 2#
Next j%
        GoTo Success
' Iterate
907     For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
          If CAT1(5) < 0# Then CATF(j) = (CAT3(j) + ANSFO(j)) / 2#
          If CAT1(5) >= 0# Then CATF(j) = (CAT3(j) + CAT1(j)) / 2#
        Next j%
        GoTo Success

' Iterate
908:    For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
          If CAT1(5) < 0# Then CATF(j) = (CAT4(j) + ANSFO(j)) / 2#
          If CAT1(5) >= 0# Then CATF(j) = (CAT4(j) + CAT1(j)) / 2#
        Next j%
        GoTo Success
904:     If CAT2(5) < 0# And CAT3(5) < 0# Then GoTo Failure
        If CAT2(5) < 0# Then GoTo 907:
        If CAT3(5) < 0# Then GoTo 906:
        If CAT2(4) > CAT3(4) Then GoTo 907:
        If CAT2(4) < CAT3(4) Then GoTo 906:
        GoTo Failure
905:    If CAT2(5) < 0# And CAT3(5) < 0# Then GoTo 908:
        If CAT2(5) < 0# Then GoTo 913:
        If CAT2(4) < CAT4(4) Then GoTo 906:
        GoTo 908
913:    If CAT3(4) < CAT4(4) Then GoTo 907:
        GoTo 908
' Load return array
For j% = 1 To MAXAMPHI%
        CATF(j) = ANSFO(j)
Next j%
        ANSFO(4) = 0.0001

Exit Sub

' Errors
MsgBox Error$, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "ConvertAmphiboleAutoAv"
Close #tfilenumber%
Close #tfilenumber2%
ierror = True
Exit Sub

End Sub
The only stupid question is the one not asked!