Author Topic: Using CalcZAF for teaching students  (Read 3855 times)


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Using CalcZAF for teaching students
« on: November 02, 2016, 02:50:34 PM »
I assign my EPMA class a problem; to do a matrix correction by hand. That is week one. Week two is to use CalcZAF. This way they get a flavor of what is in the 'grey box' (not a black box) of the matrix correction.
It occurred to me that it might be a useful instructional exercise if CalcZAF offered an option, wherein ALL (each one) of a series of iterations for determining the various sub-units of the matrix correction could be output, so that (1) they can compare some of their own "by hand" calculations with the 'grey box' results as well as (2) see how much gets changed for each iteration. Would it be possible to have an option to output the sub-steps? Even if dumped into an ascii file which could be viewed.


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Re: Using CalcZAF for teaching students
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2016, 03:13:59 PM »
I assign my EPMA class a problem; to do a matrix correction by hand. That is week one. Week two is to use CalcZAF. This way they get a flavor of what is in the 'grey box' (not a black box) of the matrix correction.

It occurred to me that it might be a useful instructional exercise if CalcZAF offered an option, wherein ALL (each one) of a series of iterations for determining the various sub-units of the matrix correction could be output, so that (1) they can compare some of their own "by hand" calculations with the 'grey box' results as well as (2) see how much gets changed for each iteration. Would it be possible to have an option to output the sub-steps? Even if dumped into an ascii file which could be viewed.

What a good idea!  I will add that tonight.
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

John Donovan

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Re: Using CalcZAF for teaching students
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2016, 09:58:05 PM »
Hi John,
Ok, I added code to output the iteration results if both DebugMode and VerboseMode flags are true. Here is an example of the output, the text in red is the new iteration output:

Entering ZAFSmp...
Takeoff =  40, Kilovolts =  15
ELEMENT    fe ka   si ka    o ka
UNK WT%    .0000   .0000   .0000
UNK CNT  7568.10 1329.40 2519.60

STD WT%  72.0800 46.7400 27.6400
STD CNT  10265.7 5268.20 2498.10
RAWKRAT  .737222 .252344 1.00861
STDKFAC  .678126 .410094 .194818

              FluTyp   LinWt  FluYld  JmpFac    MACSmp  FluRay    MACFlu
Si ka by Fe ka,    1    1.00 .355000 .915063  1.74e+03       1  6.34e+01
O  ka by Fe la,    3    4.20 .006300 .946179  3.85e+03       3  4.61e+03
O  ka by Si ka,    1    1.00 .050000 .946179  3.85e+03       1  1.74e+03
O  ka by Si kb,    2    .050 .050000 .946179  3.85e+03       2  1.53e+03

NORMELEM   fe ka   si ka   o  ka
Conc*100 53.9766 14.0563 31.9671

ZAFSmp: Iteration #1
ELEMENT    fe ka   si ka    o ka
ZAFAbs:    .9985  1.4398  1.8665
ZAFFlu:   1.0000   .9992   .9945
ZAFZed:   1.0795   .9425   .8750
ZAFCOR:   1.0779  1.3560  1.6241
UNKRAT:    .4999   .1035   .1965
UNCONC:    .5398   .1406   .3197

              FluTyp   LinWt  FluYld  JmpFac    MACSmp  FluRay    MACFlu
Si ka by Fe ka,    1    1.00 .355000 .915063  1.62e+03       1  6.06e+01
O  ka by Fe la,    3    4.20 .006300 .946179  3.69e+03       3  5.31e+03
O  ka by Si ka,    1    1.00 .050000 .946179  3.69e+03       1  1.62e+03
O  ka by Si kb,    2    .050 .050000 .946179  3.69e+03       2  1.42e+03

NORMELEM   fe ka   si ka   o  ka
Conc*100 54.7809 13.8219 31.3973

ZAFSmp: Iteration #2
ELEMENT    fe ka   si ka    o ka
ZAFAbs:    .9978  1.3995  1.8054
ZAFFlu:   1.0000   .9993   .9956
ZAFZed:   1.0994   .9561   .8900
ZAFCOR:   1.0970  1.3372  1.5997
UNKRAT:    .4999   .1035   .1965
UNCONC:    .5478   .1382   .3140

              FluTyp   LinWt  FluYld  JmpFac    MACSmp  FluRay    MACFlu
Si ka by Fe ka,    1    1.00 .355000 .915063  1.64e+03       1  6.08e+01
O  ka by Fe la,    3    4.20 .006300 .946179  3.70e+03       3  5.25e+03
O  ka by Si ka,    1    1.00 .050000 .946179  3.70e+03       1  1.64e+03
O  ka by Si kb,    2    .050 .050000 .946179  3.70e+03       2  1.43e+03

NORMELEM   fe ka   si ka   o  ka
Conc*100 54.7326 13.8542 31.4132

ZAFSmp: Iteration #3
ELEMENT    fe ka   si ka    o ka
ZAFAbs:    .9979  1.4036  1.8079
ZAFFlu:   1.0000   .9993   .9955
ZAFZed:   1.0976   .9549   .8886
ZAFCOR:   1.0953  1.3394  1.5994
UNKRAT:    .4999   .1035   .1965
UNCONC:    .5473   .1385   .3141

              FluTyp   LinWt  FluYld  JmpFac    MACSmp  FluRay    MACFlu
Si ka by Fe ka,    1    1.00 .355000 .915063  1.64e+03       1  6.08e+01
O  ka by Fe la,    3    4.20 .006300 .946179  3.70e+03       3  5.25e+03
O  ka by Si ka,    1    1.00 .050000 .946179  3.70e+03       1  1.64e+03
O  ka by Si kb,    2    .050 .050000 .946179  3.70e+03       2  1.43e+03

NORMELEM   fe ka   si ka   o  ka
Conc*100 54.7315 13.8508 31.4177

ZAFSmp: Iteration #4
ELEMENT    fe ka   si ka    o ka
ZAFAbs:    .9979  1.4033  1.8082
ZAFFlu:   1.0000   .9993   .9955
ZAFZed:   1.0977   .9549   .8887
ZAFCOR:   1.0954  1.3392  1.5998
UNKRAT:    .4999   .1035   .1965
UNCONC:    .5473   .1385   .3142

Entering ZAFCalZBar...
ELEMENT    fe ka   si ka    o ka
UNK WT%  54.7619 13.8585 31.4352

ZAF correction factors for unknown line  2
ELEMENT    fe ka   si ka    o ka
ZAFAbs:    .9979  1.4033  1.8082
ZAFFlu:   1.0000   .9993   .9955
ZAFZed:   1.0977   .9549   .8887
ZAFCOR:   1.0954  1.3392  1.5998

ZAFSTP:   1.1370   .9279   .8337
ZAFBKS:    .9655  1.0292  1.0660

STDKFAC    .6781   .4101   .1948
UNKKFAC    .4999   .1035   .1965

UNKZBAR  18.6827
ZAFITER     4.00
MANITER      .00
HAL->O2     .000

ELEMENT    fe ka   si ka    o ka
UNK WT%  54.7619 13.8585 31.4352
ZAF%ERR    .0012   .0034   .0046

STDELEM        6       6       6
STDDENS     2.10    2.10    2.10
STDTHIC    200.0   200.0   200.0
STDSINT    311.1   311.1   311.1

SAMPLE: 2, TOA: 40, ITERATIONS: 4, Z-BAR: 18.68271

   Fe ka   .9979  1.0000  1.0977  1.0954  1.1370   .9655   .9867  7.1120  2.1091 60.8022  1.030540
   Si ka  1.4033   .9993   .9549  1.3392   .9279  1.0292   .6453  1.8390  8.1566 1635.92  1.174991
   O  ka  1.8082   .9955   .8887  1.5998   .8337  1.0660   .3876   .5317 28.2114 3698.75  1.127602

 ELEMENT   K-RAW K-VALUE ELEMWT% OXIDWT% ATOMIC% FORMULA KILOVOL                                       
   Fe ka  .73722  .49993  54.762   -----  28.516    .665   15.00                                       
   Si ka  .25234  .10348  13.859   -----  14.349    .335   15.00                                       
   O  ka 1.00861  .19649  31.435   -----  57.135   1.333   15.00                                       
   TOTAL:                100.056   ----- 100.000   2.333
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"