Author Topic: CalcZAF and Probe for EPMA Updates  (Read 4120 times)


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CalcZAF and Probe for EPMA Updates
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:51:59 AM »
Just an FYI, I have eliminated the CalcZAF and Probe for EPMA update ZIP files for the simple reason that manual updates can be problematic.

Therefore the safest, easiest (and now the only) way to update these applications is to use the CalcZAF.msi and/or Probe for EPMA.msi updater/installer.

Note that the CalcZAF files are automatically updated when running the Probe for EPMA.msi updater, but only if the version number has been "bumped" since your last PFE update. But if you run the installer a 2nd time and select the "Repair" option, it will force the CalcZAF.exe and Standard.exe files to be updated even if the version number is the same.

Sometimes I sneak in an update without bumping the version number and I really shouldn't do that, but if I bumped the version number for every software update to the software, we'd be at v. 10234.x.x by now!   :o
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 03:54:28 PM by Probeman »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!