Author Topic: synthesis of sulfides, sulfosalts, arsenides, selenides, tellurides, etc.  (Read 2000 times)

Brian Joy

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One subject that has never been discussed on the forum is synthesis of sulfides, sulfosalts, arsenides, selenides, tellurides, and other compounds commonly found in ore deposits.  Many of the binary compounds are relatively easy to synthesize in a muffle furnace in silica glass capsules.  I’ve made a variety of such compounds – excluding sulfides – using a crude open capsule technique and B2O3 flux (must be dehydrated!).  However, I don’t have the resources or skill necessary to produce many of the compounds I need.  For instance, I’d love to have a set of the diarsenides and sulfarsenides of Co, Ni, and Fe (apparently arsenopyrite is difficult to synthesize, though).

Presumably others out there must have a similar interest??
Brian Joy
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario


  • Professor
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  • Posts: 85
Use Google.  There were some selenides and tellurides in the Taylor collection which was divided up and sold at auction in 2000.

Astimex had some a few years ago, I do not know current status.  Astimex resells to Company S, you may as well buy direct.

They certainly had some HgTe in synthetic single crystal.  They might also have decided that their candidate safflorite CoAs2 was homogeneous. 

« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 02:47:17 PM by crystalgrower »