Author Topic: Actinide matrix corrections  (Read 2890 times)


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    • John Donovan
Actinide matrix corrections
« on: January 20, 2016, 11:59:50 AM »
I recently updated the matrix.mdb Monte-Carlo matrix correction k-ratio database for a number of actinide and REE binaries.

But before I discuss some specific examples, I should first point out that you will need to run the CalcZAF.msi installer to update your matrix.mdb file.  In other words, if you are running Probe for EPMA and/or CalcImage, you will need to run the update from the CalcZAF application in addition to the ProbeForEPMA.msi installer.  I need to fix that, but you know how it is...

Also, the matrix.mdb file isn't updated unless the CalcZAF installer version changes, so to be absolutely sure that you are getting the very latest matrix.mdb file, you should use this link (please note that it is case sensitive!):

I should also mention that the previously problematic C ka in U binary is still producing bizarre intensities in Penfluor/Fanal. Occasionally I will get an error using the 32 bit compiled FORTRAN when the overvoltage is very low, and using the 64 bit compiled FORTRAN always fixes that, but that is certainly not the case for C Ka in U!   But I tried anyway with the 64 bit versions and get the same weird results.

I've contacted Llovet and Salvat and we'll have to see what they say.

In the meantime the case of U ma in C is quite interesting. Here is the traditional Armstrong prz for a 50:50 wt% uranium-carbon binary:

   U  ma   .8748  1.0000  1.2703  1.1112  1.7144   .7410   .8880  3.5520  4.2230 416.655
   C  ka  1.6462  1.0000   .7753  1.2762   .6767  1.1457   .3139   .2838 52.8467 4393.58

 ELEMENT   K-RAW K-VALUE ELEMWT% OXIDWT% ATOMIC% FORMULA KILOVOL                                       
   U  ma  .00000  .44996  50.000   -----   4.804    .048   15.00                                       
   C  ka  .00000  .39178  50.000   -----  95.196    .952   15.00                                       
   TOTAL:                100.000   ----- 100.000   1.000

A relatively minor matrix correction for U ma in C, and here is the system expressed as binary alpha factors using the Armstrong Phi-Rho-z with a polynomial fit:

Quite non-linear, so let's try the non-linear alpha fit:

Better, but now let's look at what Penepma predicts:

Similar magnitude, but a very different slope!

Which one is correct?  Maybe Mike Matthews or another actinide person can tell us!

Edit: TinyPic seems to be having some issues so the last two images are simply attached below (sorry you will have to login in to see them).
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 12:12:38 PM by Probeman »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!