Author Topic: Why can't I see all the stds that are in "standards.mdb", in "Automate" window?  (Read 1489 times)

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Help! I am on a hot RCA and have been utterly stopped in my tracks by the software...

I am missing a couple standards in the list that pops up in my automate window.

For example, I have Zr standard in my elements list and standards assignments, but it is not in the list of standards in the Automate! window.
I can see it when I open standards.mdb.

How do I get it to show up in "Automate!" list?



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Help! I am on a hot RCA and have been utterly stopped in my tracks by the software...

I am missing a couple standards in the list that pops up in my automate window.

For example, I have Zr standard in my elements list and standards assignments, but it is not in the list of standards in the Automate! window.
I can see it when I open standards.mdb.

How do I get it to show up in "Automate!" list?

From the Automate! window, click the Standards option, then click the Digitize button and click the standard from the standards listed in the Digitize window, and then digitize a position, usually by just clicking the Single Point(s) button to digitize the current position.

Usually one has all the standard positions for a standard mount already digitized in a .POS file, and then one simply loads them into the Automate! window using the Import From ASCII (*.POS) button.

The Getting Started manual describes these steps in detail. Check the Help menu in Probe for EPMA, page 83 "Loading Standard Position Files".

To answer the question in your subject line, the standards listed in the Standard database are only the compositions of the standards (and a bunch of EPMA modeling options such as Monte Carlo simulations).  The positions of the standards (and unknowns and wavescans) in Probe for EPMA are usually stored in the .POS files. Though of course they can also be manually digitized for the stage coordinates.

Of course once you acquire any samples, the stage coordinates are automatically recorded and can be seen from the Locate button dialog in Probe for EPMA.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 01:58:03 PM by Probeman »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

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OK thanks for your quick reply! that worked.  ;D