Author Topic: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide  (Read 2948 times)


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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2023, 02:14:32 AM »
I have only one word: oxidation. Especially Pyrite. It is not coincidence that in geology we call it "fool's gold", We should call it "fool's standard" in microanalysis too as it is not suitable even lets say as tertiary standard. The only time I could get good pyrite analyses was then pyrite was polished and without any delay dried under vacuum, and then transfered to probe. Even few hour exposure to atmosphere (or even worse, i.e. warming it up in heater which we do to most of samples to get rid of moisture on its surface) will hasty oxidize the pyrite. And still pyrite and chalcopyrite are widely used as standards in many labs...  :(

The metal is a similar story, maybe not so bad as pyrite and chalcopyrite, but still very susceptible (with exception of some noble metals - which are called noble not without a reason).
Try repeating the experiment at 25kV, the discrepancy should be much lesser.

I think synthetic oxides (or other compounds) is the golden spot as they very weakly react with atmosphere, while still having high concentration of target element. Metal while being pure element, is very easily affected by atmosphere. While not used it should be stored in vacuum or in Nitrogen-purged and filled box. Glasses - these are hard to assess how much it reacts with atmosphere (at least on metals we will see growing O Ka peak when looking for peak with lowering acceleration voltages.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2023, 02:24:33 AM by sem-geologist »


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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2023, 08:29:40 AM »
I have only one word: oxidation.

I thought about oxidation, but I think that dog is barking up the wrong tree.    :D

Here's why: if as you claim, the pyrite standard was oxidized and the Fe oxide standards are much less oxidized, then the Fe concentrations in the secondary oxide standards should be closer to the true values than expected. But we observe the opposite.  It's the oxides that appear to be 2 or 3 percent (relative) lower than the sulfide (which is actually pretty darn close to the expected value). 

Of course it's possible that both the pyrite and Fe metal standards are equally oxidized and that is why the sulfide standard analyzes quite well. But if the Fe metal standard is oxidized, then the secondary oxide standards should analyze "higher" for Fe content than than expected, but as mentioned already, they analyze considerably lower than expected.

But I also agree that a test at 25 keV would be worth doing, or at least a quantitative oxygen measurement. But I'm also going to continue with some detailed wavescans (using a stage increment to avoid beam damage issues).
« Last Edit: April 18, 2023, 10:36:45 AM by Probeman »
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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2023, 10:34:53 AM »
OK, so I ran another test run of Fe and also a Mn oxide and silicate against Fe and Mn metal primary standards and got more results.  Here are the Fe standards plotted in the Evaluate application:

160     NIST K-412
162     NIST K-411
396     Chromite (UC # 523-9)
395     Magnetite U.C. #3380
730     Pyrite UC # 21334
526     Fe metal

As you can see, the pyrite standard agrees excellently with the Fe metal primary standard, but the oxide, silicate and glass standards show a consistent error trend (in absolute wt% units) as one would expect if this is due to a systematic error.  Here is the analysis of magnetite:

St  395 Set   1 Magnetite U.C. #3380, Results in Elemental Weight Percents
ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S      Al      Mg       O
BGDS:      LIN     LIN
TIME:    40.00   40.00     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
BEAM:    29.87   29.87     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---

ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S      Al      Mg       O   SUM 
  1821  70.585    .038    .007    .000    .000    .201    .072  27.803  98.706
  1822  70.551    .031    .007    .000    .000    .201    .072  27.803  98.665
  1823  70.740    .049    .007    .000    .000    .201    .072  27.803  98.872
  1824  69.997    .014    .007    .000    .000    .201    .072  27.803  98.094
  1825  70.360    .043    .007    .000    .000    .201    .072  27.803  98.486

AVER:   70.447    .035    .007    .000    .000    .201    .072  27.803  98.564
SDEV:     .285    .013    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .297
SERR:     .128    .006    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000
%RSD:      .41   38.54     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00

PUBL:   72.080    .054    .007    .000    n.a.    .201    .072  27.803 100.217
%VAR:    -2.27  -35.41     .00     .00     ---     .00     .00     .00
DIFF:   -1.633   -.019    .000    .000     ---    .000    .000    .000
STDS:      526     525     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---

Note the roughly 2% (relative) error in the magnetite Fe content using the Fe metal standard. Here is the NIST K-411 mineral glass:

St  162 Set   1 NBS K-411 mineral glass, Results in Elemental Weight Percents
ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S      Mg      Ca      Al       O
BGDS:      LIN     LIN
TIME:    40.00   40.00     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
BEAM:    29.87   29.87     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---

ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S      Mg      Ca      Al       O   SUM 
  1811  10.866    .112    .000  25.382    .000   8.847  11.057    .053  43.558  99.875
  1812  10.816    .096    .000  25.382    .000   8.847  11.057    .053  43.558  99.809
  1813  10.745    .085    .000  25.382    .000   8.847  11.057    .053  43.558  99.727
  1814  10.892    .087    .000  25.382    .000   8.847  11.057    .053  43.558  99.876
  1815  10.857    .103    .000  25.382    .000   8.847  11.057    .053  43.558  99.858

AVER:   10.835    .096    .000  25.382    .000   8.847  11.057    .053  43.558  99.829
SDEV:     .057    .011    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .063
SERR:     .026    .005    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000
%RSD:      .53   11.87     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00

PUBL:   11.209    .077    n.a.  25.382    n.a.   8.847  11.057    .053  43.558 100.183
%VAR:    -3.33   25.29     ---     .00     ---     .00     .00     .00     .00
DIFF:    -.374    .019     ---    .000     ---    .000    .000    .000    .000
STDS:      526     525     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---

And the NIST K-412 mineral glass:

St  160 Set   1 NBS K-412 mineral glass, Results in Elemental Weight Percents
ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S      Mg      Ca      Al       O
BGDS:      LIN     LIN
TIME:    40.00   40.00     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
BEAM:    29.86   29.86     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---

ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S      Mg      Ca      Al       O   SUM 
  1806   7.534    .091    .000  21.199    .000  11.657  10.899   4.906  43.597  99.884
  1807   7.562    .062    .000  21.199    .000  11.657  10.899   4.906  43.597  99.882
  1808   7.562    .073    .000  21.199    .000  11.657  10.899   4.906  43.597  99.893
  1809   7.563    .064    .000  21.199    .000  11.657  10.899   4.906  43.597  99.886
  1810   7.555    .083    .000  21.199    .000  11.657  10.899   4.906  43.597  99.896

AVER:    7.555    .075    .000  21.199    .000  11.657  10.899   4.906  43.597  99.888
SDEV:     .012    .012    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .006
SERR:     .006    .006    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000
%RSD:      .16   16.64     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00

PUBL:    7.742    .077    .000  21.199    .000  11.657  10.899   4.906  43.597 100.077
%VAR:    -2.41   -2.95     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00     .00
DIFF:    -.187   -.002    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000    .000
STDS:      526     525     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---

Again relative errors around 2 to 3% using Fe metal as the primary standard.  Remember, as mentioned previously, if we were concerned that the Fe metal standard was oxidized, then we would predict that these Fe secondary standards would all analyze higher than expected. Though as suggested by SG, we should also run them at 20 keV to minimize surface effects, which I will try to do as soon as I get another crack at the instrument.

I also ran a Mn oxide and silicate against Mn metal and see similar results, here again displayed in the Evaluate application:

160     NIST K-412
162     NIST K-411
396     Chromite (UC # 523-9)
395     Magnetite U.C. #3380
275     Mn2SiO4 synthetic
25       MnO
525     Mn meta

Unfortunately I don't have a Mn sulfide standard to try, but again we see a similar error trend in the Mn oxide and silicate, though even slightly larger than for the Fe analyses, of around 3 or 4% relative error using Mn metal as a primary standard.  Here is the Mn oxide standard:

St   25 Set   1 MnO synthetic, Results in Elemental Weight Percents
ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S       O
BGDS:      LIN     LIN
TIME:    40.00   40.00     ---     ---     ---     ---
BEAM:    29.87   29.87     ---     ---     ---     ---

ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S       O   SUM 
  1801    .025  74.462    .000    .000    .000  22.554  97.041
  1802    .003  74.412    .000    .000    .000  22.554  96.969
  1803   -.005  74.352    .000    .000    .000  22.554  96.901
  1804    .002  74.236    .000    .000    .000  22.554  96.793
  1805    .017  74.113    .000    .000    .000  22.554  96.684

AVER:     .008  74.315    .000    .000    .000  22.554  96.878
SDEV:     .012    .141    .000    .000    .000    .000    .142
SERR:     .005    .063    .000    .000    .000    .000
%RSD:   143.58     .19     .00     .00     .00     .00

PUBL:     .000  77.446    .000    .000    .000  22.554 100.000
%VAR:      .00   -4.04     .00     .00     .00     .00
DIFF:     .000  -3.131    .000    .000    .000    .000
STDS:      526     525     ---     ---     ---     ---

And here the Mn silicate:

St  275 Set   1 Mn2SiO4 (manganese olivine) synthetic, Results in Elemental Weight Percents
ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S       O
BGDS:      LIN     LIN
TIME:    40.00   40.00     ---     ---     ---     ---
BEAM:    29.85   29.85     ---     ---     ---     ---

ELEM:       Fe      Mn      Cr      Si       S       O   SUM 
  1816    .004  52.066    .000  13.907    .000  31.688  97.664
  1817    .004  52.123    .000  13.907    .000  31.688  97.722
  1818    .020  52.390    .000  13.907    .000  31.688  98.005
  1819    .005  52.425    .000  13.907    .000  31.688  98.025
  1820    .001  52.584    .000  13.907    .000  31.688  98.180

AVER:     .007  52.318    .000  13.907    .000  31.688  97.919
SDEV:     .007    .218    .000    .000    .000    .000    .218
SERR:     .003    .097    .000    .000    .000    .000
%RSD:   113.08     .42     .00     .00     .00     .00

PUBL:     n.a.  54.406    n.a.  13.907    n.a.  31.688 100.001
%VAR:      ---   -3.84     ---     .00     ---     .00
DIFF:      ---  -2.088     ---    .000     ---    .000
STDS:      526     525     ---     ---     ---     ---

So what could be causing this?  Next I will show some careful wavescans that might indicate the source of the problem...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2023, 05:06:14 PM by Probeman »
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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2023, 09:45:30 AM »
So, to summarize the previous post in this topic, we appear to see a systematic error when analyzing oxide and silicate Fe and Mn samples using an Fe metal primary standard.  And this error appears to be somewhat larger for Mn Ka compared to Fe Ka. However, as Rom reported earlier, we do not see these accuracy errors when analyzing Fe sulfides using an Fe metal standard as seen here:

Now let's examine some high precision wavescans I did over the weekend starting with Fe Ka on the standards containing major concentrations of Fe:

These scans were run in my spec3 LLIF crystal (2 atm P-10) at 15 keV and aside from the strange artifacts in all the scans which we will discuss later, they all seems to be pretty consistent. Let zoom in a bit:

The artifacts are more visible and I've already asked several colleagues off-line as to what these may be from, as we do not seem them in the other spectrometers, but I'm guessing that they are some sort of mechanical issue. These are step/count scans (not ROM or continuous) using a step size of 2 sin theta units and 40 second count time for each point.

But again, the scans appear to be very consistent with no obvious differences between the Fe metal and the other secondary standards. The Fe metal being the cyan triangle symbols.

But now let's look at the Mn Ka scans on Mn metal and a MnO and Mn2SiO4 secondary standards:

There appears to be slight shift between the metal and the oxidized standards, and zooming in we can this shift a bit better:

I don't know if this explains the discrepancy we are seeing in the Fe and Mn oxide and silicate standards when extrapolating from metal standards, but it's worth considering. I guess even knowing that Mg, Al and Si ka show significant peak shifting between metal and oxide chemistry, I'm just surprised that Fe Ka and Mn Ka would still experience a detectable peak shift. I haven't tried this same test using a PET crystal, but I'll bet the peak shift for Fe and Mn Ka would almost certainly be less detectable.

What do you all think?
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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2023, 03:39:29 AM »
Thought I'd add to this as I had the machine to myself for a change and I've seen something similar before on both our Cameca when working on wustite/magnetite samples standardised to either Fe metal or hematite, and on our JEOL when working with steel samples.

I ran a few WDS scans overnight on our SX100 on Fe metal, hematite Fe2O3 and fayalite Fe2SiO4. I used the same conditions John mentions: 15 kV, step size of 2 sin theta units and 40s count time. I used a 20 nA beam defocused to 5 microns. I didn't peak centre first, hence the offset.

Here's the whole scan:

And zoomed in to a similar region as above:

Couple of things to note:
  • I can also see the "lumps", but much less pronounced
  • the Fe Ka1 peak seems much more peak like - there isn't a flat top on mine?
  • there doesn't seem to be a significant difference between the Fe Ka1 (K-L3) emissions for the various materials I've scanned
  • there does seem to be a difference in the Fe Ka2 (K-L2) position as a function of bonding environment

I mentioned that I was looking at steels on our JEOL - a few years ago, I was struggling to get decent totals between the samples and our standards, and did a few wavelength scans to work out what was going on. This is what I found:

That's two WDS scans on each phase, going standard-sample-standard-sample, using the same conditions on the same spectrometer. Count rates weren't particularly different between sample/standard. Wasn't expecting such a shift in the Fe Ka, and never really got to the bottom of what caused it!


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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2023, 09:11:27 AM »
Interesting that you are seeing these same "lumps" on your Cameca. I am going to ask our instrument engineer to clean the spectrometer gearing and see if that helps.

So the JEOL scans were performed on your Fe metal standard and another Fe metal standard?  If I saw such a shift like that I would assume it's some sort of mechanical glitch...

I would also be very interested in seeing if you can reproduce the systematic analytical errors we are seeing using Fe metal as a primary standard, and analyzing Fe oxide versus Fe sulfide secondary standards.  Mn and/or Cr metal and standards also if you get a chance.
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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2023, 01:35:29 AM »
Hmm... I think I can have partial lead, albeit I would not rule out some other fundamental workings from the equation.

First of all,
JonF, what was that Fe phase (edit: yeah I get it - its steel, but metallic Fe tends to form some Fe minerals where some are magnetic) and how big it was?

I think the moral the story below will be "standards should be big, but not too big, especially magnetic standards".

So this year we got to do analysis of metallic meteorite sample as polished slab (not thin-section) something like 2.5cm x 4cm with about 1.5cm thickness.
My colleague asked me to take a look, as totals of analyses was "quite too far" from the expected analytical 100% (that was on SX100 but I don't think this matter). Then I noticed that optical image is extremely shifted from what we see on electronic image. The problem was that this Fe in meteorite formed some magnetic minerals, which because of huge thickness was producing strong enough magnetic field to significantly shift the beam up to and more than 100 µm!!! We looked through the sample and there had to be different crystals with different magnetic orientation (image shift relative to optical had different directions depending from place on the thin section), we looked for least "image-shifted" (or rather magnetically shifted) spot, and used microprobes built-in beam shift capability to compensate that shift further more and then we got analytical totals close to 100%.

WDS is very sensitive to geometry (that is why I am absolutely skeptical about replacing wire-based proportional counter with SDD based counter. Unless such SDD could be made as thin 100µm wide long (>2cm) wire?). That is advantage (better spectral resolution) but also disadvantage (if e-beam position is not guaranteed).

Just think about it. It is enough to move stage in Z direction out from Rowland circle few µm to get systematic lower totals. Thus shifting beam for more than 10µm in some directions can also move the geometry from perfect Rowland's circle significantly.
This also explains, why often verification of spectrometer "is our best Friend" - beam can drift during day in some semi-circle due to natural daily magnetic field fluctuations. Verification of spectrometers is important even if no crystal flip was done and from my experience in most of low analytical total situation it can fix that.

BTW special caveat is needed for labs which has huge solar panels installed (going greeeeeeeeeeeeen, huh!) on roof or is planned to be installed - Your probe is at a risk of being influenced by a huge DC field during the day, which can't be compensated anyhow (only nights are warrantied to be safe). In such unfortunate case the X-ray registration is not only susceptible to atmospheric front (low pressure GFPC sensitivity to humidity and atmospheric pressure changes), but also sensitive to clouds passing-by. Way to go  :P.

However, this does not explain observations of probeman, as shift in his case was very minimal. I think there are some fundamental areas still not well understood or overlooked:
1. not efficient or not existent self-absorption correction
2. diverging probabilities of beam electron collision with different shell electrons depending from valence electron state of metal atom
3. the lax approach with dead time correction when historically collecting the database of MAC's - biased matrix correction.
...something else...
« Last Edit: April 28, 2023, 06:35:13 AM by sem-geologist »


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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2023, 10:15:41 AM »
Hmm... I think I can have partial lead, albeit I would not rule out some other fundamental workings from the equation.
I think the moral the story below will be "standards should be big, but not too big, especially magnetic standards".

When I first read this I thought to myself, OK, this is interesting. By the way, here is a discussion on dealing with magnetic specimens in the microprobe, because these magnetic sample/beam deflection effects are quite real and can be quite serious especially with large samples:

Because I could see a situation where my primary Fe metal standard was slightly magnetic, and therefore the beam was deflected from its normal position. If one then aligned their peak position to this deflected beam position on the Fe metal primary standard, and then one went to a non-magnetic sample, I could imagine that the intensity on the non-magnetic secondary standard could be lower than expected, due to being beam moving back towards it's normal position, but now out of the previous Rowland circle geometry peaked on the primary Fe metal standard.

But then, thinking about it a bit more, I think this hypothesis fails for two reasons. First, my Fe metal standard is a 0.1mm wire that is mounted vertically and cross sectioned, so I think the magnetic field from this standard is quite minimal.  Second, and more importantly, the pyrite standard is non-magnetic just as the oxides and silicates, yet pyrite analyzes perfectly using the Fe metal primary standard.

2. diverging probabilities of beam electron collision with different shell electrons depending from valence electron state of metal atom

Yeah, I've got to believe that this is some valence issue producing slight peak shape/shift effects. 

Is it worth thinking about these valences effects and why Fe metal and FeS2 would have similar valence effects compared to oxides and silicates?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2023, 06:39:35 PM by Probeman »
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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2023, 06:03:46 AM »
Oh probeman, You make me sound again like "dog barking to wrong tree"...

However, this does not explain observations of probeman, as shift in his case was very minimal. I think there are some fundamental areas still not well understood or overlooked:
I said that myself that this magnetic effect is rather not main cause for your observed discrepancies. My message was more aimed to JonF, and his graphics. Why, because metallurgic samples tends to be bigger pieces of metal, not thin sections. Also people tending to do a lot of analysis of metallurgy samples tends to have a custom made standard - metalurgic one of course. The first thing, which raises for me a red flag that in JonF situation this was a magnetic effect, is the identical shape of these peaks, where in valence shift we will have top shifted as there will be some minor energy drift of one of Ka1, Ka2, Ka3 and also its proportions can get distorted (Probably Ka3 the mostly) - Valency shifts often are also clear peak distortion. Also from JonF description of situation it looks like these were metalurgical samples.

Alongside magnetic effects another general caveat for analytical geometry is that apertures should be centered as much as possible across working range of currents! Because if not beam at 5nA and beam at 100nA can have significantly shifted peaks. In some cases (our FEG ) has far from ultimately precise centered column assembly, and it is impossible to achieve ideal beam position stability across 1 to 1000nA. The subtilities won't be seen in small area beam scan based mapping due to statistical noise, but wavescans can catch these small differences from my experience.

Yes I think I had read somewhere that at some physical conditions pyrite can behave a bit like metal (from conductivity perspective), it probably translates in similar workings at atomic level - that would explain why there is similarity... if valency having its workings here is the hypothesis on right track. BTW, while I am taking information in wikipedia with grain of salt, Pyrite has nice page there and indeed it stated there that it is semiconductor. It gets even more interesting at "Research" section, where it is stated that some researchers observed that pyrite can have voltage-induced transformation into ferromagnetic material... (Ok lets bark onto other tree, maybe this time this will be the right one :) ) I looked up the referenced sources  - it looks they need some Ionic liquid (what ever it is) and applies 1V to do the transformation (which is reversible btw). While we have no ionic liquid in EPMA (I guess  :o) we have much more than 1V :P beam. What if in reality this non magnetic mineral puts its "magnetic troll-face" when we hit it with beam and takes it off when we stop the beam? Could be that "Fool's gold" is "fooling around" with us :D
« Last Edit: May 05, 2023, 06:39:48 AM by sem-geologist »


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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2023, 08:26:07 AM »
Hey, no worries, we're all just hypothesizing away!    ;D

So until we have more/better data, I'd simply make the following tentative suggestion, and that is to only use pure metal standards when measuring major elements in alloys and sulfides, and stick with (high purity, synthetic) oxide/silicate standards for oxides and silicates.

Of course for trace elements a 2 or 3% relative error won't even be detectable, as previously described here:

so feel free to use, say, a pure Ni or Mn metal standard for trace elements in olivine/pyroxene. Just don't do as we've sometimes seen a few "analysts" do, using San Carlos olivine as a primary standard for Ni:

The only stupid question is the one not asked!


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Re: Indetermination Fe, Cu,... in simple stoichiometric oxide
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2023, 07:43:17 PM »
I am very appreciate your efforts in this direction.
Some addition things which might give somebody good ideas. In all cases of the list lower the Standards - 100% metal.

1. Incorrect result of measuring metal in oxide/silicate we obtain for many (I suppose for all) metals.
2. More often the measured concentration of metal (Fe, Ni, Pb,....) in its oxide/silicate is lower then we expected but sometimes higher (Sb, Cu).
3. Differences between measured and expected (published) concentration can be from ~1-2 rel% (Sb in oxide) to ~2 rel% (Fe in oxides, Ni in silicates) and more: ~2-3 rel% (Pb in oxide, silicate).
4. Delta between measured and published concentration depends of electron energy (10-20 keV range). Energy increase - Metal relative intensity in oxide (I unknown, cps / I standard, cps) decrease. This dependency is more evident for K lines (Fe, Ni) and less evident or close to zero for L lines (Fe, Cu).
5. The incorrect result doesn't depend of wrong BG or peak shift. So it depends from the substance.

There was only my observations, not more. Firstly I accused in this issue secondary fluorescence but overdetermination of Sb and may be Cu in their oxides is opposite this assumption.