Author Topic: General and Specific EPMA References  (Read 5406 times)

John Donovan

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    • Probe Software
General and Specific EPMA References
« on: October 20, 2014, 11:52:14 AM »
Here are some general and specific references for EPMA below. Also check here:

for more recent publications by Donovan.

General References
Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis, Third Edition by J. Goldstein, D.E. Newbury, D.C. Joy, C. E.
Lyman, P. Echlin, E. Lifshin, L. C. Sawyer, and J.R. Michael. Plenum Press. 2003.

Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis, Second Edition by Goldstein, Newbury, Echlin, Joy, Fiori and
Lifshin. Plenum Press. 1992.

Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis, First Edition, by Goldstein, Newbury, Echlin, Joy, Fiori and
Lifshin. Plenum Press. 1981.

Electron Microprobe Analysis by S. J. B. Reed. Cambridge Univ Press. Second edition, 1993.

Electron Microprobe Analysis by S. J. B. Reed. Cambridge Univ Press. First edition, 1975.

Electron Microprobe Analysis and Scanning Electron Microscopy in Geology by S. J. B. Reed. Cambridge Univ Press.

Selected References
A. L. Albee and L. Ray, "Correction factors for electron probe microanalysis of silicates, oxides, carbonates,
phosphates, and sulfates", Analytical Chemistry, 42, 1408-1414, (1970)

J. T. Armstrong and P. Buseck, "Quantitative Chemical Analysis of Individual Micro-particles using the Electron
Microprobe" Anal. Chem. 47: 1975, p 2178

J. T. Armstrong, "Quantitative analysis of silicates and oxide minerals: Comparison of Monte-Carlo, ZAF and Phi-Rho-Z
procedures," Microbeam Analysis--1988, p 239-246.

J. T. Armstrong, "Bence-Albee after 20 years: Review of the Accuracy of a-factor Correction Procedures for Oxide and
Silicate Minerals," Microbeam Analysis--1988, p 469-476.

G. F. Bastin and H. J. M. Heijligers, "Quantitative Electron Probe Microanalysis of Carbon in Binary Carbides," Parts I
and II, X-Ray Spectr. 15: 135-150, 1986

A. E. Bence and A. L. Albee, "Empirical correction factors for the electron microanalysis of silicates and oxides". Journal of Geology, 76, 382-403, (1968)

M.G.C. Cox, Experimental determination of x-ray intensities, in Quantitative Electron-Probe Microanalysis (ed. V.D.
Scott and G. Love), Wiley, New York, p 125-146, 1983

W. A. Deer, R. A. Howie, J. Zussman, "An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals", Longman, Essex, London, 1966

J. J. Donovan and M. L. Rivers, "PRSUPR: A PC-Based Automation and Analysis Software Package for Wavelength-
Dispersive Electron-Beam Microanalysis" Microbeam Analysis, 1990, p. 66-68

J. J. Donovan and V. C. Kress, "PRTASK: A PC-Based Acquisition and Analysis Software Package for Interfacing to
the Tracor TASK Automation System" Microbeam Analysis, 1991, p. 351

J. J. Donovan, M. L. Rivers and J. T. Armstrong, "PRSUPR: Automation and Analysis Software for Wavelength
Dispersive Electron-beam Microanalysis on a PC" in Am. Mineral., v. 77, 1992, p. 444

J. J. Donovan, D. A. Snyder and M. L. Rivers, "An Improved Interference Correction for Trace Element Analysis"
Microbeam Analysis, 2: 23-28, 1993

J. J. Donovan and T. N. Tingle, "An Improved Mean Atomic Number Correction for Quantitative Microanalysis" in
Journal of Microscopy and Microanalysis, v. 2, 1, p. 1-7, 1996

J. J. Donovan and A. N. Westphal, "Averaging of electron backscatter and x-ray continuum intensities in multi-element
compounds" in Microbeam Analysis Proceedings Williams DB and Shimizu R, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol
and Philadelphia, Series Number 165, p 431, 2000

J. J. Donovan and N. E. Pingitore, "Composition Averaging of Continuum Intensities in Multi-Element Compounds",
Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2002, v. 8, 429-436

J. J. Donovan, N. E. Pingitore and A. N. Westphal, "Composition Averaging of Backscatter Intensities in Compounds",
Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2003, v. 9, 202-215

J. J. Donovan, et. al., "Improved Electron Probe Microanalysis of Trace Elements in Quartz", American Mineralogist,
96, 274-282, 2011

J. Z. Frazer, ISM Report 67-29, 1967.

J. I. Goldstein, D. E. Newbury, P. Echlin, D. C. Joy, C. Fiori, E. Lifshin, "Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray
Microanalysis", Plenum, New York, 1981

K. F. J. Heinrich, in "The Electron Microprobe", T. D. McKinley, K. F. J. Heinrich and D. B. Wittry, Eds., Wiley, pp.
296-366: 1966.

K. F. J. Heinrich, "Mass Absorption Coefficients for Electron Probe Microanalysis" in Proc. 11th ICXOM, pp. 67-
119: 1987.

B. L. Henke, P. Lee, T. J. Tanaka, R. L. Shimabukuro and B. K. Fijikawa, Atomic Data Nucl. Data Tables 27, 1

B. L. Henke and E. S. Ebisu, "Tables of Mass Absorption Coefficients", Adv. X-Ray Anal. 17, 150 (1974)
W. H. McMaster, N. Kerr Del Grande, J. H. Mallet and J. H. Hubbell, "Compilation of x-ray cross sections", Lawrence
Livermore Lab., 1969.

A. V. McQuire, C. A. Francis, M. D. Dyar, "Mineral standards for electron microprobe analysis of oxygen", Am.
Mineral., 77, 1992, p. 1087-1091.

C. H. Nielsen and H. Sigurdsson, "Quantitative methods for electron microprobe analysis of sodium in natural and
synthetic glasses", Am. Mineral., 66, p. 547-552, 1981

J. L. Pouchou and F. M. A. Pichoir, "Determination of Mass Absorption Coefficients for Soft X-Rays by use of the
Electron Microprobe" Microbeam Analysis, Ed. D. E. Newbury, San Francisco Press, 1988, p. 319-324.

Press et al. (1986) "Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing", Cambridge University Press, 818 pp.

J. Ruste, "Mass Absorption Coefficients", J. Microsc. Spectrosc. Electron. 4, 123 (1979)

V. D. Scott and G. Love, "Quantitative Electron-Probe Microanalysis", Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983

K. G. Snetsinger, T. E. Bunch and K. Keil, "Electron Microprobe Analysis of Vanadium in the Presence of Titanium",
Am. Mineral., v. 53, (1968) p. 1770-1773

E. W. White and G. G. Johnson, "X-Ray Emission and Absorption Edge Wavelengths and Interchange Settings for LiF
Geared Curved Crystal Spectrometers", Pennsylvania State University Special Publication No. 1-70, 2nd Edition, (1979)

J. P. Willis, "Course on Theory and Practice of XRF Spectrometry", University of Western Ontario, Department of
Geology, Course Notes, 1993

T. O. Ziebold, "Precision and sensitivity in electron microprobe analysis", Analytical Chemistry, 39, 858-861, (1967)

T. O. Ziebold and R. E. Ogilvie," Quantitative analysis with the electron microanalyzer", Analytical Chemistry, 35, 621-
627, (1963)

T. O. Ziebold and R. E. Ogilvie, "An empirical method for electron microanalysis", Analytical Chemistry, 36, 322-327,

Specialized References

Peak Shifts
Carroll, M.R. and Rutherford, M.J. (1988) Sulfur speciation in hydrous experimental glasses of varying oxidation state:
results from measured wavelength shifts of sulfur X-rays. Am. Min., 73, 845-849.

Fialin, M., Wagner, C., Metrich, N., Humler, E., Galoisy, L. and Bezos, A. (2001) Fe3+/SFe vs. Fe La peak energy for
minerals and glasses: Recent advances with the electron microprobe, Am. Min, 86, 456-465.

Wallace, P.J. and Carmichael, I.S.E. (1994) S speciation in submarine basaltic glasses as determined by measurements of
S Ka X-ray wavelength shifts. Am. Min., 79, 161-167.

White, E.W. and Gibbs, G.V. (1967) Structural and chemical effects on the Si Kb X-ray line for silicates, Am. Min., 52,

White, E.W. and Gibbs, G.V. (1969) Structural and chemical effects on the Al Kb X-ray emission band among
aluminum containing silicates and aluminum oxides, Am. Min., 54, 931-936.

White, E.W. (1973) Applications of soft x-ray spectroscopy to chemical bonding studies with the electron microprobe, in
Microprobe Analysis (C.A. Anderson, ed.), Wiley, 349-369.

Light Elements
Armstrong, J.T. (1988) Accurate quantitative analysis of oxygen and nitrogen with a W/Si multi-layer crystal, in D.E.
Newbury, ed., Microbeam Analysis, p. 301-304

Bastin, G.F. and Heijligers, H.J.M (1991) Quantitative electron probe microanalysis of ultra-light elements (boron -
oxygen), in Electron Probe Quantitation, ed. K.F.J. Heinrich and D.E. Newbury, Plenum Press, NY, 145-161

Bastin, G.F. and Heijligers, H.J.M. (1992) Present and future of light element analysis with electron beam instruments,
Microbeam Analysis, 1, 61-73.

Fialin, M. and Remond, G. (1993) Electron probe microanalysis of oxygen in strongly insulating oxides, Microbeam
Analysis, 2, 179-189.

Goldstein, J.J., Choi, S.K., van Loo, F.J.J., Heijligers, H.J.M., Dijkstra, J.M. and Bastin, G.F. (1991) The influence of
surface oxygen contamination of bulk EPMA of oxygen in ternary titanium-oxygen-compounds, in D.G. Howitt, ed., Microbeam Analysis, 57-58.

McGee, J. J. and Anovitz, L. M. (1996) Electron probe microanalysis of geologic materials for boron, in E.S. Grew and
L.M. Anovitz, ed., Reviews in Mineralogy Vol. 33, Boron: Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, 771-788

McGuire, A.V., Francis, C.A., and Dyar, M.D. (1992) Mineral standards for electron microprobe analysis of oxygen,
American Mineralogist, 77, 1087-1091.

Raudsepp, M. (1995) Recent advances in the electron-probe micro-analysis of minerals for the light elements. Canadian
Mineralogist, 33, 203-218

Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) Element Corrections
Lane, Stephen J. and Dalton, John A. (1994) Electron microprobe analysis of geological carbonates. American
Mineralogist, 79, 745-749.

Lineweaver, J.L. (1963) Oxygen outgassing caused by electron bombardment of glass. J. Appl. Phys., 34, 1786-1791.

Piccoli P. and Candela, P. (1994) Apatite in felsic rocks: a model for the estimation of initial halogen concentrations in
the Bishop Tuff and Tuolumne intrusive suite magmas, Am J. of Science, 294, 92-135. Appendix has a good discussion
of Cl and F analysis and problems related to that.

Stormer, John C. Jr., Pierson, Milton L. and Tacker, Robert C. (1993) Variation of F and Cl X-ray intensity due to
anisotropic diffusion in apatite during electron microprobe analysis, Am. Min, 78, 641-648

Stormer, John C. Jr., and Pierson, Milton L. (1995) Variation of F and Cl X-ray intensity and electron microprobe
analysis of apatite: An addendum, Unpublished manuscript (3 pages)

Miotello and Mazzoldi. (1982) Numerical analysis of field assisted sodium migration in electron irradiated glasses, J.
Phys. C: Solid State Physics, 15, 5615-5621.

Morgan, G.B. and London, D. (1996) Optimizing the electron microprobe of hydrous alkali aluminosilicate glasses,
American Mineralogist, 81, 1176-1185.

Nielsen, C.H. and Sigurdsson, H. (1981) Quantitative methods for electron microprobe analysis of sodium in natural and
synthetic glasses, Am. Min., 66, 547-552.

Spray, J. G. and Rae, D. A. (1995) Quantitative electron-microprobe analysis of alkali silicate glasses: a review and user
guide. Canadian Min., 33, 323-332.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 12:59:29 PM by John Donovan »
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

Gareth D Hatton

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Re: General and Specific EPMA References
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2014, 12:33:14 AM »
Thanks for these references John.  I have had a look at SKa peak shifts and used the following papers

Specialized References

Sulphur Peak Shifts

P. J. Jugo, R. W. Luth, and J. P. Richards, “Experimental data on the speciation of sulfur as a function of oxygen fugacity in basaltic melts,” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 497–503, 2005.

K. Hettmann, T. Wenzel, M. Marks, and G. Markl, “The sulfur speciation in S-bearing minerals: New constraints by a combination of electron microprobe analysis and dft calculations with special reference to sodalite-group minerals,” American Mineralogist, vol. 97, no. 10, pp. 1653–1661, 2012.

R. Alonso Mori, E. Paris, G. Giuli, S. Eeckhout, M. Kavcic, M. Zitnik, K. Bucar, L. G. Pettersson, and P. Glatzel, “Electronic structure of sulfur studied by x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy,” Analytical Chemistry, vol. 81, no. 15, pp. 6516–6525, 2009.