Author Topic: Alignment of light optics monitor with PeakSight optical window  (Read 1218 times)


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    • John Donovan
On my SX100 I generally align the beam on a fluorescent sample, and then adjust the light optics using the two adjustment screws on the side of the column, so a circle drawn with a grease pencil on the light optics monitor screen is aligned with the beam spot.

However, I note that in the PeakSight software, the red cross is not aligned with the beam spot as seen in the light optics frame grabber window as seen here:

I can adjust the blue circle so that it aligns with the beam spot, but the red cross is always in the same spot.

I only use PeakSight to change samples and align the beam, so can someone help me with this?  Am I doing the beam to light optics alignment all wrong, or is there a way to get the red cross in the PeakSight optical display window to align with the mechanically aligned beam spot on the light optics monitor?
The only stupid question is the one not asked!