Author Topic: Comparison ZAF correction values given by CalcZAF and CAMECA SX100 software  (Read 4202 times)


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I am trying to compare the Z,A,F coefficients given as output in the SX100 software provided by CAMECA and from CalcZAF. CAMECA is using the model developed by Dr POUCHOU and PICHOIR. I ran a test case for one of our sample but got quite different results from both programs. I would expect to obtain the concentration of one element by multiplying k-ratio (Ix/Ipure) time ZAFCOR. It works for CalcZAF but strangely not in the CAMECA software. This is a question I mayask CAMECA directly as it concerns their software but I wonder if anybody went through this exercise already.


RĂ©mi Delville
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 07:18:59 AM by remidelville »

Mike Jercinovic

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    • UMass Geosciences Microprobe-SEM Facility
This must be something to do with significant figures not carried through properly in PeakSight.  The calculation of Ix/Ipure * CF is always a little off of the reported wt. fraction in the full output of PeakSight 5.  If I go back to our old PeakSight 4 output the calculation of k-ratio * correction factor does give the correct wt. fraction.  It would be worth a quick query to Michel Outrequin.