Author Topic: Structural vacancies in alkali-deficient minerals, e.g. apatite  (Read 2334 times)

Dan MacDonald

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Structural vacancies in alkali-deficient minerals, e.g. apatite
« on: September 27, 2018, 06:56:50 AM »
Good morning, everyone:

I have a question regarding the analysis of alkali-deficient minerals, and in particular regarding apatites.  The apatite structure has 2 distinct structural sites for Ca and other substituent elements, and substitution of high-valence elements such as U and Th are commonly coupled with a vacancy in one of the structural Ca-sites.  In cases where significant vacancy occurs at the Ca site(s), one might expect to get low totals for EPMA analyses of such apatites. I am basing this hypothesis on extensive work on alkali-deficient tourmalines that I did back in the late 80s and early 90s, when it was generally accepted (erroneously) that tourmaline analyses commonly yielded 'low' Na values for the appropriate compositional varieties, e.g., schorls, elbaites.  I dealt with this issue by collecting single-crystal X-ray data sets and refining their structures, to nail down exactly how much vacancy occurred in the alkali site, and got extremely good agreement between the structural results and the EPMA analyses - these analyses would have been previously dismissed based on their low Na-content, and chalked up to the old, "well, you know almost never get good alkali numbers..we just live with it".  This was a case of users not believing their 'analytical compasses' of EPMA analysis when they should have.
So, I bring this subject up, because I am currently analysing apatites and getting some lower-than-expected-by-the-client results for REEs and Ca.  It has been shown in the literature that [vacancies + REEs] are part of a coupled substitution mechanism for replacement of Ca in apatites, so I am surmising that EPMA totals should be low given the presence of vacancies, and given that I am trusting my microprobe.  What I am lacking, however, are X-ray structure results of my standard and of the client's apatites - and unfortunately, I am using Durango apatite as my main standard.  Has anyone out there ever done a comparison/reconciliation of EPMA and structure refinement results for apatites, especially for the durango apatite?  I haven't done an exhaustive search for Durango apatite structure refinements, but haven't found any good structural data in a cursory examination, so far, and thought I might ask members of the forum for any input they could graciously provide.  Thanks very much in advance.

Best regards

Dan MacDonald
Probe Tech
Dalhousie University


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Re: Structural vacancies in alkali-deficient minerals, e.g. apatite
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2018, 12:59:51 PM »
Hi Dan,
I'll leave the apatite mineralogy to experts, but just a general observation that apatite is a fairly beam sensitive material so the TDI correction in Probe for EPMA is quite essential.  Also, since these TDI effects in apatites are sample orientation specific, one should utilize the TDI correction on both the standard apatite *and* the unknowns- see the Special Options dialog in the Acquire! window for these options.

Finally, for traces in apatites we've often used the "combined conditions" feature where we run the major elements at say 20 or 30 nA, and then run the traces at 50 or even 100 nA. See here for more information:
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 01:42:48 PM by Probeman »
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Re: Structural vacancies in alkali-deficient minerals, e.g. apatite
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2018, 12:51:06 AM »
A slightly pedantic point but vacancies can't account for low totals: they have no mass. If you had MgO with a high concentration of vacancies, it would still be 100 wt% MgO.

Low totals can come from: non-analysed elements (and apatite can have H, C etc.), beam damage and matrix correction issues (mismatch of standards vs unknowns, particularly a problem even with oxide standards for silicate glass analyses in chemically simple systems, e.g. glasses in the system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 can give totals from 98 to 101 - presumably because of poorly known MACs and/or other aspects of the correction procedure)

Dan MacDonald

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Re: Structural vacancies in alkali-deficient minerals, e.g. apatite
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2018, 09:17:50 AM »
Thank you very much for your input regarding the known causes of low totals, I greatly appreciate it.

With respect, vacancies can cause low totals precisely because they have no mass.  In our 1993 paper in American Mineralogist vol 78, pp 1299-1303, my colleagues and I identified a new variety of tourmaline, 'foitite' (an alkali-deficient analog of schorl, essentially) based on the facts that microprobe analysis yielded a low Na-content (0.75 wt% Na2O, vs schorl typically at about 1.9-2.0 wt% Na2O), and refined site-scattering values of 2.9 electrons per formula unit (epfu) versus 2.8 epfu based on microprobe analyses in the alkali site.  In a fully-occupied alkali site filled with Na, both the probe and structural refinements should yield 11 epfu.  Given our results, however, the alkali site in foitite is not full, and is in fact about 75% vacant - these vacancies had an effect on both the probe and structural refinement results, which were in very close agreement.  If vacancies had no effect whatsoever on compositional results nor on X-ray structural refinement data, then it would be impossible to detect alkali-deficient mineral varieties using these methods.

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Re: Structural vacancies in alkali-deficient minerals, e.g. apatite
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2018, 04:13:50 PM »
This is a little off topic because I'm not sure how it applies to vacancies in a crystal structure, but it might be worth noting that one can obtain high or low totals in porous materials. But for me the reasons are not entirely obvious and it gets complicated as soon as one starts to think about it.  For example, we do know that mere changes in material density do not affect our analytical results *in homegeneous bulk materials* as discussed here:

As one real world example, in a low density Al2O3 material I analyzed many years ago, even though it was carbon coated and quite conductive on the polished surface, we obtained totals of around 75% analyzing for Al ka (and assuming Al2O3 stoichiometry) compared to a crystalline Al2O3 material.

It would be difficult to model this using Monte Carlo I suspect, but maybe a simply geometry could be created for Penepma to test for the effect of voids in porous materials?

My hypothesis at the time was that because of the structure of this porous material, there were internal surfaces present (voids) that allowed static charge from the incident electrons to accumulate on the internal surfaces of these pores, thus creating a subsurface charge that caused the incident electron range to be anomalously shallow. This subsurface charging of the voids, I suspect could produce fewer x-ray emissions by increasing the apparent the stopping power of the material.  This is assuming that the voids are evacuated and do not have ambient H2O adhering to their surfaces- another "real world" complication.

On the other hand, in a conductive porous material, if the internal surfaces are conductive, the incident electrons should not produce excess sub surface charging, but if they are filled with water or another gas, the fact that the interaction volume is not homogeneous can change the matrix effects significantly. We've all seen how our analytical totals can become anomalously high as the beam traverses a material boundary, even when secondary fluorescence is not an issue. For example a Cu-Al boundary:

Think of it this way: at the boundary between pure Cu and pure Al, the instrument is seeing the x-rays from both copper and aluminum, but almost all the Cu Ka x-rays are being emitted from pure copper, and almost all the Al Ka x-rays are being emitted from pure aluminum. So instead of applying a matrix correction of around 1 to most of the emitted x-rays, because our bulk matrix model assumes the sample is roughly a 50:50 composition, we get an severe over-correction for Al Ka because the physics model says that the matrix correction for Cu and Al in an alloy is around 1 for Cu Ka, but around 1.5 for Al Ka! This may be part of the reason why we get this odd looking *totals* map in a Cu-Al eutectic map:

Now of course these effects are very sensitive to detector orientation but I suspect that at least part of what we are seeing above is due to an inhomogeneous interaction volume.

Of course in the case of a highly self fluorescing system, one can even get *low* totals when the self fluorescing material is bounded by a material that does not contain the element causing the fluorescence in a self fluorescing material:

It gets complicated real fast when the interaction volume is not homogeneous. As Chuck Fiori once said: "If the interaction volume is not homogeneous, all bets are off"!

The problem is on what scale does the inhomogeneity become important? Clearly it doesn't matter at the atomic scale or we couldn't measure compounds. So somewhere between the scale of atoms and the interaction volume it begins to matter, and of course that scale depends on the beam energy and the other physics details.

Someone should look into this stuff...
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Re: Structural vacancies in alkali-deficient minerals, e.g. apatite
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2018, 08:36:48 AM »
Getting back to the original question about vacancies in apatite, I'm no geologist but it seems to me that these vacancies in apatite could be occupied by H and C as suggested by aburnham below and that is why one would see low totals in these apatites.

Also remember that alternatively one will get a *high* total if the halogen equivalence correction for stoichiometric oxygen is not turned on in PFE (see the Analytical | Analysis Options for the checkbox to turn it on).

By default PFE reports the halogen equivalence of stoichiometric oxygen, but doesn't actually subtract it from the analyses until the checkbox is checked.  This subtraction occurs during the matrix correction iteration so it affects the concentrations of the other elements, especially fluorine since it is so heavily absorbed by oxygen.

See also:

and especially this post by Eric Kelly:

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« Last Edit: October 02, 2018, 08:42:19 AM by Probeman »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!