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General EDS Issues / Re: Duane-Hunt limit
« Last post by Probeman on July 30, 2024, 06:23:33 AM »
I'm about to go mount our "Considerations for Determining Duane-Hunt Limits on Electron Beam Instruments" poster at M&M, so I thought I'd also share it here for those not at the conference (see attached):

John Donovan1*, Petras Jokubauskas2, Nicholas Ritchie3, John Fournelle4 and Andrew Ducharme5   1. Center for Advanced Materials Characterization in Oregon, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA (0000-0002-6187-5041) 2. Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (0000-0002-1099-4497) 3. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA (0000-0001-5734-5729) 4. Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA (0000-0001-96898852) 5. Department of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA (0000-0003-2765-1455)

Probe for EPMA / Re: Wish List for PFE Features
« Last post by John Donovan on July 29, 2024, 07:09:27 PM »
Can't you just add carbon by difference (element or formula) and then specify the number of carbon atoms as one and the number of oxygen atoms in the Elements/Cations window as zero?
Probe for EPMA / Re: Wish List for PFE Features
« Last post by AndrewLocock on July 29, 2024, 12:45:41 PM »
I have been asked to undertake EPMA of fluid inclusions trapped in diamond.
Setting aside some of the more obvious difficulties, I have a matrix problem in the Probe for EPMA software.

I want to have Carbon calculated by difference, as the element.
However, I want all of the analyzed elements expressed as oxides!

Can I ask that you modify the “Formula by difference” such that any entry there does NOT automatically calculate as oxides.
And maintain the analyzed elements (only) with oxygen by stoichiometry?

Thanks in advance!
CalcImage / Re: Dynamically Calculated Mapping Elements
« Last post by John Donovan on July 28, 2024, 06:51:55 PM »
This a small thing but maybe useful to some users: when we implemented the dynamically calculated unanalyzed element feature described in the above post, we realized that we weren't always outputting the quant results of the unananalyzed elements (elements by difference, formula by difference (e.g., CePO4), element by stoichiometry to stoichiometric oxygen (e.g., carbonates), element by stoichiometry to another elements.

Yes, we were including these unanalyzed elements in the matrix correction, but we weren't always outputting them to the "classify" .DAT file along with the analyzed elements.

For example, in measuring some traces in zircon, we must specify ZrSiO4 as the matrix fr accurate trace element analyses. And CalcImage was including ZrSiO4 in the matrix correction when ZrSiO4 was specified as the "formula by difference", but the quant values for Zr, Si and O weren't always being output to the "classify" .DAT file as one might expect.  Here is an example of traces measured in zircon, but ZrSiO4 is included in the matrix correction as the "formula by difference".  The traces are corrected for the matrix effects of the ZrSiO4, but the Zr, Si and O are not shown:

This is now fixed.  So whenever unanalyzed elements are specified in the Calculation Option dialog, these elements will now be output to the "classify" .DAT file along with the analyzed elements (regardless whether or not images of these elements are also output).

Here is an example of traces in zircon analyzed and ZrSiO4 specified as the "formula by difference" and saved to the "classify"DAT file:

So yes, these unanalyzed elements are not output as images, but they are now saved to the "classify" .DAT file for possible use in other applications.  This is now the case whether the dynamically calculated unanalyzed elements feature is utilized or not with v. 13.8.6 of Probe for EPMA.  Update from the Help | Update Probe for EPMA menu as usual.
EPMA Sample Preparation / Re: EPMA Sample Preparation Discussion Board
« Last post by Probeman on July 26, 2024, 07:30:33 AM »
You might want to watch these videos of Tim Teague (master technical petrologist) discussing his methods:

He used Petropoxy for almost everything and could obtain a mirror polish on lead metal!

With respect to your question I think he would heat the sample slightly until the Petropoxy "gelled", and then removed all the tape and only then cured it fully with more heat.

He was able to get very amazing grain mounts of anything using this method:
EPMA Sample Preparation / Re: EPMA Sample Preparation Discussion Board
« Last post by Alejandro Cortes on July 26, 2024, 03:09:22 AM »
Any thoughts on resin/hardener brands? The current mixture we are using results in epoxy mounts that contain sulphur which is a pain when measuring apatite.

My favorite epoxy is "Petropoxy" which is sold here:

It's stay liquid until heated so give one a long working time which is useful for complicated mounts like this:

When using sticky tape or vaseline to mount grains, heating up the petropoxy will get rid of the tape and vaseline. Grains will more or start floating around. Any alternative to this problem?
Very nice Ben.

Note that one can also quickly obtain both detection limits (in wt%) and analytical sensitivity (in one sigma relative percent units) for quant x-ray maps in CalcImage by just checking the boxes in the Project | Specify Quantitative Parameters menu dialog:
Hi, in case of interest/use

A long bit of code for R calculating detection limits and errors for a map, it's interesting when you consider situations where the error on peak (number of pixels of peak map averaged) can become smaller than the error on the background (a series of quant points - if a few points are taken)

The code reads
1. background quant points - reading count intensities.
2. background quant points - reading kraw, count times, analytical conditions, std assign
3. map setup file - for map analytical condtions

Code attached
I actually had bad long-term results with Petropoxy where, after two years, the epoxy had shrunk enough to create gaps between my standard grains and the epoxy. Maybe I did something wrong when curing the Petropoxy but I am a big believer in cold-setting, slow-curing epoxies for epoxy mounts that are supposed to last a long time (like standard mounts).

We use Stuers Epofix.
Cameca Camebax, purchased by WSU in 1981. I had the "pleasure" of using this puppy early in my graduate career, when it was a little over 20 years old. By that time, it had been upgraded to have motorized stages! You still had to navigate with hand cranks, looking through a binocular scope with an FOV that felt like it was 10 microns, but at least it could do automated analyses through Probe For Windows!

This probe was a real work horse, and served WSU for 27 years under the masterful hand of Scott Cornelius, until it was replaced by our current JEOL 8500F in about 2008.

Back in 1981, this beauty could be yours for under $200,000...$199,999.99 after tax. That's just shy of $700K in today's money.

Anyway, thought some might enjoy a little history snapshot.
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