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What We Offer

We offer custom designed software for JEOL and Cameca microprobes tailored to your specific microanalytical needs. For off-line modeling of standards and unknowns our CalcZAF utility software is free to all and available here.


Probe For EPMA

Our flagship software product which supports modern JEOL and Cameca EPMA instruments for automated acquisition and analysis of points, lines, grids, clusters, etc. Complete EDS and CL full spectrum acquisition and analysis and BSE, SE and CL imaging. Our published software methods demonstrate improved accuracy and precision while reducing acquisition and processing time.

Probe Image

Our fully automated x-ray mapping and imaging product which support Cameca SX100/SXFive and JEOL 8900/8200/8100/8500/8230/8530 instruments. Fully quantitative x-ray mapping with background, matrix and interference corrected results for high accuracy, high sensitivity mapping.

Thin Film Particle Characterization

Quantitative characterization of simple and complex thin film geometries of both thickness and composition based on the Pouchou and Pichior (XPP) iterative method.

Bruker or Thermo EDS Integration

Full spectrum EDS acquisition and automatic quantitative analysis using standards and full k-ratios. Complete and seamless integration of WDS with EDS is our speciality.

Ocean Optics CL Integration

Full spectrum cathodo-luminescense acquisition and processing. Other CL spectrometer interfaces available on request.

Technical Support

Off-site technical support for all our products on a one or two year basis.

EPMA Instruction and Training

We can improve your characterization quality and throughput with our unique and advanced acquisition methods and quantitative processing techniques. Software installation and updating, also EPMA technique training and instruction by our team of microprobe specialists in your laboratory. Contact us for a quotation.

Subscription Service

If your lab is not able to connect to the Internet, you can keep your software up to date and access our web based services (e.g., user forum) through our DVD or USB subscription service.

Custom Software Development

We provide customized application and method development for special analytical requirements. Call us and discuss your "what if" ideas with our expert developers.

We pride ourselves on attention to detail and delivering the most robust and flexible product on the market. In addition to our expert beta testing sites (UCSB, USGS, WSU, WU and UWA) that we maintain for each supported instrument, we publish all of our algorithms and methods in the peer reviewed literature so you can be assured that every aspect of our software has been reviewed and tested by top professionals in the field of EPMA.


Because all we sell is microprobe software, our focus is completely on making the best software product possible for electron microprobes.

Learn more about just a few of our advanced, yet easy to use, software features and capabilities:

Time Dependent Intensity Corrections (publication, Micros & Microa., 2011)

Multi-Point Background Acquisition and Modeling (poster, EMAS, Angers., 2011)

Blank Accuracy Correction for Trace Elements (publication, Amer. Min., 2011)

Thin Film Automation and Analysis (publication, X-ray Spectro.)

New! Trace Element EPMA Analysis by Jercinovic, et al. (EMAS 2011 PPT talk)

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