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PictureSnapApp for EPMA, SEM, TEM, SIMS Sample Navigation

  • PictureSnapApp is a *standalone* application for sample navigation and annotation on any instrument with a sample stage
  • Import images from any source: slide scanner, flat bed scanner, optical microscope, SEM electron image, cell phone camera, etc.
  • See your sample in true color as you navigate using the optical (or other) image as a “base map”.
  • Calibrate using two reference points (or three to correct for sample rotation automatically!)
  • Once your image is calibrated, double-click to drive the stage to the exact sample location.
  • Right-click to create unlimited sample annotations with stage coordinates that are automatically saved and exportable.
  • Free download for Demonstration and Text Input based stage coordinate modes!
  • Text Input mode allows you to utilize PictureSnapApp on *any* instrument stage, e.g., SIMS, LA-ICPMS, AFM, etc.!
  • Automatic coordinate transformation to easily move images and annotations from one instrument stage to another, for quick and easy relocation of sample areas of interest.
  • More information on our user forum here

"PictureSnapApp has been a great boon to our laboratory. Even people who have me do all the microscope work think it's a fantastic tool! It gets compliments all the time. It has greatly sped up our geology work on large-scale thin sections, and made small sample location a breeze in any context, even things that are nearly optically invisible such as zircon grains in epoxy.

If you want to find your samples fast without poking around in the dark, PictureSnapApp is your new best friend."

-Dr. Nicholas Botto, University of California, Davis


"PictureSnapApp is the best and most powerful tool to link different instruments for my research. Now PictureSnapApp is used to navigate not only polished thin sections of terrestrial and extraterrestrial rock samples but also unpolished fossil samples with optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, electron microprobe, and Raman spectroscopy. It is surprising that the program is free to use!

I would certainly recommend PictureSnapApp as a sample navigator for your research."

-Dr. Changkun Park, KOPRI (Korea Polar Research Institute)


Download the PictureSnapApp Brochure

Download the PictureSnapApp Application

FEI/JEOL/Cameca hardware enabled PictureSnapApp can be yours for only US$499

Please inquire about support for other instrument manufacturers. Contact: Barbara Donovan, or call (541) 343-3400 for more information


PictureSnapApp screen shot

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