
Electron Microprobe Software

Probe Software is dedicated to offering the best software for acquisition, automation and analysis for modern JEOL and Cameca electron microprobes. Unlike OEM instrument companies we do not sell hardware, instead we specialize in producing state-of-the-art software and are solely committed to producing the best user interface possible for your Electron Probe Micro Analyser (EPMA). By listening to our extensive customer base we make that special effort to implement your specific requirements and unique features to enable the ease of use you expect for your professional work.

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Probe For EPMA (for automation and quantitative analysis) and Probe Image (for imaging and quantitative x-ray mapping) are both designed for maximum compatibility to interface SIMULTANEOUSLY with your existing JEOL 8800/8900, 8100/8200/8500, 8230/8530, iSP100/iHP200 and Cameca SX100/SXFIVE instrument computer systems. Probe Software utilizes a sophisticated and advanced native TCP/IP implementation for all instrument communication, therefore no alteration to your current system is required. This means that both the OEM and Probe Software applications can work together to improve your productivity and expand your analytical options. Click here for our current Probe for EPMA brochure and click here for our flyer on new developments in Probe Image.

Industrial Strength, Research Quality Products

Probe Software application suites are designed for total data integrity and stability with robust coding techniques and Transactional Processing methods for data transfer used by financial institutions. Working with scientists at NIST, California Institute of Technology, RWTH Aachen, NASA, GE, BASF, USGS, Institute for Transuranium Elements, University of Tasmania, Natural Resources Canada, the Smithsonian Institution, Johnson-Matthey, Umicore, The Boeing Company and other major research laboratories, Probe Software offers applications which implement the latest and most advanced algorithms and methods available to microscopy from the user perspective.

All software is tightly integrated and designed to maximize your laboratory productivity. All instrument configuration, x-ray intensity, imaging, peak scans, PHA scans, EDS spectrums and coordinate data within each probe run are automatically saved to a flexible relational database format using transactional processing for maximum data stability and easy portability for off-line processing. Designed by microanalysis experts for microanalysis experts, these products incorporate a large number of specialized tools to make even the most difficult analytical task easier and more accurate. See What We Offer for more publications.

Quantitative Spectral Interferences (publication, Micro. Anal., 1993) Probe for EPMA seamlessly incorporates the scientific standard for fully quantitative spectral interference corrections for wavelength dispersive (WDS) x-ray intensities down to trace levels even with high magnitude overlaps. Based on a full iterated matrix correction procedure, Probe For EPMA can even handle pathological cases of cascade and self-interfering spectral interferences.

Automatic Mosaic Imaging (abstract, Scanning, 1997) Probe Image is designed from the bottom up to quantitatively handle both spatial coordinate and intensity dimensions. Designed for easy, powerful, fast and quantitative compositional mapping of beam, stage, polygon and scan areas and mosaics from image grids or randomly acquired areas. Intensities are fully deadtime, beam drift, standard drift, background (off-peak or modeled MAN), matrix and interference corrected.

Volatile Element or Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) Calibrations Based on a fully iterated procedure, Probe for EPMA can correct for both intensity loss and gain as a function of time and apply a matrix correction to the modified intensities automatically. All calibration parameters and values are saved for archival purposes and can be adjusted during data reprocessing. Apply TDI corrections to point analyses or quantitative x-ray maps.

Complete Image Automation and Quantification (quant output example) Acquire any number of image sets based on any number of instrument conditions, with complete automation of spectrometer positions for on and off-peak images. Or utilize our unique MAN background correction for fully background corrected x-ray maps. Fully quantify x-ray maps at the pixel level for deadtime, beam drift, standard drift, background, matrix and spectral interference corrections.

Mean Atomic Number Background Modeling (publication, American Mineralogist, 2016) Probe for EPMA offers a unique background modeling technique based on Kramer's Law, which allows fast and accurate background corrections without off-peak measurements for both major and minor elements along with linear, averaged, exponential and polynomial fit off-peak backgrounds for maximum flexibility and efficiency.

Arbitrary Beam and Stage Scan Areas Probe Image can import and quantify stage or beam scanned x-ray intensity maps, from all JEOL and Cameca EPMA instruments, for arbitrarily defined sample areas. No limits to your quantitative x-ray mapping requirements!

High Performance Analysis and Acquisition Options Available:

Spectrum Integration: Fully automatic integrated acquisition of EDS spectra with simultaneous WDS acquisition. Because the complete energy spectrum for all standards and unknowns are automatically stored along with all detector and acquisition parameters, the user can add and remove elements by EDS to be quantified with the WDS elements at any time, including off-line data processing. Currently we support Thermo NSS and Bruker Esprit. Other OEM EDS interfaces are available upon request.

Remote: A device independent COM server for creating user customized applications for stage, column and spectrometer control and acquisition of your microprobe instrument. Easy to use, fully documented and can be called from any COM compliant container such as Excel, Word, Access, Grapher, Surfer, Matlab or Visual Basic.

Matrix: An fast quantitative correction COM server for creating user customized applications for matrix corrections (including 10 different ZAF and phi-rho-z algorithms, 6 different mass absorption coefficient tables (including NIST's latest FFAST tables) and also user accessible quantitative spectral interference and MAN and off-peak background correction methods. Easy to use, fully documented and can be called from any COM compliant container such as Excel, Word, Access, Grapher, Surfer, Matlab or Visual Basic.

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