Author Topic: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters  (Read 12817 times)


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PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« on: August 16, 2013, 08:22:32 AM »
Recently John has cleaned out the PROBEWIN.INI file. Here is a summary of the new parameters that have been deleted in Probe for EPMA version 10 and above.

Before deleting any parameters it is a good idea to make a backup copy of your Probewin.ini file.












« Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 12:49:03 PM by John Donovan »


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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: New parameters
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 08:25:29 AM »
And here is a list of NEW parameters. Don't worry if these are not in your probewin.ini file, Probe for EPMA will automatically load default parameters if they are not found in the probewin.ini file. You can however add these new parameters so that you can put YOUR default value (e.g. different default folder for EDS or images...)



SurferPlotsPerPagePolygon=8    ; must be 1, 3 or 8






« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 12:10:16 PM by John Donovan »

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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: obsolete and new parameters
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2013, 01:56:08 PM »
Please note I also posted JEOL and Cameca Probewin.ini file examples in the Hardware section. These example files are heavily commented by Paul and I to assist editing them, but...

Also, remember... it will not hurt to crack the User Reference open as some point-  all these configuration options are documented quite well.
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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: obsolete and new parameters
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2013, 06:21:56 PM »
Note: new parameters added to the [hardware] section of the Probewin.ini file to allow the user to specify the minimum and maximum magnification allowed by the software:

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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2013, 11:56:25 PM »
Ver 10.1.9 of PFE now supports multiple beam scan calibrations similar to what Probe Image utilizes, but based not only on the magnification, but also the specified keV.

The current keywords for beam scan calibrations are:


But these fields can be extended as seen below...

Here is an excerpt from the updated PFE User's Reference manual:

This new field specifies the number of beam scan calibrations that are utilized by the software to calibrate the beam scan images. The minimum (default) is 1, the maximum is 40.
Basically the beam scan calibration is based on the current keV and magnification and returns the X or Y scan width or height and the scan rotation. If only one beam scan calibration is specified, the application always utilizes that value adjusted for the current magnification assuming a linear 1:1 relationship in magnification.
If more than one beam scan calibration is specified, the values must be separated by commas and enclosed in double quotations as shown here:
ImageInterfaceCalYMicrons="803.0, 401.5"

The program will search for matching keV calibrations. If none are found it will use the first beam scan calibration.  If only one is found to match the specified keV, it will perform a linear extrapolation based on a 1:1 relationship in magnification.
Otherwise, if multiple calibrations are found the program will find the two nearest neighbor beam scan calibrations for the specified keV and interpolate them.
This parameter specifies the operating voltage in kilovolts used for the ImageInterfaceCalXMicrons and ImageInterfaceYMicrons calibration. The default is 15 and the minimum is 1 and maximum is 50.
This parameter specifies the magnification used for the ImageInterfaceCalXMicrons and ImageInterfaceYMicrons calibration. The default is 400 and the minimum is 10 and maximum is 10000.
These parameters specify the actual X and Y beam scan size at the kilovolt and magnification parameters specified above. These parameters are used the calculate the stage position of the beam deflection. The default ImageInterfaceCalXmicrons is 800 and the default ImageInterfaceCalYmicrons is 800 and the minimum is 10 and maximum is 10000.
This parameter specifies the retruned or interpolated scan rotation for then specified keV and magnification. The default is 0 and the minimum is 0 and maximum is less than 360.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2013, 11:58:42 PM by John Donovan »
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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2014, 09:41:12 PM »
New parameter for the [software] section of the probewin.ini file:


If you set this to 1, the program will prompt you for the DVD drive containing the off-line subscription service DVD for those customers who have enrolled in the program, the first time you click one of the "Interactive Help" buttons.   8)
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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2014, 10:09:32 AM »
I just added these new keywords to the Probewin.ini file so Philippe (and other 8x30 JEOL users) can test the new image shift functions for the 8230/8530 instruments:


and set the defaults (no INI entries present) to be true for all Cameca and JEOL 8900/8200/8500 instruments so their current image shift functions continue to work,  *but* on the 8x30, you will have to add the entires above to test the new 8x30 image shift code.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2014, 05:00:54 PM »
Cameca Sx100/SXFive users only, new keywords for enabling the multi channel analyzer (MCA) PHA acquisition hardware in your Probewin.ini file:

PHAHardwarePresent=1                      ; 0 = not present, non-zero = present
PHAHardwareType=1                          ; 0 = trad. PHA, 1 = MCA PHA

It really is worth the time to edit this change; the MCA PHA acquisition is much faster and one gets better statistics.  Thank-you Cameca!

You'll need v. 10.2.9 for this feature.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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Philipp Poeml

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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2014, 06:27:00 AM »
Hi John,

I have a question here:
how are these two ini parameters related:




How does this work? What is used when?



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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2014, 12:01:59 PM »
I have a question here: how are these two ini parameters related?




Great question.

The basic difference is that the [hardware] keywords such as:

OperatingVoltagePresent=1   ; non-zero = high voltage interface present
BeamCurrentPresent=1      ; non-zero = beam current interface present
BeamSizePresent=1      ; non-zero = beam size interface present
BeamModePresent=1      ; non-zero = beam mode (scan/spot) interface present
MagnificationPresent=1      ; non-zero = magnification interface present
AutoFocusPresent=1      ; non-zero = auto-focus interface present
ROMPeakingPresent=1      ; non-zero = ROM based (instrument) peaking interface is present
ColumnConditionPresent=1   ; non-zero = column condition interface present

and your specific one:

ScanRotationPresent=0      ; non-zero = scan rotation interface present (Cameca SX100 and JEOL 8200/8500 only)

tells our software if that hardware/instrument function is present and/or supported (or utilized) by the driver interface. So if you did *not* want to automate your magnification read and writing for example, you could set that keyword to zero and then no magnification reads or writes would go to the instrument.

The value of the scan rotation tells the software what value the scan rotation should be set to upon software start up...

For example, on my instrument (I don't use the rota veri command so I am always reading in direct data values), the scan wants to be set to 9.0 degrees from the default mechanical position on start up for my beam scan rectangle to be orthogonal to the stage axes. So my keyword looks like this:

ScanRotation=9.0      ; default scan rotation value to send on startup

Now, as for the [image] section of the probewin.ini file, that is specifically intended for analog image acquisition and stage extent calibration. That is, to calibrate the beam scan images to stage coordinates so each pixel in the BSE or SE image is absolutely registered to the stage coordinate system using a 2 or 3 point fiducial reference system.

The reason for doing this is so the stage acquired analysis positions are properly displayed on the analog signal images. Also it allows for precise alignment for creating automatic mosaics from random images or grids of images.

This requires that beam scan be calibrated in micron or mm stage units in X and Y and that also the scan rotation be specified. This is because although the instrument is supposed to keep the scan rotation constant as the mag is changed, there is often a small amount of scan rotation "drift" going through the different beam scan mag coils.

Previously, Probe for EPMA used a single calibration for the entire range, but now Probe for EPMA uses a similar calibration system to Probe Image, in that one may specify multiple beam scan calibrations over a range of magnifications and now, also the keV setting since that can sometimes also have a small effect on the beam scan calibration as well.

In Probe for EPMA these beam scan calibrations are specified in the [image] section of the Probewin.ini file as seen here for my old probewin.ini file:

ImageInterfaceImageIxIy=1.3333      ; SX100 Video Ix/Iy (4:3 for SX100)

ImageInterfaceCalXMicrons=943.8      ; SX100 Video X calibration in um
ImageInterfaceCalYMicrons=714.3      ; SX100 Video Y calibration in um

Note that because the IxIy image aspect ratio is not 1:1, the X and Y calibration must also be close to that ratio. Also, note that your Probewin.ini file might not have the "ImageInterfaceCalNumberOfBeamCalibrations" keyword, but it defaults to 1.

If you want to utilize additional calibration points, so for example, the software can interpolate different calibrations for different scan coils, that is done as shown here:

ImageInterfaceCalXMicrons="943.8,471,235.8"      ; SX100 Video X calibration in um
ImageInterfaceCalYMicrons="714.3,357,178.5"      ; SX100 Video Y calibration in um

Right now these are edited by hand, but Probe Software is working on a new and very slick set of code that allows the user to very easily calibrate beam scan images and automatically save the calibrations.

Note also that if more than one value is defined per keyword, the values must be comma separated and all enclosed in double quotes as shown above.  The reference manual has a short description of this here:

Let me know if you have further questions.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 02:19:16 PM by Probeman »
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2014, 10:31:39 PM »
For Cameca users:

PHAMultiChannelMin=0.805        ; Cameca MCA PHA minimum x-axis voltage
PHAMultiChannelMax=5.637        ; Cameca MCA PHA maximum x-axis voltage

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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2014, 12:33:37 PM »
Some new EDS-WDS integration parameters for Thermo and Bruker EDS systems as requested by Pinard (Bruker) and Seward (Thermo) in the [hardware] section of the Probewin.ini file:

This keyword indicates if the EDS detector hardware supports automatic insertion and retraction. The default is 0 for not present. Change to a non-zero vaue to indicate the insert/retract hardware is present.

The next keyword indicates that the maximum energy scale and pulse processing time is read/write. The default is 0 for not present. Change to a non-zero vaue to indicate the set/get max energy and pulse processing throughput hardware is present.

The EDSMCSInputsPresent keyword is used to set the WDS multi-channel spectrometer inputs for the proper element, x-ray and crystal in the Thermo or Bruker software, if the MCS hardware is present. Change to a non-zero vaue to indicate the MCS WDS inputs channel hardware is present.

See attached screenshot (remember to login to see attachments!)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 02:11:13 PM by John Donovan »
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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2014, 02:14:07 PM »
New keyword in the [software] section of the probewin.ini file to support new versions of STRATAGem* for thin film corrections:

This flag is used to add a “$End” statement at the end of the STRATAGem* import file. Beginning with version 6 of STRATAGem* a $End statement is required at the end of the import file.

However, versions of STRATAGem* prior to version 6 *cannot* have a $End statement at the end of the STRATAGem* import file according to JF Thiot. Whatever happened to backwards compatibility?

Anyway, the default STRATAGem* version is 6, so Probe for EPMA will add a $End statement to the end of the import file automatically, unless the STRATAGemVersion keyword in the Probewin.ini file [software] section is set to 4 or 5. Which means that users with older versions of STRATAGem* will have to edit their Probewin.ini files manually.

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« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 08:15:12 AM by John Donovan »
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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2015, 11:46:41 AM »
Ken Severin asks if there's a way to know which parameters in the Probewin.ini file are saved to one's probe database (MDB) and which are not...

Well, hard to say and it changes from time to time.  But here is a list of the current globals in an MDB file that are saved. Some of these are in the PROBEWIN.INI file and are therefore also saved to each probe run.  A few parameters from the MOTORS.DAT and SCALERS.DAT files are also saved.

Seward Edit: I took the liberty of removing the list of parameters from the body text and saving them to the attached file, for the sake of compactness! 
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 09:22:36 PM by Gseward »
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Re: PROBEWIN.INI file: Obsolete (and new) parameters
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2015, 09:36:34 PM »
Not sure why I didn't think of this before... but I'll soon add code to automatically add a keyword and the default value to the INI file if it isn't already there.


We'll still need this topic to learn about these new keywords, but at least we won't have to add the text by hand.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
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